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"SO...you agreed to be her fake boyfriend to make an ex jealous in the bar and then you...went home together?" morgan's mother questioned the pair, who were now sitting at the wooden kitchen table in the dining room.

morgan had explained their situation and why they needed to lay low for a few days, and his mother was walking back through it to make sure she understood.

anna threw her hands up over her face to hide a gasp at morgan's mother suggesting more of their relationship. morgan quickly silenced his mother with a wave of his hand.

"no, mama. well, yes, i mean that is what happened, but it wasn't like that. i slept on the floor, i promise i was a perfect gentleman." morgan defended himself. his mother raised an eyebrow at him.

"well, i'll be. he must really like you-" she started.

"mom!" morgan exclaimed out, effectively silencing his mother. she waved her hand through the air to dismiss him.

"well, i'm sorry for assuming it was your fault that you were in trouble but, most of the time it is. i just made up the bed in your room because i knew you'd be coming home soon so i'll let miss anna take that. you can take one of your sister's old rooms." his mother gave her son a sympathetic look but morgan didn't seem to be paying her any attention. he had already turned towards anna, his mouth open to ask her a question.

"you like pancakes? my mama makes the best pancakes." a soft smile touched anna's lips as she glanced over at morgan. he had leaned closer to her and a goofy smile rested on his lips. his eyes seemed to sparkle a little bit underneath the faint kitchen light.

anna could tell he was a mama's boy. not just that, he loved where he was from. his personality immediately seemed to glow brighter.

"i do like pancakes." anna replied, only causing the smile on his lips to brighten.


hours later, anna had settled in morgan's childhood bedroom. moonlight streamed through the gaps in the old farmhouse curtains, casting a silvery glow across anna's restless form. sleep wouldn't come. the silence was deafening, a stark contrast to the bustling city life she was accustomed to. here, in morgan's childhood home, nestled amidst rolling tennessee hills, crickets chirped and the occasional owl hooted a lullaby.

she tossed and turned, the events of the past few days replaying in her mind like a film reel on repeat. sneaking morgan, the biggest country music star in the world, back to her dorm room – a memory fueled by rum and desperation – had been one thing. but ending up at his childhood home, a guest in his parents' house, felt entirely surreal.

the guilt of it gnawed at her. initially, she'd gone along with the charade to avoid another run-in with her ex. but after their playful banter at the bar and the scene with the papparazzi unfolding at her apartment, things had gotten complicated. morgan, surprisingly down-to-earth and kind, had invited her to escape the city for a few days. now, lying awake his childhood bedroom, she felt like an intruder in his life story.

suddenly, a faint melody drifted up from downstairs. curiosity gnawed at her. slipping out of bed, she tiptoed down the creaky wooden stairs, the scent of honeysuckle and woodsmoke clinging to the air.

the back porch, bathed in moonlight, revealed a solitary figure. morgan sat on a rickety swing, his long legs stretched out, a guitar cradled in his lap. his fingers danced across the strings, weaving a melancholic melody into the night.

he looked up as she approached, a flicker of surprise followed by a warm smile.

"couldn't sleep either, huh?" he asked, his voice a husky whisper. anna shook her head, her gaze drawn to the way his fingers effortlessly produced the music.

"what are you playing?" her chuckled, a low rumble that resonated through her.

"just trying to put some words to a feeling." her heart skipped a beat.

"what feeling?" morgan gave her a weird look for a moment, almost as if he were deciding whether he wanted to let her listen just yet. finally, morgan strummed a few chords before starting to sing, his voice rich and raw, echoing through the stillness of the night.

"you say you need a couple credits 'fore they'll let you out of college, i bet you bought that beer with you daddy's card, you're looking like you probably get a little tired of all this, attention that you're getting when you go to the bar, we can take a different route, i know you're from a different town, but you're here for now, so whatcha say we get on out and see where this night leads?" a shiver ran down anna's spine.

the lyrics, raw and honest, were a mirror of their recent adventures. they held hope and longing for a future, two things that anna had no idea morgan had even thought about with her.

morgan stopped playing, his blue eyes holding hers in the moonlight.

"it's not finished yet," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "but you kind of... inspired it." anna's cheeks flushed. while she knew she had to have been the inspiration, it felt different coming from morgan's lips.

"really? so you don't meet a lot of college girls and pretend to be their boyfriend?" the dim porch light glinted in morgan's eye as he glanced sideways and smiled awkwardly, suddenly questioning if singing his new lyrics for her had been the right choice.

morgan's songwriting process was sacred to him, as it was to most other songwriters and he didn't like letting people hear his pre-polished work.

almost as if she could read his mind and sense his sudden discomfort, she cleared her throat and moved to sit right next to him on the swing.

"i'm sorry, it's just kinda funny, ya know? i read these cheesy romance books and watch countless rom-coms, but the second my life turns into one, i don't know how to act." anna chuckled awkwardly to herself at having admitted something personal to morgan. his gaze returned to hers.

"isn't it like every girl's dream to live one of those things?" morgan questioned her, a playful grin back on his face now.

"well, yeah. duh." anna replied, shrugging her shoulders slightly.

"if this were a rom-com, what would happen next?" morgan questioned her.

"well, it depends what kind of rom-com, i guess. we'd probably dance out here to some old country song, at the end of which you'd kiss me for the first time-" morgan rested a hand on her arm.

"wait, i like that kind. let's do that." morgan replied eagerly, the words not entirely registering in anna's mind.

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