3 - A New Opportunity

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Jake was getting settled into his new dorm room when his roommate Mark arrived. Though not as fat as Jake, Mark looked pretty heavy, and Jake spotted his belly poking out from his shirt as Mark carried his boxes into the room. Mark's clothes actually looked a little... snug, Jake thought as he spotted a couple stretch marks across his bulging belly and sides. Seemingly Mark had been packing on some pounds recently, too. They got to chatting, hitting it off right away.

"Man I'm SO glad you're a fellow fatty, I was worried I'd end up with some jock or something. Here let me give you my number and—" Mark stopped, Jake's phone in his hand, as Jake realized he still had a weight gain comic on the screen.

"That's... uh my friend... sent" Jake stammered, struggling to figure out what to say that would explain the cartoonish blobby girls stuffing their faces plastered on his screen.

"DUDE! You're into gaining too! That's dope! I mean you always hope a fellow fatty is into stuffing... and by the look of you, seems like you've been doing a good job, huh? That's awesome, I won't have to pretend around you... dude, my followers have been hyping me up for how much quicker I'll gain in college... Maybe we can grab a nice big dinner?" Mark said, checking his phone.
"You have...followers?" Jake asked.
"Yeah! I've got an online community of feeders and stuff. You... dude, they'd love you out there! You're... I mean no offense, you're huge! I'll send you my profile... Maybe we can collab on some stuff..." Mark said, tapping at his phone.
Jake's phone buzzed, and he clicked on a profile for Fattening4Market, filled with pictures of his new roommate's belly, moobs, ass, and other bulges. He didn't even have to ask how much Mark weighed - 263 pounds was proudly displayed on his profile.

"Lemme just take a before belly pic, and make a quick post" Mark said, lifting his shirt. Mark watched two doughy, tanned rolls flop out, which Mark gently squished his hand into, snapping a picture. He jotted a quick note, and Jake watched the post appear.

> Fattening4Market: This big college belly is ready to EAT 🤤 I'm ready to gain that freshman 50, and I've got a superchub roommate who is gonna be a great influence on me... let's see how much I can eat!

Jake didn't love being called a superchub, but could already see a flood of comments encouraging Mark to eat extra dessert, drink lots of soda, and post more when he'd thoroughly stuffed himself... even a couple comments asking about this "massive" roommate. Jake had posted a belly picture here and there, but actual followers? Jake wondered how much of himself Mark was putting out there to amass a following... but the rumbling of his belly snapped his thoughts back to their dinner plans.

"C'mon man, we need plenty of time to fill these big bellies of ours" Mark said, pulling his shirt back down and giving Jake's belly a playful punch as he headed for the door. Jake was getting pretty hungry, making his way with a clearly-eager Mark to the dining hall. Maybe Mark could be the outlet for his feeder desires? He certainly seemed to have an appetite, and Jake wasn't really looking to gain that much more weight himself... Though he'd pictured having a girlfriend as a feedee, he'd admired some guy bellies online... maybe Mark was his chance to be a real feeder after all!

The dining hall was a fatty's paradise. Buffet-style, with plenty of choices, a pizza station, dessert section, and self-serve ice cream machines. Mark and Jake didn't waste any time loading up plate after plate. It was comforting having someone else whose appetite rivaled Jake's own. He'd been stuffing himself in relative secrecy for so long it was freeing to have an eating buddy. Jake lost count of how many chicken tenders and slices of pizza he'd devoured. He was still lazily nibbling on some fries when Mark couldn't eat any more, weakly slumping in his seat with an overstuffed look.

They finished off their first massive meal by taking bowls meant for salads and filling them to the brim with ice cream sundaes, drowned in hot fudge and whipped cream. The pair groggily ate their ice cream wordlessly at the table, fullness overcoming them as their bellies bulged against their waistbands. Encouraged by Mark's eagerness, Jake had once again eaten to his limit. Mark was panting, fully seated, just from how full he was.

"Man you're... *URRRP* a good influence on me, I'm gonna be massive in no time..." Mark said, heaving himself to his feet and holding his belly in both hands over his shirt. The overstuffed guys made their way back to their room. Jake was ready to collapse in bed, his usual post-stuffing routine, but Mark was digging through a drawer, pulling out a striped shirt.

"Here it is! Mind taking a few photos?" Mark said, handing Jake his phone as he peeled off his shirt and squeezed into one that was seriously undersized for his chubby body. Several inches of bloated flab bulged out of the bottom of the shirt and his chest was visibly outlined.

"Ummmm looks kinda small?" Jake said, tentatively, trying to deny how much he enjoyed seeing that much fat jiggling in the open.

"Oh, dude... these feeders go wild for stuff like this... I know all the tricks. Actually... wait, what size do you wear?" Mark asked, digging through his drawer and sizing Jake up.

"...three XL, usually..." Jake said, sheepishly admitting out loud how big he'd gotten.

"Guarantee, you put this on, post one pic, and you'll get a bunch of followers invested in your gain, man" Mark said, tossing him a medium-size shirt. Jake hadn't fit into a size medium since middle school.

"I'm... I dunno" Jake hesitated, really trying to shy away from any attention that was going to lead him down a path to getting even fatter... he could just help Mark instead, clearly this guy *wanted* to be ballooning with fat, and Jake could probably enjoy helping him get there.

"C'mon, just try" Mark said, wobbling over and starting to pull Jake's shirt up. Feeling someone's hands against his flab sent Jake's senses wild. He flushed, peeling off his shirt and squeezing into the medium one, hearing a couple seams rip as his girth stretched the fabric. Jake looked in the mirror, and he was truly massive: the shirt barely went a third of the way down his thick torso, leaving most of his jiggling belly exposed. Even his thick arms were stretching out the sleeves of the shirt to its limit.

"See? Post one pic like this and they'll be all over you. Mind if I strip? Makes em go wild if they see a bulge or just a bit of dick" Mark said with a smirk, pulling off his sweatpants and reaching into his underwear, stroking himself to get an erection before Jake could answer. Mark was squeezing his fat with one hand, and touching himself with the other... It was a movement Jake had made himself in private many times before. Mark's sizable bulge was forming a stiff tent in his underwear. Satisfied, he leaned onto the bed to angle for pictures.

Jake started snapping pictures for Mark, watching as his flabby belly folded, sagged, and bulged depending on his pose. He tucked his bulge for some photos and let his belly flop towards it for others. He made being fat look so... impressive. When he decided there was enough content for a post, Jake found himself with a touch of disappointment seeing Mark put his regular clothes back on, watching all of his doughy flab getting tucked away. Jake was enamored with how much of Mark he'd seen... how tight this shirt felt on him... how it was squeezing all of his own soft, heavy, doughy...

"M-Maybe... Maybe I could take one picture?" Jake suggested, acting on some eagerness to keep Mark's attention.

"Yesssss, you won't regret it, dude." Mark said, grabbing Jake's phone. He guided Jake how to stand, with one hand against his under belly like it needed comforting, and the other resting just above it. He cropped out Jake's face and handed him the phone back. Jake looked... massive. It was exactly like the kind of photo he'd pause if scrolling by it online. A couple stretch marks he hadn't been able to see were clearly visible on the overhang of his belly. Satisfied with their photo shoot, they both changed into their pajamas and headed to bed.

Jake posted his picture and started scrolling on his phone, grabbing a comic with a male feedee and picturing Mark with another couple hundred pounds on his frame. Laying down in bed, he felt a bulge forming between his flabby thighs, imagining Mark with as much weight as he had gained... even more weight than he had gained. He let his free hand drift lower, spreading his fingers and squeezing his belly, allowing his warm flab to bulge into his hand... he reached lower, feeling the softness of his underbelly... and then wrapping his fingers around his stiffness below that.

Jake drifted off to sleep, stuffed and aroused, not yet knowing all the comments and followers his post was gaining as he digested his first of many massive college meals...

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