Chapter 26

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"Funny. How should I make you stop from blabbering too much?"

I saw how the man named Kenji stiffened when he heard Hyouma's words. He held up his two hands, meaning that he's gonna stop now, and sighed.

"Kaneshiro told me to find you. We're gonna have a meeting." He said.

I looked at the guy beside me. He was done eating his ice cream a while ago already. He put his hands in his pocket and looked at me. I thought he was going to say something but I was dumbstruck when he just walked away, with Kenji following behind him.

That jerk! He should at least say something!

Before I knew it, I ran towards their direction to catch up and stood in front of them. I spread my arms, stopping them both from walking.

"Can I come with you?" I asked. This is actually a big chance for me to speak with Kaneshiro. I badly want to talk to her already so that some of my questions will be answered. I really know she can give me the answers that I'm looking for myself.

Kenji narrowed his eyes at me. "No, you won't be coming. That's a crew meeting and you're not a member of us."

"You're from the Kazuma Crew, correct? I know you, and I want to meet your leader. So, can I come?" I pleaded, really desperate to see and talk to Kaneshiro.

This time, I got Hyouma's attention. "Why do you want to meet our leader?" The usual bored eyes he's wearing turn into an almost glare when he asks me that question.

I knew it. They're very protective of her.

I sighed before putting down my hands. "I want to talk to her about something. Something very important." Something very important that even involves my life.

"You're a stranger. What do you want with our leader?" This time, Kenji glared at me which made me gulp.

"I don't have any bad intentions on wanting to meet with her. I promise, I just wanna talk to her. It was the very reason why I'm here in the first place." I sighed. I'm telling you the truth, please let me go with you already.

I saw how Kenji's brows knitted." You're not from here? But your Nihonggo is good, as if you're a native speaker of it. Are you kidding us right now?"

I immediately shook my head. "No, no, I'm not kidding you. I'm from South Korea and I came here hoping to talk with Kaneshiro."

"Tell us what's the thing you want to talk about with our leader. We don't trust you enough to bring you with us."

I looked up to see Hyouma's scrutinizing gaze. Instead of telling them the answer to the question, I gave them a determined look.

"Whether you like it or not, I'm gonna come with you. I promise you, you can take my head if I touch even just the tip of your leader's hair. I won't do anything bad, I just want my questions to be answered. Please." I know I'm showing them how desperate I am, but it's all true. I need to meet her, their leader.

I looked down, already planning in my head what will I do if they reject me coming to them right now. Should I just follow them without them knowing? Argh, but that would be too hard. Should I just kneel down in front of them to let me go with them? Argh, I think that's too much? What should I do?

"Fine. Come with us."


Before I can even react, they're already walking away from me, leaving me from behind again. That's when a small smile crept on my lips and ran to catch up with them.

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