Chapter 5

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Kelsey must've have passed out at some point because she woke up extremely disoriented and exhausted sometime later. Her head was still pounding. Her mind wandered trying to sew together everything that happened before she was unconscious.

It hits her like a ton of bricks. Her dad. Her dad was killed in front of her. She watched him die. Her dad was dead. Her dad. Was. Dead.
Why was it so much harder to comprehend now then it was before? Is it because she didn't have to watch? Is it because there was a letter?

She wished her mind to stop working like how it is and slow down. She couldn't keep up with every thought.

She finally took in her surroundings. A dark, cold concrete cell will bars on the front. One window which was also barred up with rusting bars. Luckily she was given a small small room for a bathroom. The bathroom looked disgusting and filthy, but it was something. The cuffs on her hands and ankles dug into her skin making any movement be brought with pain.

She felt like she was going to pass out she was so tired and weak. She didn't know what she was going to eat either. She hasn't eaten in a few days.

Her thoughts are interrupted by the cell door opening and 2 guards and Miss Zola enter.

"lass uns gehen/let's go" Miss Zola snarled at the guard to unchain Kelsey. Miss Zola stared Kelsey down as the guard undid the chains that tied her to the wall. Once the chains were undone dark red marks were revealed around Kelsey's wrists and ankles. That was THE moment. The moment Kelsey knew what her life would be. The unimaginable pain she would be brought. The moment she realized that HYDRA only wanted her to be used as an object. In HYDRA's book she was nothing more than a pawn in a game she was forced to play.

The moment lingered with her as she was forced down hallways and pass doors that led to nightmares. Her mind was numb and wandering until they opened the door to reveal what looked like a metal table.

The table also had thick leather straps on the sides where her ankles, wrists, and stomach would be. Fuck. They were going to tie her down and experiment on her. Perhaps this was THE moment. Maybe there would be multiple.

She struggled against the guard forcing her forward only for her actions to be returned by a strong punch to her stomach. She was reluctant but didn't fight as they tied her down. Now only did she realize that there were at least half a dozen scientists in this room. Almost all of them had clipboards to write down their observations. Observations on her. Kelsey's heart was beating so fast she thought it might explode. It picked up even faster when Miss Zola was handed a needle.

The needle was filled with some sort of clear liquid that looked like water but scared her nonetheless. Miss Zola's face was lit up with joy and excitement.

"Well everyone thank you for being here for what we believe is the beginning of history and only just the beginning for new breed of soldiers."
The scientists clapped almost absentmindedly like they had done this before.

Kelsey was shaking as the needle was brought closer to her. She silently begged for it never to hit her skin but it did. The needle pierced her skin causing her to wince slightly at the pinch. That wasn't the worst pain however. The worst pain was the after effects. A burning pain shot through her whole body like she was on fire. She screamed. She screamed so loud she thought her vocal cords were surely going to give out. The leather straps held her down as she kicked and writhed on pain begging for any sort of relief.

She cried for her parents and cried for it to stop. It only did when she fell unconscious. Her whole world fell into a pit of darkness with nothing to see. She wanted to die. Why couldn't she die. Just let me die!! She thought so loud she figured someone would hear her. But of course no one could hear the thoughts of the unconscious girl on the table.



1. What'd you think of this chapter??

2. Who should be the love interest (if any)

3. Any constructive criticism?

4. How is everybody's week?

5. Should Kelsey meet Red Skull?

Thanks so much guys love you 3000❤️❤️

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