1 - An Evening Snack

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Jake groaned softly as he finished sucking down the last of his second milkshake. He lifted his shirt, rubbing one hand along the soft, doughy mass of his belly, scrolling through weight gain comics with the other. His hand slid across his thick moob, his round upper belly roll, the main chunk of fat making up his mid-belly, and then wrapped his fingers around the thick hang of his lower belly.

The feeling of having stuffed himself, and looking at these comics of these massive girls doing the same... was euphoric. He was at his limit, feeling his taut, stuffed stomach bulging underneath all of that fat. God, he'd made such a glutton of himself. Tonight alone he'd stopped for fast food on his way home from work, eaten a sizable dinner with his family, and then gone out for another fast food order after that.

He closed his comics and switched over to the weight gain message board he'd been frequenting, typing a post about how much he'd stuffed himself. About how he couldn't stop himself. About how he... didn't want to stop himself.

All the fat talk had him excited; his belly wasn't the only thing bulging against his pants. He scrolled through responses, smirking at all the comments encouraging him and telling him to get even bigger. One comment jumped out: they'd clocked some protein powder in the background of one of his belly photos and suggested Jake stuff himself even further with a homemade weight gain shake.

Jake felt a smile creeping across his chubby face, as he heaved himself up from his creaking bed, and snuck down to the kitchen, feeling his belly jiggle against his shirt with every step... He wondered if his belly was visible past the end of his shirt. If it wasn't already, a few days of weight gain shakes would fix that.

In the kitchen, he grabbed a huge bottle, dumping in 1500 calories worth of powder, added milk, a scoop of vanilla ice cream, peanut butter, and chocolate syrup, mixing the thick sloppy mixture together and headed back to his room, already slurping down the fattening liquid. He'd nearly finished it by the time he closed his door, feeling his belly sloshing as he laid back onto his bed.

If Jake's belly was full before, it was overfilled now. The heavy shake had completely filled any last free space in his stomach. He groaned quietly, rubbing his belly with both hands. He posted another update, and a commenter quickly suggested he weigh himself...

It took Jake several minutes to find the strength to get up, walking into his bathroom and taking two heavy steps onto the scale, watching as the display ticks up past 250... up past 270... past 288, which had been the result of his last weigh-in a couple weeks ago... And the display ticked up once more before flashing <ERR>... Jake felt a warm, tingling feeling. He'd officially eaten himself too fat for his own scale. Jake grunted, bending over to flip the scale and read that it had a 300 pound limit.He flopped back onto the bed, satisfied. He was so fat, his body was too much for that scale.

Jake didn't even know what he weighed... "at least 300" was the best he could do. He smirked - only 19 and already exceeding scale limits... gaining was seemingly easier he'd expected, Jake thought to himself as he rested one hand on his bulging belly and the other on the stiffening bulge just beyond that. Tomorrow was his last day of summer before college, where he'd cut back on stuffing his own belly and hopefully start stuffing his feedee... He drifted off to sleep, his dreams filled with food and even more fatness.

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