34 |「 ✦ Wisdom of Future ✦ 」

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"Leto,"Themis greeted with a bright smile

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"Leto,"Themis greeted with a bright smile. "How wonderful to see you here."

"Likewise,dear aunt,"Leto replied with equal delight,her eyes sparkling with genuine warmth.

Apollo and Artemis couldn't help but bristle at how Themis looked so gleeful and happy,as if her daughter hadn't just been painted as the lying traitor of Olympus.Themis's sense of justice had always been fair and unquestionable,yet when it came to her youngest child,she could be rather... blind.Her reason was completely overwhelmed by her love and fear for her child. "You look as beautiful as ever."

"Why thank you,dear aunt,"He heard his mother say,her tone gracious despite the tension in the air.No matter how strained things were with Kassia,he couldn't deny that Themis had played a significant role in his and Artemis's lives,including supporting their mother. "How is.....Kassia?."

"She will be well soon enough,once she finally gets over the fact that your son left her,"Themis smiled,her eyes glinting with a mixture of protectiveness and resentment.Apollo was about to correct her rather harshly when Themis flashed him a grin,her expression almost predatory. "I must thank you,my boy.I thought of many ways to be rid of you,yet you did it yourself.How convenient it is for me."

"Aunt,that is not kind,"Leto reminded her,her voice gentle but firm.The titaness trying her best to remain neutral in the situation.

"Oh,I am sorry,I did not mean to be unkind,"Themis chuckled,obviously insincere,the sound like nails on a chalkboard. "It's just,my child cannot be with your son,they are too different.She needs stability,gentleness.Your son....devoid of that,chaotic and restless,just like the sun is supposed to be."

Whether to take that as an insult or not,Apollo didn't know.But even looking at Themis brought him sorrow; she looked so much like Kassia.The same sharp eyes,the same confident bearing.Yet he couldn't stop comparing them.Kassia looked kinder,her smile far more sincere,and her presence,so soothing and reassuring.To be with her was a gift in itself,an indulgence he cherished deeply.He couldn't even think about another woman because his mind was all Kassia,too consumed by the thoughts of her.

As he watched Themis,her delight seemed almost too pronounced,too eager.Doubt began to creep into his mind.Had he missed something? Kassia had betrayed him—or so he thought—but Themis’s near glee at the situation made him wonder.Was there more to this than he understood? His heart ached with the memory of Kassia's touch,her laughter,and the way her eyes would light up when she spoke passionately.Had he been too quick to judge?

No,no that cannot be.

He pushed all the doubts aside as quickly and as far as he could.Kassia had betrayed him,he told himself.She was no better than Coronis or any of those other former lovers who had deceived him.She was a liar,a traitor,and he kept repeating that in his head,trying to convince himself it was the truth.His heart,however,stubbornly resisted the conviction,aching with every reminder of her smile,her touch,and the warmth she had once brought into his life.

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