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Estella and Alastor silently walked along the sidewalk, side by side, neither one of them striking up a conversation, whilst the Egg Boiz chatted amongst themselves, not acknowledging the two's presence. Alastor mostly looked straight ahead, his smile closed while he kept his hands placed behind him, but a few times, he would steal small glances at the fallen angel beside him, noticing the way she so elegantly held herself, her hips slightly swaying side to side, the soft wind unfurling her hair causing it to blow past her face, capturing the most beautiful view he had ever seen. Everything about her was just perfect.

Sometimes she would catch him glancing at her, giving a soft smile whenever she did, causing a fluttering feeling in his chest, and his face to redden.

The way she looked at him was something he never knew he needed. The feeling of her attention solely on him was something rather pleasurable and satisfying, just the thought of her sharing her attention towards someone else other than him caused a feeling to stir within him— envy.

But then, the harsh reality crashed down upon him.

She had ownership over his soul.

The sole reason he was graced with her presence and had the honor to walk alongside her was because he gave up something of him to her.

She was the reason he couldn't reach his full potential.

And because power was something he desperately desired, he wanted it back. No— he needed his soul back.

No matter how flattering or stunning she was, the need for power out ruled his need to claim her for himself.

Suddenly, he thought back to what could've brought her here to the hotel. It was obvious, really, that it was because of him. Not that lame excuse of being 'Charlie's guardian '— no. He knew behind every actions of hers held a secret motive. Being there to lookout for the Princess of Hell was merely an excuse she conjured up to get close to him. Whether she had Lucifer's words to back her up, he knew she was here for him, to ensure he didn't make a risky move that might cause problems for herself or them.

Alastor had a plan since the very beginning. Ever since he saw the fiasco on the picture show, starring the absolutely naive and optimistic girl who had a very unrealistic dream she wishes to achieve, he knew just then, how he could possibly gain an upper hand in this little game he got himself wrapped in.

But here she was, weaseling into his life once again to ruin it all. He just knew she was there to prevent him making any types of deals with the princess.

It was getting frustrating, knowing he wasn't the one fully in charge anymore whenever she chose to step into the room he occupied. The way the other residents would give her wary looks and silently backed up caused by her threatening aura, knowing he did not have that effect on the others drove him mad.

But when she suddenly decided to start a conversation, he was quick to snap out of his thoughts and all of his pondering instantly vanished, the once unfriendly thoughts in his mind was replaced by the words she said out loud next, his mind repeating them over and over again and again, captivated by her melodic voice she carried.

"Alastor?" She tried again, seeing as the red demon beside her wasn't responding to her question.

She silently watched as Alastor regained himself, blinking once or twice before turning his head to face her, his smile everlasting but his eyes held a different emotion within them. Estella looked closer, noticing his dial-like eyes slightly dilate upon landing on her form, and from what she could see, his eyes held the look of confusion written in them. What could Alastor be perplexed about, she wondered, her attention shifting back to Alastor's voice.

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