13 | Mother's rage and Divine Justice

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Being the titaness of divine law and justice is extremely hard,especially when your own daughter,your child makes her own choice,to exchange herself for the life and wellbeing of her sister,her Athena

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Being the titaness of divine law and justice is extremely hard,especially when your own daughter,your child makes her own choice,to exchange herself for the life and wellbeing of her sister,her Athena.Rationally,she cannot place the blame on anyone,Kassia make her own choice.Oh but by the heart,as a mother,she feels like she wanted to instigated another of titanomachy.

Why is it that the rest were hiding in Atlantis? In the underworld while only Apollo,Hestia and Athena took an action?

Why is it that only her daughter needs to face the primordials alone? Why is it her daughter had to deal with her soul being shattered in many pieces? That was not fair,no matter how well trained Kassia was in combat,she had no obligation to do so,for she was not an Olympian or even an important deity (despite many if not all would disagree).

Watching Kassia,laying on the soft mattress,eyes opened yet its pitch black broke her heart.Her eyes were all black,and if you are looking into it,you feels as if you are falling into a bottomless darkness,with ugly looking creature trying to skinned you alive.That wasn't even the worse,Kassia's skin is now feels like a glass,with several cracks across her face and arm and calves.

She appears like a statue,a broken one shattered by an insolent greek as he desecrated a sacred temple of theirs.

"She did not like this place."Themis hears someone said. "She should not be here."

"Zeus demanded it to be so,I have no other choice."She sighs,she agreed with him that Kassia would probably resent the fact they placed her here,for how much she despised this palace of hers after what happened to her.

Themis had noticed something else however,that the sun god comes visiting daily,every day soon before the sunrise and before the sunset. "Kassia loves the sun."

"She loves the light."He corrected. "We travelled far together,I have learnt many of her secret."

Themis chuckles bitterly. "Ones that she refused even to share with me.Her trust is hard to earn,even I rarely have them no matter how much she claimed to love me most.Good for you that she hold you in high regard."

"Not as high as her mother."Apollo said with an eyerolls. "She talks so much about her beloved mother that my ear ached."

The titaness watches as he makes his way to her side,she knows what kind of expression is that on his face,how filled with love his eyes are,yet she remained silent.Kassia's private life is none of her concerns,it actually would be nice if she actually have a life outside of her duty and responsibility as well.

He placed his hand on her cheek,and she sees Kassia's expression softened,and she actually leaned for it.It was the comfort of healing,Themis concluded,not wanting to dwell more into it. "She likes flowers,and mortal's delicacy for some reason.And she does not like milk,it repulse her for some reason."

"That is useful,I figured she likes sparkling jewels too."

"That she does."Themis replied,remembering how Kassia has a trove of treasure underneath her private palace in the valley. "If it is her hand that is what you seek,you are welcome to try."

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