Chapter 13

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"Hey! Vinny! What are you doing?! Are you sleeping in again?" Minu shouted from the outside.

Aish. What am I even doing here? Ah, yeah, to fetch Vinny because they have their race today. But why did Minu even decide to bring me here with them today? They can just do it themselves, hah.

"Hey! Wake up! Are you asleep? Are you taking a crap?" Minu once again shouted, calling for Vinny.

"Don't rush him, he'll get cranky if you bother him while he's taking his morning dump." Dom eventually added.

The window where they are shouting suddenly opened up and a red-haired guy peaked in, just to shout at us also.

"Shut up! I'll be out soon, just wait!" Vinny was about to close the window but his mother suddenly showed up and looked at us.

"Are these your friends, Vinny?" She asked her son but he didn't give him a reply. The two boys next to me bowed their head and greeted Vinny's Mom while me, I just waved at the lady and smiled at her.

"We met again, Ma'am. How are you doing now?" I asked while smiling at her. Her eyes recognized me immediately and gave me a smile also.

"It's you, the young lady that day. Thank you for saving me again, young lady." I sheepishly laughed and scratched my cheeks saying it's fine.

"You're my son's friend also? I'm relieved that he got good friends with him." She smiled at us.

"We're lucky to have him as our friend also, Ma'am." I looked at Vinny and smiled at him.

"Get prepared now, Vinny. Dom and Minu will wait for you. I'll be going ahead to register the team." I waved my hand in their direction and bid my goodbye at Vinny's Mom before riding my bike again to go to the venue of the race.

I went straight to the table near the entrance to register our crew's name before settling down on a bench again. Just like before, I watched as many teams pass by me. I was about to take out my phone and text my friends when I saw the snake guy with his team, looking at me directly.

I tilted my head because of confusion when Wooin suddenly decided to walk in my direction. Joker soon followed him and Hyeok got no choice but to follow his leader also. They stopped in front of me.

"We met again, for the third time around. Keke." I raised one of my eyebrows at him and leaned on the bench.

I crossed my arm across my chest and sighed. "I'm here to cheer for my team." I answered.

"Oh? You're a racer, also? What's your team?" He asked while looking directly at my eyes.

I looked in the other direction because I'm getting uncomfortable again. "Hummingbird Crew. And no, I'm not a racer, I'm their manager."

"Oh! I thought you were familiar, now I remember you..." We turned to look at Hyeok when he said that made me laugh sheepishly.

"A-ah yeah, fancy seeing you here..? Hehe."

"Now, I don't know about this. You've met before?" Wooin asked before looking at me and then looking back at his friend.

Why would Hyeok or me for an instance, tell you about it?

I saw Hyeok nod his head and then put his hands on his pants' pocket. "Yeah, we actually met a few days ago in a convenience store. She was the girl who almost cried because I got the banana milks first."

I huffed because of annoyance and glared at him. "I did not!" What is he saying?

"Yeah, you did. You were about to cry and even turned your back at me but I kinda felt bad so I gave you the other one." He shrugged his shoulder while explaining which made me more annoyed at him.

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