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MORGAN moved the guitar from his lap and started to stand before she had time to process his words. her mouth dropped open slightly and she had to put her hand over it to stop a squeal from escaping.

a hot blush was creeping up her neck and into her cheeks and she prayed that morgan wouldn't notice.

he extended his hand down to her to help her up, all the while giving her a goofy grin.

he pressed play to a song on his phone, almost as if he had been anticipating this moment, before setting it back down on the wooden railing of the porch. his arm snaked around her waist and he pulled her tightly to his chest.

without thinking, she relaxed into his touch. she rested her head on his chest and let his body move hers. their hands were clasped together tightly, and morgan pressed his large fingers in between hers.

the two swayed under the porch to a slow song that, not surprisingly, anna had never heard.

"how's that rom-com going so far? think you'd watch it again?" morgan broke their comfortable silence. a smile that had never really left her lips brightened.

"it's my favorite one." she replied against his chest. he pulled away from her slightly, only enough to peer down at her face. 

"you're beautiful, anna." his compliment rustled butterflies deep in her chest. the way he said it, like he had always thought that and only just now thought to speak the words resonated within her. it felt comfortable, it felt familiar.

the blush was now bright red in her cheeks and morgan liked the way she looked. having only know her for a little while, he had discovered she was one who liked to be in control of things.

her life, her relationships, her apartment: she was always the one leading the show.

but morgan had stepped in and was now leading her along gently. he could tell she wasn't sure that she was comfortable with the idea yet, or if she even realized what was happening.

but now, as her cheeks flushed and her eyes darted across his face, he found he enjoyed leading her along.

for once, he was in control and he was making her happy. he wanted to keep doing that. he would do anything if he got to see her like this again.

"what if the guy doesn't want to wait until the end of the song to kiss the girl? will that mess up the story?" morgan asked her, his thumb brushing against her hot cheek. the feeling of her burning skin made his smile deepen. her lips parted and she hesitated for a moment.

"maybe we should find out?" she questioned him. there was a light questioning tone to her voice, like she wasn't entirely sure that this was real.

his touch sent a jolt through her, erasing any remaining doubt about the attraction simmering beneath the surface. they were worlds apart – a college student drowning in textbooks and a country music superstar living the fast life. yet, here they were, connected by a ploy for revenge and sudden unborn emotions.

his lips curved into a slow smile, a spark of excitement igniting in his blue eyes. he leaned in, and their lips met in a kiss that was both tentative and demanding. it was a kiss born of newfound courage, fueled by the moonlight and the shared secrets of the night.

the melody he'd been composing faded from their minds, replaced by a symphony of emotions playing out in the silent exchange.

he pulled back, his forehead resting against hers.

"this doesn't have to be anything grand," he murmured, his voice husky. "but if you're willing, i'd like to see where this little melody takes us." anna felt a smile bloom on her face.

"me too," she breathed, the words carrying the weight of a thousand unspoken possibilities.

they sat in comfortable silence for a while, lost in the quiet intimacy of the moment. the crickets chirped their lullaby, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the surrounding trees.

it was a world away from the flashing lights and screaming crowds morgan was used to.

"so," he finally spoke, a playful glint in his eyes, "tell me more about this city life you left behind."

and so, the night unfolded in a symphony of shared stories. anna laughed as she described her chaotic apartment and the eccentric professor who taught her molecular cellular biology.

morgan, in turn, regaled her with tales of life on the road, the grueling tour schedules, and the loneliness that often accompanied fame.

as the hours slipped by, they discovered a deep connection that transcended their different worlds. they found a rhythm in their conversations, a shared sense of humor, an understanding that went beyond the surface.

finally, the first rays of dawn peeked over the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. the air grew cooler, and a sleepy yawn escaped anna's lips.

"maybe," morgan suggested, with a lopsided grin, "we should get some sleep before your 'real life' comes crashing down." anna stood up, feeling a pang of regret at the thought of the day breaking.

"yeah, probably."

morgan followed her inside, the warmth of his body a comforting presence beside her on the creaky stairs. he stopped at the door to her room, a question lingering in his eyes.

anna leaned in, her heart pounding in her chest.

"goodnight, morgan," she whispered, her lips brushing against his cheek.

he turned her towards him, his hand cupping her face.

"goodnight, anna," he murmured, his voice husky with unspoken desire. then, he leaned in, his lips meeting hers one last time. this kiss was different – slow, deep, and filled with a promise of what could be.

anna pulled away, her breath hitching in her throat. the electricity that sparked between them was undeniable. this wasn't just a fleeting encounter anymore. they had crossed a line, and the path forward was uncertain but thrilling.

slipping into bed, anna closed her eyes. the moonlight painted silver patterns on the ceiling, and the faint melody of morgan's unfinished song echoed in her mind. sleep finally claimed her, but it was a restless sleep, filled with dreams of moonlight, music, and the possibility of a love story blossoming in the most unexpected of places.

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