chapter 1

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"Why will you marry me?" she sobbed, pledging her heart and soul. asking her husband. "Did you only use me for my body and my emotions?"
Veer remained silent. "Did you ever really love me?" she asked, her voice trembling with tears.
"Did I ever say I loved you?" he replied in a cold tone. "Yes, I used your body and took advantage of your emotions," he admitted. How could he say such things? What was he thinking?
The walls of the room seemed to be closing in on me. Inside, I felt a growing sense of anger. If I didn't regain control quickly, I felt like I would explode and destroy everything around me.
I felt anger towards my fate and my parents. Why have I never experienced love in my life?

She glared at Veer with a burning intensity. "I have a choice," she declared, her voice steady despite the turmoil within.

Veer met her gaze, a flicker of curiosity in his eyes. "What choice?" he asked, his tone laced with disdain.

"I've made a decision. I choose my career, not my husband," she said firmly.

Veer's eyes darkened with anger. "Don't you dare. You'll see the worst of me," he warned, his voice low and threatening.

Richel felt a wave of sorrow wash over her. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, feeling a deep sense of self-pity. Why had she married this man? If her family hadn't pressured her, none of this would have happened.

Determined to reclaim her life, Richel packed her things and left the house. Veer stood silently, watching her go without a word.

I reached my home after some time and saw my mom looking sad, sitting beside my dad. They looked at me and asked why I was there. I couldn't believe their question. They didn't seem to understand my condition, the beatings and the slaps from Veer. I couldn't comprehend what kind of parents they were. A tear rolled down my cheek as I wiped it away. I went to my mom and told her that I had left him. Her response was unexpected. She asked if I knew what I had done and if I only cared about myself. I couldn't understand and looked at my father, but he remained silent. I wondered why this was happening.

Then, my brother came and held my hand, calling me "Princess." He reassured me and said I didn't need to worry. He took me to his room, and I cried on his shoulder. It was the first time someone had spoken to me so kindly. I felt comforted as I cried even louder. This was the first time in a year that I felt this way. This was a forced marriage, and I felt caged, and treated like I was in hell. I don’t know i just love this men who have Darkness.  He just play with my emotion.  Why he just don't tell his darkness

Flashback: A Year Ago

A year ago, Richel was a 23-year-old with dreams and aspirations. She didn't understand why her family was forcing her into a marriage she didn't want. She felt caged, her life turned into a living hell by a decision that was never hers to make.

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