Chapter 30

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"We need to talk."

I peeked on his side to see our friends talking with each other, so I looked at Minu again with my serious face.

Confusion was written on his face. His forehead even creased. "Why? I mean, what do we need to talk about, Y/n?"

"You. About you, Minu Yoon."

He sighed and looked in the other direction. "There's nothing to talk about me, Y/n. Let's just go home after this."

"No, we need to talk. Let's meet at 8 pm, at the park where you taught Mia how to ride her bike." After I said that, I left him there and went to my friends. Jay told me that he's going to stay at the apartment tonight and after that, we all went our own ways. But before that, I gave Minu one last look which didn't go unnoticed by him.

"What's wrong?" I turned to look at Jay and blinked.

I shook my head and gave him a small smile. "Nothing. Let's go."

I looked at the wall clock in the living room when we finally arrived at home. Yes, my home. Jay can consider this apartment as his home too if he wanted to. It's already 7:20 pm. I went straight to my room and took a quick bath before going to the kitchen.

"You're going somewhere?" Jay asked when he saw me open the refrigerator and took one banana milk.

"Yeah. Gonna meet up with Minu the prick." I answered and then grabbed some biscuits from the counter.

He looked up from slurping his noodles and asked. "Why?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Just gonna talk about something. It's about the tournament, don't worry."

"Okay." I'm sorry for lying, Jay.

I started munching my biscuit while constantly sipping from my banana milk. I grimace when I taste something sour on the biscuit I'm eating.

"Is this already expired? Gosh, it tastes awful." I flipped the plastic of the biscuit to look at its expiration date. I scrunched my nose when the expiration was still until next year. I flipped it to the front and looked at Jay with my eyes narrowed.

"You bought this." It's not a question, it's a statement.

He looked at the biscuit, discreetly nodding his head, and then continued eating his cup noodles. Yeah, he said he's too lazy to cook something for us tonight so he just opened up one of my stocks of cup noodles, with wasabi, of course.

I sighed and tossed him the biscuit before grabbing my banana milk from the table and turned my back against him.

"I gotta go now."

"Yeah, take care."


Because I still have enough time, I decided to just walk towards the park. Yep, it's just a 20 minute walk from the apartment. When I arrived there, I could see some people scattered around the said park so it's a relief we will have some accompaniments.

I looked at my phone's clock on the lock screen and sighed when it was already 8:05 pm. Oh, come on now, Minu. You shouldn't ditch me. Don't you dare.

I opened my phone and started scrolling down on Instagram. I almost snorted when I saw Jay's post, his favorite snack on top of his new bike. I kept on scrolling up, watching videos while I was at it, until I noticed the time.

9:15 pm. Grr, that prick.

I texted him with my eyebrows met and sighed after sending my message. We're in the same class, Minu Yoon. You can't hide from me. You can't get away from me. I'll force you to spill your problems, I swear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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