6 - Summer Loving (2)

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Summer with a chubbier Lindsay continued to be an all-out food fest. Jake picked back up his summer job, often bookending shifts by eating sizable meals out with Lindsay. He didn't even have to subscribe to her OnlyFans, he was witnessing the impact of her gain on her figure first-hand.

They'd unintentionally adopted a routine: after a hefty dinner, they would go to an ice cream shop at the edge of town, gorge themselves on massive sundaes, then take Lindsay's car to park somewhere secluded and squeeze their collective 700 pounds into the back seat to make out... and sometimes more.He'd been so focused on Lindsay's increasingly-ample figure, that Jake hadn't noticed that he was the one downing more and more of the food at their mutual meals and that he was the one managing to pack on even more weight across their steamy summer weeks.

He heaved himself out of the passenger seat, grunting quietly as he lowered himself into the back of the car, trying to hold back a burp as his stomach groaned from the inconvenience of being jostled around. After eight weeks of their eating habits, Jake's 3XLs were tighter and more ill-fitting than ever, but he was blissfully unaware of his visible paunch as he watched the new mid-belly roll Lindsay had been developing flop into place as she peeled her shirt off, revealing her overtaxed sports bra resting on her doughy middle.

Lindsay's own stomach was gurgling, the ice cream struggling to settle as she continued stripping. "C'mon..." she said, panting from her own exertion and lifting Jake's shirt a bit, waiting for him to match her enthusiasm. Jake grunted, stripping his shirt off, letting his moobs and rolls out onto full display. He felt a bulge forming in his sweatpants, which the meaty hang of his belly was already rubbing against as he shifted onto his back.

From his new vantage point, he found a sealed package of Oreos under the seat that he wasted no time peeling open and starting to munch on.

"Stop *hnnh* eating, I can barely *mmph* squeeze my legs... around" Lindsay grunted, the sheer width of Jake's body giving her little room to maneuver. The hang of her own belly squished between his pillowy thighs as she tried to squirm her way on top of him and meet his Oreo-dusted lips to kiss him. He brought his hands down against her bulging love handles, feeling their collective temperatures rising as they kissed with more intensity.

She shoved his moob away, which had pooled against the side of her double-chin, a glimmer of sweat already forming across her forehead. With her torso between his legs, she struggled to reach back around either of their butts to confirm if Jake was sufficiently excited for more intimate activities.

"Are you..." she asked, pulling away from their kiss and pulling a condom out from the seat pocket. Jake took the opening to shove three more Oreos in his mouth, sputtering a "yes" when he saw what she was holding. They'd done plenty in the back of this car this summer, but hadn't actually had sex yet.

Lindsay sat up, unwrapping the condom and handing it to Jake to put on. He shoved his belly out of the way with one hand, but with the cramped angle of his body, his thighs were getting in the way of fully reaching. He had no trouble reaching at home, but now he was huffing and puffing trying to sit up far enough to reach. Jake flopped onto his back, feeling his belly and thighs sloshing against his dick.

"Can you do it?" he said, grabbing a few more Oreos and shoving them into his mouth. Lindsay rolled her eyes, trying to peel his thighs and belly apart, struggling against the back of the seats. "Can you at least help?" she said, frustrated. He grabbed his belly, pulling it back and feeling her roll the condom down the length of his erection.

"You get on top" she said, realizing she wasn't going to be able to wedge herself into place easily. Jake groaned as he pushed himself up, watching Lindsay's butt and belly softly pooling against the seats. The movement jostled another burp out of Jake. "S-sorry" he said, grasping for another couple Oreos before they were out of reach. Crumbs cascaded down his double-belly, sprinkling onto Lindsay's bare chest.

"Dude..." she said, brushing herself off. She was struggling to maintain her own excitement, pulling him against her into another deep kiss before anything else went awry. Lindsay laid back, letting Jake position himself and come back down to meet her lips.

Jake grunted, giving a weak thrust, panting through a mouthful of Oreos.

"Are you... I don't think you're even close to being in..." Lindsay said, trying to reach between their legs. A bead of sweat rolled down Jake's forehead, landing on Lindsay's face. "Jake... your belly is in the way... c'mon" she said trying to pull his hanging belly above her own thighs.

"Shit sorry..." Jake huffed. Feeling his belly flop against Lindsay's lap, he lost his balance as his arm that was holding him above her slipped, sending him collapsing onto her and inadvertently letting out a fart that overshadowed Lindsay's yelp at getting crushed under his weight.

He peeled himself up, sitting back against the car door as his belly flopped back into his lap against his still-wrapped dick. He grabbed an Oreo while Lindsay recovered, her face flushing red.

"Can you just STOP eating!? God! I'm literally trying to fuck you and you're either too fat or too busy eating to make it happen!" Lindsay said, frustrated, as she started pulling her shorts back up.

"Lindsay, I--we both..." Jake started, feeling like the backseat of a car wasn't exactly the environment with the highest chance of a successful first time considering they weren't exactly at their most limber.

"No, Jake. I'm literally letting myself get like this to get paid for it, you're the one with the weight gain kink that's making you turn into this massive fatass feedee who can't stop himself" she said, getting into the front seat and driving them back to Jake's car while he quietly got his clothes back on, too flustered to fire back.

"Lindsay, I'm not a feedee" he muttered, seeing Lindsay's disinterested expression. "I can't believe I let you manage to enable me getting like this" she said, poking her belly out for emphasis. "We're done, Jake. Go back to school and get immobile with that fatass roommate of yours or whatever, I'm not resigning myself to a life where I'm too big to do what I want" she said, sounding dejected, as he reluctantly got out of the car.

Jake sat in his car, feeling his belly against the driver's seat. How had things gotten so backwards? He'd been feeding Lindsay the entire summer, and it was somehow his fault for putting on a couple extra pounds? He wasn't even that big... even if she'd unintentionally admitted Jake had been an encouraging factor in her gain, it undermined any measure of success he felt he'd gained becoming a feeder.

Jake moped around for the last few days of summer, sending Lindsay a smattering of texts without any response. He arrived back at college before Mark, reaching his phone under his belly to take a picture of the display as he hesitantly stepped onto the scale, convinced Lindsay was wrong and he hadn't been gaining... then staring with disbelief as he zoomed in on the display: 418 pounds.

Jake flopped onto his bed, pulling up his weight gain comics - he'd fallen behind on these stories during all the time he'd been spending with Lindsay. He fell into a familiar comfort scrolling through panels of these eager feedees stuffing themselves out of their wardrobes, insatiable appetites welcomed by their affectionate feeders. He mindlessly grabbed a bag of chips from his bag and started munching. This year, Jake told himself, he'd get things under control...

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