Chapter 25

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Kazuma Crew

A small smile crept in my lips upon stepping outside Kansai International Airport. I smelled the air and my smile widened. Finally, I'm here.

This is actually my second time here based on my memories with my Dad because he found me here. But if I'm gonna talk about myself, this is actually my first time stepping in this country.

The land of the rising sun, Japan.

I grabbed a taxi going to an inn. I searched my ways here already while I'm still at home so that I will not get lost. I talked to the one managing the said inn and said that I'm planning on staying here for at least a week or two. I'm not yet sure about the length of my stay here but I at least have an estimation, right?

Ah, are they enjoying their stay at the temple? I wonder if the old monk let go of the wild boar already?
That would be fun to be witnessed, but here I am, already quit the said crew and flew all the way from Korea to Japan.

I shook my head at my thoughts. I slapped my two cheeks with my hands and sighed. I should focus on remembering how on earth a one Mahon Jo suddenly thought of adopting a kid, when in the manhwa, he died without even a girlfriend. Or sure, he maybe had an ex. My father's handsome, yeah.

I sighed and laid down on my bed. What now? How can I find the Kazuma Crew? One thing that I know for sure so that I can get my memories when I am here is that I need to talk to Kaneshiro. I'm hoping that she knows something about me too just like how she knows my father.

I got off from bed and my eyes caught my cellphone. Until now, it was turned off. I don't want to speak to any of them yet. Not now, I'm not yet ready to face them after quitting and leaving them like that. I know for sure that they're mad at me right now, but I did it for a reason.

And I don't think they can even understand the real reason why I did that in the first place.

I sighed and decided to stroll around the place, but I made sure to take note of the place I'm walking in so that I'm not gonna get lost. My feet stopped in front of a lively market. I went and roamed around, having a wide smile on my lips while I continued walking and walking.

I want to enjoy my stay here without thinking about other things, about them.

In all the food shops that I saw in Osaka, my feet ended up stopping in a ramen shop. I blinked and looked up at the said shop and sighed. Why is it that even here in Japan, I still ended up eating ramen?

The wind chime on top of the entrance rang when I opened the glassy door of the shop. I walked directly to the counter and ordered one miso ramen. I also paid it immediately. As I waited for my order, I casually sat at the nearest table. I tapped my fingers above the table while wandering my eyes around the said place.

"Here's your order, Ma'am. Enjoy your meal!" The server said in their language. I gave him a small smile before saying my thanks. Hey, I can understand their language because Dad taught me and Jay before.

Yeah, Dad. I can still remember that.

I smiled bitterly at the thought before getting the pair of chopsticks that they gave. I was about to stir my ramen when something struck my mind.

I'm in the anime land right now.

I grinned before finally stirring my food. I slurped and didn't mind the other customers looking at me. A wide smile crept on my lips when I tasted the delicious ramen in my mouth. Ah! This is so delicious! Japan's ramen is much more delicious for me than the ramen I'm eating at home! Don't get me wrong, it's just that there's something in this Japanese ramen that makes it so delicious. Don't bash me.

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