Chapter 6

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Kelsey woke up still laying on the table strapped down. Everything still hurt. It always hurt. Her breathing was heavy and she felt really groggy. She heard a click.

"5:28" Arnim announced like it was an achievement. Maybe it was, but not for her. She moved her head around to look at her surroundings, her fight or flight on high alert.

"We shall move on to the next round" Arnold voice again but it was colder, more hollow.

Kelsey shook her head and pleaded for them not to touch her. "Please... I can't do that again... I'm begging you."

As Arnim got closer she cried out of fear. "This process will not take long"

"Please. I ca- I can't do it." She was ugly crying now. Tears flowing steadily down the sides of her face falling onto the table. She was so weak and vulnerable. She cried and cried until Arnim picked up another needle. This time it was bigger and filled with a blue liquid. As he approached Kelsey she begged for mercy but it never came.

As the needle entered Kelsey's skin once again she felt pain begin to creep through her. Her head began pounding. She screamed Bloody Mary until someone who she couldn't see due to her blurred vision put a ball gag in her mouth, muffling the screams.

She passed out once again. The same time as the last the scientists would wait for her to wake up and record the time. This time however, they took blood. This repeated for hours. Torture, test, pass out, repeat. She was weak and frail and beginning to lose hope.

Finally mercy was given as she was unstrapped from the table roughly and dragged down cold hallways back to her cell. Pain still stayed but it was a familiarity to her now. She ended up falling asleep or blacking out she couldn't figure out which one it was.

Kelsey, her mother, and her father walked along the shore of the beach that sat near their neighborhood. Kelsey was five. She was innocent; no knowledge of the world that would make her worry. This was the last time she would see her mother alive. The time before her mother would die in their house but Kelsey's father would refuse Kelsey being able to see her mother in such a state.

Kelsey's mother held her daughters hand on the left and her husbands on the right. She was happy to have these moments of freedom and joy. The family didn't own much but that wasn't what mattered. Her family owned dozens of memories some families would long for.

Kelsey's mother had a coughing fit. These happened too often for Kelsey to not notice. She had asked multiple times before what was wrong but she never got a straight answer.

Kelsey ran out into the ocean and she felt cold water splash over her face.

Kelsey woke up to frigid water being thrown onto her.

"Get up."

Fuck. Mrs. Zola. Again. Kelsey shivered off the grogginess as two guards unchained her and grabbed her arms lifting her up, out of the cell.

Her breathing was sharp, each breathe piercing knives through her lungs.

"Where the hell am I going?"

"I wouldn't worry about that."

They carried her down hallways that seemed endless until they reached a room with another table. The table was joined with multiple leather straps on each side to tie down the experiment. Kelsey. Kelsey was the experiment.

"What the hell are you going to do?"

Slap. Kelsey's cheek stung as Mrs Zola disciplined her.

"Shut the hell up." Mrs Zolas voice was cold and mean. There was darkness and emptiness behind her voice. "Put the gag in. I don't want to deal with her screaming and crying."

One of the gaurds forced Kelsey onto the table and proceeded to tie her down. One strap after the other. Kelsey counted how many restraints she had. There were 7 in total. 2 on her ankles, 2 on her wrists, 1 across her legs, 1 across her stomach, and 1 on her forehead. The guard then proceeded to follow Mrs Zolas orders and place a piece of cloth in Kelsey's mouth as a gag.

Kelsey could feel the restraints cut into her skin making a stinging feeling all over her body. The gag in her mouth cut into the corners of her mouth.

"Are we ready Schwester/sis?" Arnim stood on the tip toes of his feet eager to begin his new project.

"We can begin" Mrs Zola held that same stature but more elegant. She was eager but leaned her head forward.

Why was this experiment different than the one they had done hours before? What made it so special?

Kelsey's whole body shook when a needle appeared in Arnim's hand. She tried to shake her head but the restraints kept her from moving so the best she could do was mumble the words "no, please" over and over again. Tears streamed down Kelsey's face which flowed down to the table creating a pool of her tears. As Arnim inserted the needle Kelsey closed her eyes and imagined she was somewhere else. She held the memorize of her somewhere else as long as she could before they were taken over by pain. Screeching pain.

It didn't stop there. She could hear something that sounded like metal machinery move towards her head and wrap itself around her head. She couldn't do anything but scream into the cloth as the people around her watched and observed joyfully at their experiment.

That's when she felt it. Her mind slipping away slightly. It wasn't a lot, but it was enough for her to forget her earliest and most important memories. She felt the memories of her mom slip away. Her dad. Then more began to leave without her control. She couldn't remember where she was from or what her favourite food was. Shit. The forgetting continued as her last memory of her mother slipped away. Then it was gone... all of it. Not a single memory or piece of knowledge left. She was a blank slate.


Hey everyone!!! Sorry this took so long to
write but I rly hope you enjoyed it and let me know if there is anything I should change/update!! And as always feel free to answer the questions below!!

1. How is everyone?

2. Any advice/constructive criticism?

3. What's everyone's favourite artist?

4. Love interest for the book?

Tyyyy that's all!! Ly 3000❤️❤️❤️

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