5 - Summer Loving (1)

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After his eventful streaming experience, Jake dialed back his online presence significantly. He spent the last month of the semester continuing to overeat at meal after meal with Mark, whose gain was increasing even more quickly with the influx of followers that came to his page as word of Jake's big finish spread across message boards.

Jake was starting to feel a bit more self-conscious about his size... he was 384 pounds on the last day before summer when he and Mark each weighed in. His clothes weren't fitting. A year had gone by and the closest he had to a feedee was Mark... who wasn't exactly letting Jake fulfill any of his feeder dreams, even if Jake did have to admit Mark's gain had been impressive.

"Three twenty-one for me, guess I might be catching up to you! I'm going for at least ten pounds a month over the summer, can't wait to see how big you get too, big guy!" Mark said, giving Jake's flabby upper arm a poke as they said their goodbyes.

Jake's parents picked him up, making a couple passing comments about his weight and offering to help him shop for some new clothes "for the summer", which was a poor attempt to avoid saying "so your fat isn't hanging out of literally everything you own".

For the first couple days of the summer, Jake was spending most of his time in his room. He was catching up on his weight gain comics, occasionally scrolling the weight gain message boards, and eating... he couldn't help himself from eating. Partially because of his increased stomach capacity, partially because of boredom, and partially out of greed, Jake couldn't help himself from grabbing entire boxes of snack cakes from the store to eat between meals, swiping extra treats from the kitchen to snack on, and finishing off any available leftovers late at night when his family was asleep.

He was trying to resist his mid-afternoon hunger pangs when a message popped up from Lindsay asking to grab dinner. First dinner, anyways... Jake thought to himself. Still, he couldn't pass up an opportunity to catch up with his friend and eat a substantial meal out.

Jake couldn't help but feel embarrassed that Lindsay was going to see how big he'd gotten. He tried sucking in his belly a bit, but an months of intense overeating wasn't so easily hidden. Jake walked into the burger spot, scanning for Lindsay until he spotted her and his jaw dropped...

"Hey! Guess we both enjoyed the unlimited dining hall experience, heh" Lindsay said, wrapping as much of Jake as she could reach around in a hug. Lindsay wasn't kidding. Her 250-pound frame had ballooned, she was easily over 300 by Jake's estimation. Her leggings looked overstretched and she had a patch of midriff, spotted with stretch marks bulging out between her top and her waistband. Doughy curves squeezed by her clothes were everywhere he looked. Her face had filled out and Jake could tell she'd packed on substantial weight to her chest as it pressed against his mid-belly.

"Y-yeah... freshman fifteen, right?" Jake said, feeling himself flush as the soft flab of his own body pressed against Lindsay's in their embrace. He was, for once, grateful for the size of his belly hang, since it was ensuring his growing excitement pressed only into himself instead of Lindsay.

Jake watched dumbfounded as the once-self-conscious Lindsay ordered three burgers, two sides, and a massive milkshake. Jake managed to squeak out enough words to order the same. Their food arrived and they started catching up over their massive meal.

"Yeah my *mph* scholarship kinda fell through and so I *slurp* made an OnlyFans to make up for it... which attracted a bunch of chubby chasers" Lindsay started, between handfuls of fries. "And then before I knew it there were people paying to sponsor me like... eating a big meal on camera. Literally a whole world I didn't know about... of course, it's kinda taken a toll on my waistline, heh... but I'm sure an A-tier feedee like you knows what I'm talking about, right?" she said, scarfing down her food like a well-trained stuffer.

"I... uh... I'm not... well my roommate is like... he's really fat and..." Jake said, completely caught off guard by how completely Lindsay had become acclimated to this world he'd felt the need to hide for so long. The uncanny collision of areas of his life left him too disoriented to do much more than eat.

"Mark? C'mon, you've got like sixty pounds on that guy..." Lindsay said, seeing Jake's face going red at the mention of his roommate. "Don't look so surprised, your stream with Mark was all over the boards... made a ton of sense once I thought back to you telling me last summer that you're 'into weight gain', seems like college really let you embrace your feedee side" Lindsay chuckled, giving his belly a gentle squeeze under the table.

"I'm... not a feedee," Mark said, sucking down the last of his milkshake as he tried to cool off from how hot Lindsay touching his belly made him. "I just... gained a little more weight than I meant to while feeding my roommate." Jake said, unsure whether he was trying to convince Lindsay or himself.

"Don't stress, I totally get it... I put on a couple more than I anticipated, too" Lindsay said, licking the sauce off her fingers as she finished off her last burger. "If it wasn't for how damn hungry I am all the time I'd be actually dropping a couple pounds this summer like I'd planned..." she said, popping a handful of fries into her mouth.

Jake could see it... he could finally be a feeder. Lindsay was basically begging to be pampered, fed, and praised... he grabbed a box for his last burger and few fries, watching as Lindsay gobbled up every last crumb of her own meal.

They headed towards their cars, until Lindsay asked him to come sit and chat. After a couple minutes of small talk, during which Jake's eyes couldn't help but glance down at her belly pooling out into her lap, Lindsay leaned in and locked her lips on Jake's. Their plump cheeks grazed as they melted into a deep kiss.

Lindsay reached her hand down, shifting Jake's belly out of the way to find his already-throbbing dick, clearly noticeable against his sweats once his belly was out of the way.

"Huh, maybe there's... something we could do to burn a few calories this summer" she said, letting his belly plop back down against his crotch as Jake practically melted into his seat.

"You gonna finish that?" Lindsay asked, eyeing his leftover burger. Jake, focused on the a different type of finish he had on his mind, opened up the box, pulled out the burger, and lifted it to Lindsay's lips, feeding the first bite to her.

It was finally happening. Lindsay was letting him feed her. Lindsay was going to be his feedee. They had the whole summer ahead of them. Everything seemed perfect!

Jake's thrill was briefly interrupted by a deep rumble from his own belly. He did his best to ignore it, unable to resist eyeing the last of the burger greedily for a mere moment before feeding it to Lindsay...

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