Chapter 4

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Yellow Glasses

"Did you eat your breakfast before going here fixing your bike?"

Minu stops what he's doing and turns to look at me.

"Going to school already? It's still too early." I shrug at him and put my arms across my chest.

"I want to walk to school today, that's why."

"Oh okay. Let me finish this one before showering."

"Suit yourself, dude."

Before I could walk away, I heard a loud honk of a car. I turn to see a girl wearing Sunny High's uniform, with a hair with the same color as Minu.

Yuna Yoon.

"You're early." Minu said as he faced his twin sister. And here I am again, eavesdropping on their conversation. Might as well go on my way now.

"Minu, I'm going. You and Jay better not be late." He looks back at me and waves his hand.

"Oh, take care." I nodded my head before looking at Yuna and bowed a little.

A breeze of cool air welcomed me as I was walking down the street. I noticed that there are so many dark alleyways from here and there but I didn't pay them no mind. I focus in front of me and walk casually with my two hands gripping my bag. Ahh, should I ask Auntie or Uncle for a bike next time?

Mm, what will I do now? Things will officially start when the League of Street comes in. Any day by now, Minu will try creating his new crew with Jay. June, Dom and Shelly will join also, with Vinny completing the team.

Shelly? Ah, if my memory serves me right, around this time also when Jay saves her from some pickpockets. My other ship is on the way, lol, haha. Sadly, we're not in the same class.

I was busy thinking of ways that'll help me survive in this world when someone bumped into me that i literally fell down the cold floor. I thought the one who bumped me will at least help me get up but turns out he just passed by me and went ahead on his way.

"Hey, you who bumped onto me, stop!" I shouted, calling his attention. Yes, he's a guy because a mere woman won't be able to bump with me with her hard body, but a man can do it.

The guy finally stopped walking and I took that chance to stand up and walk towards him.

"Say sorry." I said with a serious tone in my voice. I waited for a few seconds but he really didn't say it. He can't even face me.

"I said, say sorry!" I exclaimed and grabbed his shoulder to make him face me. But I stopped when I saw his emotionless face. I immediately step back when he speaks.

"Why would I? You're the one who's busy daydreaming in the middle of the street not minding your surroundings." I gulped when his eyes met mine. Even if he's wearing yellow sunglasses, I can feel myself getting more and more uncomfortable by the way he looks at me.

It feels like he's looking directly at my soul.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" That's when I came back to my senses and threw a glare at him. I'm proud of myself, I can still glare at him even if I'm kinda nervous right now because of his eyes.

"Say sorry already and we're done. You're the one who bumped onto me. You should've just walked the other direction than bumping me on purpose."

I saw him raise his one eyebrow with what I said. "Are you being serious right now? You should've actually thanked me because I got you back to your senses. You almost bumped into a post, dummy."

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