2 - One Last Try

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The next morning, Jake was still feeling extremely bloated, but couldn't resist when his dad offered him a meaty omelette before work. When he found his usual 3XL work shirt hadn't made it into the wash, he pulled out an old 2XL... feeling the fabric straining against his belly, Jake was unable to stop himself from smirking as he caught a glimpse of his doughy belly bulging out below the shirt.

Jake worked occasionally at a local arcade, clearing dishes in the small food court. For an increasingly-fat guy, it was a pretty good gig. The chefs made him lunch, and he was always being sent home with enormous portions of leftover food. Today was no exception. The staff made him a massive sandwich for lunch, and sent him home with enough food to feed five people. As he drove home, Jake couldn't help but snag a burger... or three... from the bags, feeling his belly pushing against his even-tighter shirt.

As he got home, opening a container of fries, his phone buzzed with a text from his friend Lindsay, reminding him they have dinner plans... tonight would be the last time they'd hang out before they both left for separate colleges.

"Damn" Jake says, glancing down at how much food he's already eaten. He should stop, knowing he won't be able to help himself eating another full meal with Lindsay... But he doesn't, continuing to munch away as he brings the extra containers up to his room. He's eaten himself to the point of discomfort by the time he stops himself and changes into more reasonable clothes, catching a glimpse in the mirror of how massively bloated he already looks.

He does his best to tuck his excitement away when Lindsay's car pulls into his driveway. Jake feels how full he is as he lowers himself into her car, feeling his belly pooling in his lap.

In a perfect world, Lindsay would have been Jake's feedee; maybe more, too. She's chubby, probably close to 250 pounds at Jake's estimation. She's thick all over, has a good appetite, but she's made it clear on more than on occasion that she'd like to cut back. Jake has wondered if bringing up his kink could... unlock something for Lindsay, but he hasn't found the right moment and has settled for stuffing himself alongside her at large meals and enjoying Lindsay's natural progression towards keeping her chubby physique.

"Hey, wanna hit up Chipotle? I've got a coupon" Jake says, hoping he can watch her go to town on two burritos.

"Sure" she says, eyeing Jake's swollen belly and wondering if he knows how big he's been getting.

Jake feels his stuffed belly jiggling over every bump the car hits. They both use the two-for-one deal, and Jake doesn't hesitate to load up two massive burritos, adding quesadillas and chips to the meal, too. Lindsay manages to order two burritos as well... but bails after the first and passes her extra to be Jake's third. By the time they get into the car afterwards, Lindsay is claiming to be stuffed and Jake is feeling as overstuffed as the night before.

They're sitting in the car before heading home... Lindsay's nursing her overfilled belly a bit, while Jake, desperate for his feeder dreams to be fulfilled, can't help but try and test the waters.

"Mannnnn I'm so full!" He says, lifting his shirt and letting his belly flop out.

"Right? It's like... eating like this isn't gonna help my figure get college-ready," Lindsay chuckles.

"Lindsay I... I'm kinda... I'm like ~into~ weight gain..." Jake blurts out, retreating into his seat to study Lindsay's reaction.

Her face appears... confused, for a moment, as she stares at him. Her expression gradually molds into a smirk. "Of course you are... no wonder you've been packing on the pounds lately," she smirks, giving his belly a friendly poke. "I think that's...cool. Guess if you get any bigger people will think I'm skinny by comparison heh" she chuckles. She likes Jake, and has been interested in something... more, but can tell there's something he's holding back from really letting their friendship progress.

"Actually I'd kinda love if you t—" Jake starts before Lindsay sees the time.

"Shoot, I gotta get you home to make it for my curfew" She says, turning the car on. Jake accepts that he's finally taken the leap and put his kink out there... Lindsay just isn't going to be the one to fulfill his fantasy... even if she'd look completely amazing with another 50... or 150 pounds, Jake thinks to himself.

"Guess this is it, huh? Maybe try to stick to the freshman fifteen, big guy?" she teases him, poking his belly again. Jake feels his face flushing, but tries to play it cool. "Hey, I watched you inhale that burrito, keep an eye on your waistline too" he jokes back, heaving himself out of her car and feeling the weight of his stomach as he walked up the driveway.

They lock eyes one last time, and wave goodbye. 

Glimpsing a jar of peanut butter on the counter, Jake can't help but make another 1500 calorie shake (with extra ice cream), feeling himself getting excited as he sucked it down and pulled up his comics on his phone. He felt the familiar bulge forming in his pants as he allowed himself one last mental image of Lindsay as greedy and massive as these gaining girls in his comics. If only!

Tomorrow would bring college and lots of new, big opportunities...

A Failed FeederWhere stories live. Discover now