08 | Hunger & Honour

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"You need to hide your face or they will turn you into a sacrifice

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"You need to hide your face or they will turn you into a sacrifice."

"You should be the one who does that."He retorted,rolling his eyes at her.She have been very secretive,very low profiled to make sure none of the Maya noticed them. "Your skin is as white as snow."


"What are you afraid of? If they tries to do anything,we just incinerate them.Are you forgetting that we are gods?."

It was easier to travel alone than with an annoyingly prideful Greek deity.Had not for Themis practically begging for Kassia to bring him along,she would have left alone.It would be so fast if she did,but definitely she will struggled since the place she hidden the heart was rather...scary.

"Leave your pride in the ship and wear this."She throw hooded robe to him as she wore one as well,ignoring his pouty face.

He takes a look at it and makes a disgusted face,holding it as if it was the most disgusting thing he ever sees. "I am not wearing this rag."

"Apollo,we are in the middle of a civilization that sacrificed different looking people like us."Kassia snapped and glared at him,annoyed,very annoyed at him. "Stop whining and put that on."

"What if I don't wanna?."

At this point,Kassia knew he was messing with her.She really understood why Artemis called him troublesome and irritating. "I am going to wrestle with you and dragged you by your hair whether you like it or not."

"I would like that-"


"Fine,goodness calm down,I'll do it."He finally put on the robe,and walked by her side into their city.

Maya people are vastly different from the Greek,and all she wanted was to go through their city,retrieve the heart and leave as soon as possible.Not that she disliked those people,she just knew neither she and Apollo could handle being around people who worship another for far too long.She might ended up killing someone if she remained in the land for too long (no gods of Olympus could handled seeing human that they created worship another).

They spoke different language,they shared nothing in common but the Maya people wasn't uncivilised.Yes,they do sacrificed human but Greek does that too,sometimes.They were excellent in many aspects too,they are advanced in mathematics,astrology and even architecture. "How in Tartarus you find this place? And why did you chose to kept Kyrisios's heart here?."

"Safer."Kassia said. "Further."

"Where is it then?."

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