8 - Working on that Summer Bod

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Jake took a deep breath, staring up at the gym entrance, building up the confidence to go in. His new, loose 6XL shorts hung low enough to cover his thighs. He'd tucked his shirt securely to ensure it wouldn't ride up when he started jiggling on the treadmill... could he still fit on a treadmill? Would he be able to keep his balance? Maybe this was a mistake... he was ready to abandon his plan and go back to the car when the gym doors slid open leaving him face-to-face with Lindsay.

She looked slim. Not skinny, but smaller than when they'd left for college by a decent amount. Her eyes met his, clearly shocked to see him significantly fatter.

"Jake..?" she asked, unsure if he truly could have gained this much weight since last summer. His face flushed.

"Hey Lindsay... you're looking good," Jake said, embarrassed by how massive he must look. Lindsay paused, looking him up and down. Seeing the immense flab of his body studying even to stay standing without making him pant. He looked enormous, and it made her feel... tiny. Really, really tiny, actually.

"Thanks. I've been really focused on getting into shape," she said, giving a half-turn to show off her slightly-toned body. She wanted to leave, but couldn't pull herself away.

"Do you wanna... grab breakfast?" she asked, gesturing to her car. Jake wanted an excuse to avoid the gym, so he agreed. She asked him to stay in the car, returning with a box of donuts and a couple bags. They got to chatting, sliding back into their old comfort with each other.

"Cheat meal, we can start your big workout plan tomorrow," she said, seeing how badly he wanted to eat the sweet treats. He paused, and she lifted the first one into his mouth. He groaned, feeling himself giving in so easily... and shoved a second donut in. A third. She unwrapped a breakfast sandwich. Another donut. A muffin. Another donut. She was pushing food at him faster, watching him greedily lap up every bite. She fed him every treat, every bite, and watched as he finished it all. His stomach gurgled as he let out a weak burp.

She went into the store again, then drove them down the road to their old secluded spot. Jake was confused... here he was, fatter than ever... was she mocking him?

"C'mon," Lindsay said, climbing into the backseat. "Uhhh I'm not sure that's such a good—" Jake was cut off by Lindsay leaning up to his seat and kissing him. He got out of the car, panting, and got into the back. She pulled out more donuts from her second order, and in one fluid motion pushed him onto his back and pushed a donut into his mouth, kissing him against it.

"Ready to try again?" she said, pulling out a condom from her bag.

Jake felt his dick swelling. "I'm... Lindsay I gained a ton of weight..." he stammered.

"I know. And I lost a ton of weight. C'mon," she said, pushing a donut at him and starting to pull his shorts down. He wobbled in a feeble attempt to help, chewing on the sweet chocolate donut. Lindsay spread his huge thighs and pulled his belly back to reveal his erection, bobbing eagerly.

Jake moaned into another donut as she rolled the condom onto his dick. He grabbed his belly with one hand as she positioned herself and started grinding against him, every thrust into his middle sending his belly and moobs sloshing against his face as he reached for more food.

Lindsay straddled his wide hips, spreading herself until she felt him enter her. Then she got to work. As she humped, every movement was a struggle against his overflowing blubber. "Fuck *huff* you're *huff* big *huff" she wheezed, her hands squeezing onto his love handles as she watched his mouth drop open. She reached around and shoved two donuts in, feeling his food-fueled moan rise into a pleasure-driven one as Jake came, lazily thrusting as he struggled to move under the combined weight of Lindsay and his belly pressing on his hips.

Lindsay felt herself approaching the edge, too. She thrust against his crotch while he was hard enough to do anything for her, then squealed into an orgasm herself as she reached under his belly and finished herself off. As she laid back to enjoy the glow, Jake's hefty belly followed, bulging between his legs and resting on top of her.

"That was... really good," Lindsay said, pulling her shorts back up and sitting up, Jake's round, frosting-smeared face still red and panting, the full enormity of his belly finally visible as his tent-like shirt rode up further and further.

"Y-Yeah that was amaz-*hmph*," Jake started, interrupted by Lindsay pushing the last donut into his mouth. He greedily chewed it down, reaching down and rubbing the bloat of his belly.

Lindsay stared at him: he was so big... so soft... so helpless to resist ruining himself... so susceptible to whatever she wanted him to do. She'd worked hard to get her body back, and here was Jake, in a strangely attractive way completely giving in to whatever desires crossed his path... or his plate. If only her former feeder-followers could get a glimpse of all this, she thought, running her hand along the sag of his thigh, across the stretch marks of his belly hang.

"Let's pick this up at the gym tomorrow, okay?" Lindsay said, giving his belly a pat and climbing into the front seat. Jake groaned, stuffed and satisfied, pushing from his mind the confusion he felt about her actions.

The next morning, Jake arrived at the gym, entering to find Lindsay already sweaty from her workout. She encouraged him to walk on the treadmill, helping him gain his balance as he slowly shuffled his way walking on the belt.

Jake was sweating profusely, grateful when she turned off the machine after less than four minutes. "At your size, you burn a lot of calories just moving around, that's basically a whole workout! Here, I brought you a protein shake, it'll help a lot", Lindsay said handing him a bottle of thick, chocolatey liquid.

Jake took a sip, then started gulping it down, finding it delicious. Lindsay smiled up at him - there was protein powder in there, 1800 calories worth. Plus heavy cream, melted ice cream, and chocolate sauce. More than enough to replenish any calories he burned.

"Man I'm feeling *URRRP* fitter already!" Jake said, rubbing the sides of his belly. This continued several days a week, Lindsay watching from the bench press as the shakes took their toll and Jake's thighs got even more pillowy, his face rounded out even more, and his shuffle on the treadmill got slower and slower.

Sometimes they'd go out for a massive breakfast afterwards, Jake gorging himself on pancakes and bacon to "keep his strength up". By the end of the summer Lindsay could tell he'd gotten even bigger as his belly sloshed out of his huge shirt.

"Can I post your progress on my socials?" she asked one day, knowing he had a vague sense she'd shifted to fitness content.

"Sure!" Jake said enthusiastically, sucking down a second shake in the back of her car — she'd been giving him a second shake to "recover" after he burned precious calories being intimate with her.

Lindsay watched him heave his way out of the back of her car, seeing his thighs starting to fold on themselves. She'd been counting his calories and estimated he'd gained around 40 pounds this summer which would put him at 560... and he sure looked like someone racing for 600 pounds, she thought, watching him reach the end of the second shake.

She pulled out her phone, getting a good angle that showed off the uncontainable hang of his belly, then posted it with the caption "Jake is taking his fitness seriously, follow along to watch his progress!".

Lindsay smirked, watching Jake slowly making his way back into his house, seeing the feeders comments roll in... she knew the audience would return for more feedism content, and she'd stumbled across a feedee who was headed towards a lucrative gain, whether he realized it or not...

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