Chapter 2

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*pls ignore the fact that this story is getting changed from 3rd person pov to 1st person pov

November 8th 1940

"NO! You're not going! You're not leaving me here!!" She screamed at her father as he stood in the dining room they once laughed in.

"Kels, I have too. I need to protect our country."
He's dressed in a green army uniform and a look of despair on his face.

"Why you? You have to look after me!" Her face is covered in tears. She hates him for this. Her only family is leaving.

"Munchkin, you'll be fine till I get back" he tries to comfort her. He steps forward and tries to hug her but she steps back.

"Please don't go. Please..." she cries. Her hands shake from everything that's happening.

He hugs me tightly like it's the last time we'll see each other. "I'll be back as soon as I can ok munchkin? And I'll write to you as much as they let me, I promise."

"I'm gonna miss you." She doesn't let go. She stands there while he holds her, making sure she know he loves her.

"I have to go kiddo. Stay out of trouble please." He gives her one last giant hug before heading towards the door.

"Bye dad." She hates this. She hates goodbyes. She wants to go back to when her, her mom, and her dad used to play games in the yard together. She'd rather be anywhere other than here. She wishes the war would stop. She would do anything for it to stop.


December 25th 1940

Christmas this year didn't come with presents or hugs or laughter or anything that it used to. It came with nothing. Absolutely nothing. No one to talk to. Nothing to open. Nothing to eat.
She hadn't eaten in days other than bits of stale bread. She's running low on money and no one will hire me. The only thing keeping me company is the low crackling of the fire place going.

I sit in the living room with a cup of hot water - I couldn't afford actual tea - until I hear someone at the door banging furiously. It sounds like they're serious or angry or both. She can't really tell. She opens the old splintered door and it reveals a mailman. The only person she really talks to. He has scraggly hair that is never neat and a satchel that makes him lopsided due to its weight. He's quite nice really today however, he seems different, somethings off. His eyes are a different pained and his smile lines are non existent.

He holds out an envelope. The one everyone dreads. As her hand grabs it it seems to have more weight than a usual envelope. Not like the ones that contain letters from her dad. This one is the kind that would make even the strongest people throw up. She thinks she might. She closes the door on the mailman, not able to talk. Her mouth is dry and her legs are jelly.

She peels open the envelope to reveal what she waited for every day but never came until today. She pulls out a browning piece of paper with "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" stamped on the top. Each word of the letter is like a bullet wound in the same spot over and over and over and over.

Dear Friends and Family of Mr. Richard Beck,

It is with our deepest sorrow that on the 23rd of December 1940 Richard Beck was sent to battle and but never returned. His body was later discovered in the trenches of France bordering Germany. Please note that he died with honour and with purpose and dignity. He was beloved by all his comrades and we shall cherish this fallen soldier. On behalf of the US goverment our condolences are sent.

Colonel S. Bernard

He's gone. That's it. She has no one to help her on this. She's alone. She is officially an orphan. And all she got was a crappy letter that has probably been copied a thousand times over. What does she do next? Orphanage? Live on the streets? She won't make it. She can't. Kelsey's thoughts are a whirlwind; one where you would get whiplash if you stepped foot in it.

With nothing to do and nowhere to go and. The very high possibility she will die before she sees her 16th birthday she leaves. She walks into downtown New York. While she's there she sees men and women talking, smiling, giggling, some are sad too but most are happy. She can't even look at the men, they should have died instead of her father. The only one she had left. Had. What a weird word she thinks. It's so insignificant until it's past tense until something is gone. She never thought she would say "had" more than she does. She had a dad. She had a mom. She had people who loved her. Now she is nobody.

Kelsey continues down the street, keeping her head down. She walks by bar fights and little kids crying. She wonders if they're crying the same reason she secretly is.

She ends up finding a small alleyway where she hopefully won't be bothered. She would love to sleep in a bed but she can't step foot in her own house anymore. There's just too many memories and it's haunted. Her parents are there but she can't feel them or talk to them or even hear them. They are dead. She must've repeated that 1000 times to remind herself that she can't run to dad anymore. She has only herself. She must've repeated that a million times just trying to convince herself she could do this.

As night falls Kelsey starts to regret this but sticks it out; she ends up drifting off at 1 am after the hours of no sleep and rattling of trash cans from raccoons keep her awake. She prays that she can get some sleep. Even just a little..


Yayyy chapter 2!!! I can't believe it I'm rly enjoying writing these. I hope you are all enjoying this!! I put some questions for ppl to answer so I can write better.

1. Any constructive criticism?? (It's always appreciated)

2. Who should be the love interest?

3.Is the story moving too fast? It'll get a bit slower when we get to the more action packed parts

4. How is everybody?

Ly all 3000❤️

TikTok: Marveleditsss2003

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