Chapter 9

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Fuck her head hurt. Her whole body hurt. Her shoulder creaked as she lifted herself up off the bed. Not her bed, she didn't have one. She want to feel her head for injuries but they were pulled down by leather straps that matched the ones on her ankles. "The fuck?" Her surroundings didn't match anything she'd been in before, she was in a tent. Her mind wouldn't shut down, it wouldn't stop thinking of scenarios she was in. She sat there for more than 40 min panicking and shaking, tired from holding back tears.

The flap in the tent opened and out walked a man with brown hair and blue eyes, he wore a tattered up army uniform with the US flag on it, the man from the cell. Kelsey's eyes widened and she was panicking to the point of hyperventilating. "Wha-wh-" she couldn't get a full word out before you were rushed by another breath. "Calm down, no one is going to hurt you. You're out of there, they're gone." The man leaned forward to put his hand on her arm only to second guess himself.

Kelsey was shaking so much the frame of the bed shook with her, "I'm not supposed to do this but hang on one second." He pulled out a knife in his pocket, the shine from the hilt made her feel trapped; she closed her eyes and waited until the familiar feeling. Instead, he cut the straps off of her, freeing her so she wasn't trapped. "I need you to breathe ok? Breathe. Just slowly" she followed his motions "ok, good" her breathing returned to normal "better?" She nodded her eyes bloodshot.

"I'm gonna bring someone in, we just need to figure out what's going on. I'm Bucky by the way." Bucky stood up and walked out. He couldn't get it off his mind how in the cell she was strong, but here, she couldn't get a word out.

Bucky came back in with two people a man in a brighter and more colourful suit than the other one who was in the same uniform as Bucky but with more badges. "Kelsey, I'm Steve Rogers" holy fuck that was captain America "and I'm Colonol Phillips." She knows. She would hear the guards talk about them and how one day they would be her mission. "Hi" was all she could get out "Kelsey can we ask you some questions?" Captain America stood over her unmenacingly. Doesn't seem like he has a bad bone in his body.

"Ok, sure" her voice shook more than she wanted it to. She was taught to never show signs of fear.
"Is there anything and I mean anything that you think we should know about HYDRA. Missions, projects, ambushes? Anything." The captain was so gentle with his words, like they would break. She thought about everything she'd seen, trying to skip the bad things. "Yes, there's a project. They're trying to recreate super soldiers. That's why they captured so many soldiers." The captain and Bucky looked at each other.

"How far along are they with this?" Kelsey stared at the colonel, she didn't want to say it. She didn't want them to know she was an experiment. As far as Bucky knew she was just a prisoner there too. "Very, human trials. They haven't had a lot of survivors but one." Her hands were shaking. She was dragging it out too long. Saying it would just mean she finally acknowledged it to herself. "Do you know what happened to them so far?" The captains eyes were so comforting, but that didn't mean she was comforted. Questions ran through her head like an Olympic marathon. What if they experimented on her next? What if HYDRA found out what she told them? She would be punished beyond belief.

"Hello? Kelsey?" She had zoned out. "I'm the one. The one survivor." The air stopped. The air in her lungs, the air around her. It stopped. The silence was maddening. Bucky finally broke the silence "so, when you came back to your cell, they had just..." he trailed off, refusing the thought of her being experimented on. "No, it was training. First aid and pain tolerance. That's why I had the wound." He pulled in a sharp breath "wound?" The colonel asked so she pulled the shirt she was given down a little to reveal her half-assed stitching. "Fuck. We'll get someone to take a look at that" telling by his voice, Kelsey hadn't done the best job stitching herself up.

"Ok, well I think that's enough for now. We can ask more later. Barnes and Roger's here will take you to where you'll stay. You'll be sharing a tent with the women here and we'll get you some more clothes." He gets halfway out before turning around "One last thing. Do you by chance know your last name?" She took a minute to dig into her mind and find it "Bel-no, Beck? Beck." She watched as the Colonels face fell and then he left without another word.



Ik it's been a while but I'm back!!
Ly all❤️

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2. Any criticism? are you guys?

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