Chapter 8

141 11 3

Vinny Hong

Mahon Jo, my adoptive father.

I can't remember how he found me and why he suddenly thought of adopting a kid. I tried asking about that thing yesterday to Uncle, but he also doesn't know the reason why. From what he said, my father adopted me when he was in Japan. He came back to Korea with me already, and focused on putting a 'Jo' on my name while we were here. That day when I woke up late in the morning, it was not because of Dom shouting outside the house saying he got a bike for 50,000 Won.

It was because of the memories that suddenly flooded in my mind that night that I couldn't sleep at all. My memories here when I was a kid, with a kid Jay, and with my father, Mahon.

I cried like a baby that night. I sobbed while hugging one of my pillows tightly while also replaying all the memories that flooded in my mind. I literally bawled my eyes out until my throat became dry, and I even went to the kitchen to drink some water for me to calm down. I couldn't sleep at all. Who would be?

But the weird thing is that, I can't remember any memories I had when I was in Japan. I can't remember anything about that place. Did I meet Kazuma and Kaneshiro there? Did I go and play with the Kazuma crew when they were still children? I don't know, I can't remember. All I can remember is my stay here in Korea, and it started when my father and I arrived at the airport, him crying so bad in front of Heri-noona, saying that he's sorry about Kazuma.

I sighed when I remembered our conversation last night. Turns out my father had an apartment, and it was already abandoned for 5 years now. Uncle gave me the key of the said apartment yesterday, saying that I'll be the one to decide on what I will do to it. And last night, I've decided already.

I'm gonna live there. But not now, I still have some things to do before moving out.

I came back to my senses when I heard someone knocked on my door.

"Y/n, you awake?" It's Jay.


"We'll wait for you, go and take a bath already."


I sighed. Then, I guess, I'll talk to my Uncle the next time I see him to tell him my decision.


"Holy crap... I'm so jealous! I can't believe he's going out with that hottie."

"Shelly turned you down when you asked her out before, man."

"I knew this would happen from the moment I saw him flirting with her when he first transferred here. Shit!"

I rolled my eyes and continued walking with Minu, and Dom beside me, and with Jay and Shelly in front of us. Better to ignore those whispering.

"Do you realize that you're being threatened right now by the other guys?" Minu.

"You'd better watch your back, dude." Dom.

"So, you're saying they're together now? As in, they're officially a couple now?" I asked them and Minu nodded his head at me.

"Yeah, for about one week, I think? Jay did something to Shelly that he ended up saying sorry with a rose." He laughed as he explained their situation to me.

Ah, well. They'll be official as couples soon, not just for a mere week, though.

"Oh~ here comes our Ex-Student President~" 

I groaned when I heard that voice. I slowly walked and passed the couple in front of me and stopped just a few steps away from the so-called 'New Student President' of Sunny High.

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