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Chapter Two: Ghosts of Christmas Past

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I swore when I left here I was never coming back. College in New York was my get-out-of-jail-free card. I was going to die in total bliss knowing I would never spend another second in my hometown.

Apparently, the universe has a vicious sense of humor.

Christmas in New York is bad enough. It comes earlier and earlier each year because it has a personal vendetta against me. My therapist Sharon thinks otherwise but she also thinks lighting candles and sitting in a bathtub will "fix me" so I'm not putting much stock into her opinion.

Even so, I'd rather be there than here because from November first onward, Mistletoe, Montana was, and always will be, my own personal holly jolly hell.

I shift my weight from foot to foot. Even bundled up I could still feel the 10-degree difference in temperature.

If he's late because he got to chatting while he was filling up his car, I am going to kill him.

I check my phone and wince.

The lock screen is a picture of me with Rick. I changed the one on my home scream but keep forgetting to change that one. I look so good in that picture though. The black dress hugged me in all the right places and I'm actually smiling.

Maybe I can just crop him out...

Focus, Sarah. You're supposed to be looking for a notification not staring at your own cleavage.

There are no new messages or calls but I unlock my phone anyway. My last message from Dad is on the screen.

Can't wait to see my beautiful girl. Then, timestamped a minute or so later, Love you, Peanut.

My stomach twists this time as I read those words. The cold air is apparently rubbing my heart and my skin raw and against my will, I'm thinking about her.


I'm eight again. There's a hole where my bottom front tooth should be and I'm thrilled. Santa and the Tooth Fairy would be coming on the same night!

"Sarah, it's past 9. Go kiss your mom goodnight," Dad tells me.

He looks worried but I don't know why. My heart feels squeezy.

"How come she gets a special bed down here and I have to sleep in my stupid old room?" I whine. "I want to wait for Santa down here too."

Dad opens his mouth but Mom waves a hand at him and he closes it again.

"Come here, Sarah," she says, exhausted.

I shuffle over, trying not to pout too much. Santa might not have left yet so I can't be too grumpy in case he's still watching. I grab her hand when she holds it out. My hand is almost bigger than hers and I shiver a little. She feels so cold.

She smiles. "I know you're excited for Santa and I'd love for you to stay with me." She squeezes my hand. "But that tooth under your pillow right now can't be collected unless you're in your bed. You don't want to miss the Tooth Fairy, do you? She might not come tomorrow. She doesn't like old teeth."

Dad smiles and kisses Mom's forehead."You're right. There was one night I forgot. I tried the day after and when I woke up, no money. My tooth was still there."

My eyes go wide and I start to bolt to the steps.

"Hold on, Sarah," Mom calls softly. "What about my kiss?

I race back over intending to give her the quickest cheek kiss I can so I can get upstairs and into bed but Mom grabs me and squeezes really tight. It makes me cough so she lets go but only just a little.

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