A Fanatic Heart (part 2)

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The morning sun bathed Alfea in a warm, golden glow as Samara sat alone on a bench, her eyes distant, gazing across the grounds. She watched as Saul and Sky walked together, their figures growing larger as they approached her. A soft smile tugged at her lips as she stood to greet them.

"Morning," Sky called, his voice light, though Samara could sense the underlying tension that had followed them all since their last battle.

"Morning," she replied softly, wrapping her arms around her son first, and then Saul. The brief moment of peace was a welcome relief, but something about the air today felt heavy as if an unseen storm was brewing on the horizon.

Before anyone could say more, the sound of approaching vehicles shattered the quiet. Several sleek, black limousines rolled onto the grounds of Alfea, each starkly contrasting with the peaceful surroundings. Saul's brow furrowed as he stepped forward, standing protectively beside Samara and Sky.

"Why are the Solarians here?" Saul asked, glancing at Samara with concern.

Samara shook her head, her confusion evident. "I don't know."

Without hesitation, Samara walked toward the lead limousine. She could feel the weight of the soldiers' stares as they emerged, heavily armed and prepared. Her heart sank as the doors of the car opened to reveal Queen Luna, regal and cold as ever. Behind her, more soldiers filed out, lining up with a precision that made Samara's stomach twist.

Sky instinctively reached for his sword, but before he could draw it, Samara placed a hand on his arm. "No," she whispered. "Not yet."

She approached Luna with calm resolve, though her mind was racing. "Luna," Samara greeted her, her voice controlled but firm. "What is the meaning of this?"

Luna's eyes were sharp, her gaze sweeping over Samara before landing on Saul, who stood a few paces behind. "I'm here to take Saul into custody."

Samara felt a surge of anger and confusion rise in her chest. "What? Why?" Saul's voice was cold now, his hands clenching into fists at his sides.

"For the attempted murder of Andreas of Eraklyon," Luna declared, her tone leaving no room for negotiation.

"Attempted?"Sky asked.

Samara's heart skipped a beat, the ground beneath her seeming to shift. She felt a deep sadness swell up inside her, a mixture of guilt, grief, and despair. Before she could respond, a new noise cut through the tension—the unmistakable sound of a car door opening.

Samara turned just in time to see a figure stepping out of the limousine. The world seemed to stop as she recognized him. Her breath caught in her throat.


Everyone around them froze in shock. The soldiers, Luna, Saul—no one moved. Samara's eyes widened in disbelief, her mind refusing to accept what she was seeing. Andreas, her husband, the man she had mourned for years, stood before her. He looked different, older perhaps, but there was no mistaking him. His gaze immediately found hers, softening as he stepped toward her.

"Hello, Samara," Andreas said, his voice calm but carrying a weight that only deepened the confusion.

Sky's voice, trembling with disbelief, broke the silence. "Dad?"

Andreas shifted his gaze to Sky, offering him a small smile. "Yes, Sky. It's me."

Sky stood frozen, unable to process the moment, his eyes wide as he stared at the father he thought he'd lost forever.

But Samara's attention was elsewhere now—on Saul, who was being dragged away by two Solarian guards. She could see the disbelief and frustration in his eyes as he struggled, but it was clear he couldn't resist. Samara's heart twisted in anguish. She locked eyes with Saul for a brief moment, and in his gaze, she saw a silent apology.

Andreas, however, remained focused on her. He stepped closer, a small, hopeful smile on his lips as if the years between them had never passed. As if everything could go back to the way it was.

"Samara," Andreas whispered, reaching out to touch her hand. "It's been so long."

Samara's entire body tensed, her emotions a storm inside her. She stared at him, feeling nothing but a deep, simmering anger. Her husband—the man she had loved—had returned from the dead, but everything was wrong. Everything had changed.

Without saying a word, Samara stepped back, pulling Sky with her. She didn't look back at Andreas as she turned away, her heart heavy with the weight of betrayal and confusion. She could feel Andreas' eyes on her, that familiar warmth, but it only made the bitterness inside her grow.

"We're leaving," she muttered to Sky, her voice tight as she led him away.

"Mom?" Sky's voice was uncertain, caught between the shock of seeing his father and the fear of losing his mother.

Samara didn't stop. She couldn't stop. The world she had known was crumbling around her, and the only thing she could do was hold on to what was left of her family. But the one thing she knew for sure was that Andreas' return would change everything.

And she wasn't sure she could survive it.


Samara couldn't sleep the last few days since his return. So she decided to walk to clear her mind from Andreas being back from dead and Saul still in prison.  The time was 2 am and there she was sitting on a bench near the greenhouse and not in the library where she usually sits.

Andreas doing his night patrol when he noticed Samara sitting alone.  She turned to look at the person who was disturbing her silence. They stared at each other for a few moments before he narrowed his eyes.

"You don't usually sit here," he said quietly, almost to himself.

Samara raised a brow. "You didn't think you would notice."

"You don't sleep much these days," he said and sat next to her.

"Not really in the mood to talk. "Samara answered irritated and looking at the necklace that he gave her when they got married.

"Ok we will not talk... we will sit here and look at the stars," he said looking with a smile at the necklace she was wearing and he thought that mayde she still loved him enough to keep the necklace on all these years. Then she broke the silence.

"Andreas what do you want?" she asked. He ignored her question and continued to talk.

  " You know I've dreamt of you every day all those years. But usually, you in my dreams appear less irritated, happier to see me "Not able to contain her eye-roll, she answered, "Well the you in my dreams is normally dead and you didn't answer the question."

"I want you to give me one more chance to be the perfect husband and ... "

"Well, that's a little bit late don't you think?" she enteraptes him.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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