28. 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐠-𝐨𝐮𝐭

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┏━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┓

"𝐈𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮"

┗━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┛

"Mom we are home" y/n said quickly hugging her mom

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"Mom we are home" y/n said quickly hugging her mom.
"I haven't been home for one day why does it feel like eternity!"
" Cause it's your house ofcourse dumbass " tssukishima mumbled picking up her bags as she moved onto the living room.
" Home sweet home" she layed on the sofa , opening her arms like a bird, staring at the ceiling.
"You really missed it didn't you?" Hinata stated , sitting beside her.
"You can say that... Mostly I missed this warm feeling my cushion gives!" She leaned onto the pillow, digging her face in it.
" Hey kids would you like something? I am going to the Mart" Mrs. Sawamura said peaking in from the kitchen.
"Mom can I have my chocolate pokers and orange juice , oh can you also bring the rice crackers i am dying to taste it."
" Hold up there girl! You are not allowed you just got home, ofcourse you have to eat porridge I made you, don't forget to complete it before I am back" the older lady warned as she smiled towards rest of us , promising to bring snacks in return of keeping her daughter company.
"Tch seriously, is she even my mom or yours" y/n mumbled grumbling as she held the remote in her hand trying to find a good movie to watch.
"What should we watch any suggestions?"
"Let's watch sports one!! Do they have movie on volleyball?"
"Hinata stop "
"Pfft you even think about volleyball in here as well , i love your dedication!"
" Umm how about horror!" Tssukishima suggested.
"NO! i mean there's everyone... What if someone gets scared " she said trying to change the topic.
"Y/n are you perhaps afraid of ghosts" kei said slowly leaning by her ears as he screamed right before it.
"You are scared!"
"So what, that shit is really scary okay" she said in her defense.
"How about romance?"
"Ew that's girly stuff!"
"I don't know kei but why do you often forget that I AM A GIRL!"
"i forget because you are such a masculine bro"
"Shut up"
" Then what should we watch" Yamaguchi said shuffling through the list.
" Pfft who watch these kids movie? Finding Nemo seriously " tssukishima said noticing the recent watched.
" It's a good movie come on!!"
"You are such a kid"
"You don't have to be a kid to love Disney "
"Yeah yeah kid"
" What's the movie about?" Kageyama perked in between while everyone stared at him shockingly.
"Don't tell me-"
" I never trie-"
"YOU DON'T KNOW DISNEY???? HOW ARE YOU STILL BREATHING" y/n said climbing onto the pillow beside him , staring intently at her.
"Is it good?"
" All of the Disney movies are good !! I grew up seeing those"
"Not to poke in between but you are still a kid y/n"
" Shut up kei I am just few months younger than you "
" Then let's watch it!" Yamaguchi suggested already playing the movie.
"Trust me this is going to be so good!!" Y/n perked handling the setter a tissue.
"You might need that for being the first time seeing Disney"
"That bad?"
"That good!"
They all played finding Nemo, as the movie proceeded there was everything, the cries the laughter the drama, it's a whole package.
"You were right" kageyama said sniffling in his handkerchief. " It's really touching!"
" I told you right did you see how small the baby was" y/n said crying wholy as Yamaguchi patted her back.
"It's okay it's okay it's just a movie" he said trying to calm down the crying child.
"Where's hinata?"
"Eh HINATA CHAN WHY ARE YOU SITTING BEHIND THE SOFA" y/n said dangling her legs from the couch as she stared at him .
"Are you crying?"
"No I am not!"
" Oh my you are crying"
"It's just so emotional "
"You know between the movie I thought Nemo was hinata " tssukishima joked mocking his hair colour.
" But then I realised atleast Nemo had brain"
" Okay okay guys calm down , what now" y/n said sitting between them again as she tried to open YouTube.
" I can't see anymore movies I might cry"
"Okay then shall we make something?" Y/n suggested searching diys on the web.
"Woah see this one!!"
"Y/n no!!"
"But it's good "
"No we are not hand printing on boobs"
"You could've said it better pervert "
" I just said it as it is"
" Then how about this?" She said playing the video.
"You want to make origami?"
"I mean yeah it's fun"
"Grow up y/n"
" I can't even count how many times you have said that kei"
"It's the reality"
"You should be a news reporter then"
"Guys stop -" Yamaguchi said intruppting them in middle as he agreed upon the idea of making origami... It sounded safe.
" Does anyone even know it?" Tssukishima questioned picking up the papers which y/n brought.
Nothing goes in trying"
"I know how to make crane!" Hinata mumbled, choosing a bright coloured paper to show his art.
"It's quite easy you just have to move a bit" he said folding the papers in half.
"Wait wait let me bring a notebook to note "
"Pfft y/n you can just see and learn-"
"Ya boke teach me how you did that" kageyama said sticking the paper on his forehead.
"You can ask more sweetly!"
"That's me being gentle"
"I am back guys let's start now"the girl said sitting towards the orange haired guy, observing his moments.
"Waaa you are so good at this hinata Chan!"
"Tch what's so good in making few paper foldings I can do it too-"
"Tssukishima you took the wrong step-"
"Eh why does it look like frog?"
"It looks like you kei"y/n writing his name in the frog.
"From today it'll be called Mr. Kei "
"Stop laughing hinata"
"I can't help it sorry"he said the laughter slipping from his mouth
"Umm y/n ? Yamaguchi said getting her attention, "here take it"
"What's this?"she said opening the box to reveal a small butterfly
"Oh my God this is so cute" she yelled hugging that to her chest.
"You liked it?"
"I loved it! You are so cool tamada!"
"If you loved it then let's name it y/n !"
"That suits you y/n chan!"
"Thank you hinata kun!"
"Do you even know frogs can eat butterfly?"
"No wonder you always irritate me, this is a slow poison"

Extra: they all ended up making 5 weird figures of each other, with respective names:
1. Frog- tssukishima kei
2. Meow- Kageyama tobio
3. Platypus- Yamaguchi
4. Rat - hinata shoyo
5. Butterfly : y/n sawamura

(By the way guys I am thinking about writing another book as sibling of miya twins , what do you guys think about that? )


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𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫 (𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐱𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now