7 - Eating Your Feelings

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Jake woke up to Mark entering the room, hearing him huffing as he set his stuff down and slumped into his desk chair, pulling out a hefty croissant from his bag and gnawing on it greedily as crumbs sprinkled their way across the bulge his belly was forming under his shirt.

"Sup Jake?" Mark said, watching Jake roll out of bed and seeing his undeniably-larger belly bouncing into view as his feet heavily hit the tile floor. "Guess you didn't go hungry this summer, huh?" Mark added casually getting a fuller view of Jake's size. "What happened to your big plan to be Lindsay's feeder? Little role reversal?" he teased.

"Hmph" Jake grunted. "Don't wanna talk about it, but let's just say Lindsay made it very clear we're... taking a break" he said, feeling his frustration melting into disappointment. "How was your summer?" he asked Mark, noticing Mark's face looking noticeably rounder.

"Literally the best. My brother was home from his pastry chef program and I was basically his personal taste-tester all summer. Basically sat around all day downing homemade pastries, posting content, and growing this belly" he said, giving his paunch a two-handed shake for emphasis. "Basically only got up to get more food, or to air out my room... all that buttery stuff did a number on my insides" Mark chuckled, still rubbing his belly.

Jake chuckled too, knowing first-hand the impact that an increasingly-indulgent diet could have. "Still, I'm 340 as of this morning," Mark continued, sounding proud of himself. Jake winced a bit... Mark looked fatter than fat, and Jake had almost eighty pounds on him...

"Sorry to hear about Lindsay, man." Mark said, seeing Jake's expression returning to forlornness. "C'mon let's hit up the dining hall, a good meal always helps" he added, giving Jake an encouraging pat on the back.

"Yeah... I'd like that. But listen, I'm really trying not go overboard this year. I'm really gonna cut back," Jake said, trying to sound convincing to Mark... and to himself. Mark didn't respond, but had little faith Jake was going to make any meaningful change - gaining was a personal choice, but what Jake was continuing to deny was becoming clearer and clearer to Mark: Jake was only going to get fatter.

The dining hall was, as always, overindulgence served up on a plastic tray. Mark returned to their table with his third helping of fried chicken, licking his lips as he watched the gravy dripping from his mashed potatoes onto the entire plate. He looked up and saw Jake shoveling another hot dog into his mouth, managing to stuff it down in three sizable bites. Jake's face was messy with food and he was hardly coming up for air before shoveling another bite into his mouth.

"Jake? Doing okay over there?" Mark said, a hint of concern in his voice watching his roommate scarf down even more food than normal at an enthusiastic pace.

"Yeah *mmph* just really hungry tonight... gonna grab some *UURP* dessert" Jake huffed, nudging the small pile of discarded plates with his belly as he heaved himself to his feet and shuffled over to the dessert bar, shoving a couple of cookies into his mouth before even grabbing two small plates and piling them high with brownies, cookies, and mini cupcakes. He plopped down at the table, shoving them eagerly into his maw, ignoring Mark's glance.

After a hearty meal, they both made their way back to their dorm, taking several breaks on the landings between the flights of stairs. Jake was panting heavily by the time he flopped onto his bed, weakly reaching over for a package of Oreos from his desk and lazily popping them into his mouth as he felt his belly flop out over the waist of his sweatpants.

Jake groaned, feeling his overstuffed belly, knowing he'd once again succumbed to his own greed and made an absolute glutton of himself. "Fucccck okay. Mark. Lindsay basically said I got too fat for her, okay? I'm going to step on the scale. You're going to see how much I weigh, and you're going to keep me honest if I gain any more, okay? I'm serious." Jake said, heaving himself up and onto the scale again, watching Mark's eyes widen. Jake thought Marks' surprise was at the number on the display. Mark was shocked to see <ERROR> on the scale.

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