Chapter 6

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"The 'Your Dead' Crew"? Ultra Great? Tiger Crew? Legend Crew? Is that supposed to be a proper name for a crew?"

Minu scratched the back of his head and snatched his notes away from me. It's lunch break now and Minu particularly dragged me away from Hwarang when we arrived in class after going to the cafeteria. Just to let me see his notes. His notes don't make any sense because the names he wrote there aren't really suited for their crew.

"Arghh, Y/n, help us with this one! This is the hardest I've ever thought in my entire life!"

I blinked at what he said. "How did you come up with your old crew's name before then?"

"Oh, I saw it in some anime and thought it sounded cool that's why, hehe."

Is Zephyrus one of the Djinn of Sinbad in Magi? Ahh, it's kind of familiar to me. Ah, I think it's Zephyr only. Nevermind.

By that time, June and Jay arrived. Minu handed June his notes for them to look also.

"Are these the only names you came up with since last night...?" June asked before handing back the notes to his friend.

"Yeah. Looks like we've got no choice. 'Super Cool Crew' it is..."

"I said I don't want a stupid name like that!" Jay interfered before Minu almost finalized the crew's name.

"Then what name do you suggest?" He asked.

"Anything except 'Super Cool'."

"Hey, I'll be your crew manager. How does that sound?" I grinned at them. Light Cavalry have a manager, why not Hummingbird Crew also, right?

They all looked at me. June smiled as he looked at Minu and Jay. "That sounds great. What do you think, guys?"

Minu tapped my shoulder and shook his head with his famous smirk. "I didn't know you wanted to join us that bad."

"You could say that." I replied with the same smirk on my face. Hey now, who wouldn't want to join the Hummingbird Crew, right? As a fan of this manhwa, and now that I've decided to at least change things before I regret, I'll join them.

"Fine by me." Jay shortly answered that it made me smile.

"What're you doing here, Jay?" Shelly suddenly appears. I shrug before bidding my goodbye at them saying I need to go back to our room to continue reading my book.

Class ended a few hours after that. Minu told me to meet with the other kids outside. When he said outside, I thought it was outside the room, but it turns out we're in a like-rooftop thingy but not that high. We leaned to the wall. I'm in between Jun and Jay.

I took out some banana milks in my bag and handed it over to Jay and...

"You want some?" I peeked at Shelly's direction and she immediately nodded her head. I gave her the other one as she smiled at me as thanks.

"Why are you still here?" I heard Minu ask Dom, who's busy sipping his banana milk also.

"I'm here because I wanna join your biking crew." Dom answered casually.

"Do you even have a bike?"

"I've been meaning to get one from this used site online!" He replied with stars in his eyes. Ah, he's really into it. There comes Dom, the victim of scamming.

Minu sweat dropped. "Haha, oh yah? We'll talk when you buy one." Then turn to look at his friends.

"Since we're from Sunny High, why don't we just make it the 'Sunny Crew'? Right, Y/n?" I rolled my eyes when he looked at me.

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