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"HOW did they find me? nobody knows my name at the bar except charlie and he would never do this. he would never turn you or me over to the paparazzi, i swear-," anna was pacing her room now.

she was utterly embarrassed at the situation, feeling as though morgan would think of her as just another fan now and turn away from her.

she wasn't convinced of those feelings either, and she wasn't entirely sure that they weren't partly due to the remaining rum in her system. she had started this night indifferent to morgan wallen and all that came with him, but now that she had experienced some of his charm, she could feel herself developing feelings for the man.

but once again, she wasn't entirely sure that those weren't due to her rum and coke, and she decided that she didn't want to explore that right now.

morgan watched her with a slightly amused expression on his face. his half grin was telling rachel everything she needed to know about the two's relationship so far.

morgan liked her.

once the pair had gotten over the initial shock of the situation, and rachel had been roused from her tequila-induced slumber, the three convened in rachel's room as it didn't border an outside wall.

"ben knew. he knows where you live too. you know he's behind this." rachel interjected. anna stopped pacing and her face fell as she realized that rachel was right.

"son of a-," anna started.

"hey, relax, okay? i'm not mad about any of this and i'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. i've got a place to go for a few days while things calm down a little bit. these things never last more than a day; the people with the cameras only care about things they can get their hands on." morgan interjected this time, his tone lighter than anna's. his hands were splayed behind him and he was leaning his weight back on rachel's bed. from this angle, his biceps were flexed and anna was getting a great view of his big arms.

once again, she blamed the remaining buzz from the rum and coke.

morgan's eyes, however, were soft as they watched her. he had sensed her emotions and knew how she must be feeling.

her chest warmed at his words, intentional or not. his thick accent clouded his speech and her ears were still struggling to keep up, as she wasn't used to a true country accent, but she was hanging onto his every word.

"are you sure you can go somewhere they can't get you?" morgan nodded his head eagerly at her question.

"oh, you're coming with me. we'll go for the weekend and by the time we're back, they will have forgotten all about us." morgan assured her, chuckling lightly as her face fell once again.


several protests on anna's part later and one extra-oversized fur coat of rachel's led to anna sitting in her car, a newer jeep grand cherokee overland. morgan sat in the passenger seat, baseball cap still pulled tightly down over a long blonde wig. an eccentric scarf was wrapped around his neck and the skin of his face was hardly visible at all.

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