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"Vox, was that Alastor?"

Vox quickly turned away from the watch's screen, inspecting Estella's expression before replying. Seeing as she looked more intrigued than angered, he decided to answer truthfully.

"Uh, y-yeah. That was Alastor alright," making a mental note to slap himself in the screen for stuttering in Estella's presence, he quickly averted his gaze.

Estella hummed in thought, before looking back at the flustered Vox. Taking a step closer until they were directly in front of one another. She placed a finger under his supposedly chin, tilting it up, forcing him to look at her. Since she was shorter than him by a foot, he was now currently looking down at her, in a position she did not quite enjoy, for it felt like she wasn't the one in control. But only this once, would she allow it.

"I ask a favor," she started, looking straight into his digital eyes.

"A favor?" He asked, confusion written all over his face.

"Yes. As it was part of our deal— was it not? I help run your business while you and the others grant me a favor each time of my choosing," Vox's eyes widened at that. Surely, she wasn't going to ask him to do something out of character— right?

He hesitantly nodded, looking anywhere but her.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you."

His eyes snapped towards her own violet ones. Oh how he could inverse himself within them for eternity.

"I don't ask for much, Vox. But I ask you this— stay out of businesses in which don't concern you. If possible, try not to engage with Alastor. He is under my control and protection— and so are you," she added the last bit gentler than her earlier authoritative tone.

Vox paused in his tracks.

What did she mean by 'he is under my control'?

Whenever he tried to think of the meaning behind those words, all he could think was that Alastor and her made a deal.

Although him and the Radio Demon were no longer on good terms, he knew Alastor on a personal level from their once close friendship back in time. Surely, Alastor wasn't stupid enough to make a deal with the fallen angel. But yet, he himself agreed to make a deal with her. He was in no position to judge Alastor's choices and actions he partook when even he himself did the same thing.

But what ever could have driven Alastor to the point in which he couldn't refuse a deal with Estella?

Power, would be Vox's first guess since after all the years of knowing his once close friend. He remembered the two of them, always seeking for more power in hopes of becoming the most feared Overlords in all of the denizens in Hell. But in the end, they went their separate ways, their paths slowly weaving into different directions until they lost contact and became who they were now.

But could there possibly be another factor in why Alastor had made a deal with her?

Yes, there were many other theories in which might have pushed Alastor to the point of making a disastrous decision.


The woman herself was enough to make anyone's thoughts and opinions sway to her desire. She was one of the reasons as to why  Vox had so stupidly made a deal in which he could not back out from. Her enticing aura and sweet melodic voice was enough to make his thoughts fuzzy.

Perhaps that was what happened to Alastor. He got stuck in her web and agreed to the deal.

But of course, Vox still didn't know if Alastor made a deal with her or not— it was just a theory from how she phrased her words.

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