chapter four

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Nam chorios
Kalan sat in a meditative pose a red kybar crystal floating between his hands as the first brother woke feeling sore and dazed he tried to move but found he couldn't as he was restrained to a chair he tried to use the force to break free but that only caused a shock of electricity to surge through him. "Please don't do that." Kalan said calmly. "Why am i still alive?" The first brother demanded. "Because we didnt want to kill you i would have preferred to take your friend alive as well but unfortunately that didnt work out." Kalan said. "He wasnt my friend." The first brother said. Kalan remained still his eyes closed as he let the force flow through him into the crystal. "Do you know how the sith and your group get red kybar crystals because they aren't a natural occurrence so do you know how they are made?" Kalan asked as he took a deep breath. "They bleed them corrupting the crystal bending it to their will." The first brother said sounding disgusted with the knowledge. "Correct." Kalan said. The red crystal glowed while in the air. "This crystal can never go back to how it was before the dark side as left its scar on it." Kalan said. "Like me." The first brother said. "Yes just like you." Kalan said as the crystal lost its red coloring turning white. "But just because its scarred doesnt mean it cant be healed it doesnt mean its too far gone it can be healed and made anew...." Kalan said as the white crystal floated into the lightsaber that he assembled before activating the weapon and catching it in his hand the blade now glowing white he looked at the first brother. "Just like you." Kalan said. "The order got what it deserved i will not be part of it again." The first brother said. The order made a mistake several and it paid dearly for them but wouldnt you want to see the order come back the way it was always meant to be why not help shape it as we rebuild it." Kalan said. The first brother lowered his head remembering the pain he had felt through the force as the clones had turned on the jedi leading them remembered the months of torment he had endured and remembered all the things he had done as a inquisitor. Kalan undid the first brothers restraints with a wave of his hand. "You can come back you just have to want to." Kalan said offering him a red kyber crystal and he knew it was from his own lightsaber. "You dont have to be in the dark anymore you can come back." Kalan said. Chad reached up taking the crystal and cradled it to his heart sobbing at the mistakes he had made.
Zion and his hunters looked at the destruction from the battle a corpse of a inquisitor lay missing his left hand and having a hole blown through his skull along with the bodies of the dozen or so purge troopers zion could tell this had been a coordinated effort and not by some rogue Padawan zion could feel it had been the jedi from tatooine and it seemed their small band of survivors had grown as the remains of six prototype jh battle droids lay scattered everywhere. Gamma approached zion who looked at him. "I tracked the second inquistor to a factory nearby there are signs of a battle i sensed about three combatants one of which i recognize as the jedi from tatooine." Gamma said. "It about time he made a move no doubt it was his group that attacked the inquistor on kashyyyk." Zion stated.
a heavy breathing and over bearing presence appeareed behind zion  sending a chill through him he turned and saw a figure in full  black armor a  flowing  black  cape black helmet that came to the ridge between where eyes should have been  now he saw an a face that resembled more  a skull than that of a man this man who was now more machine and fury  was  the  chosen apprentice to darth sidious he was  darth  vader and  even  in this  state vaders power  made  zions  blood  run cold. zion fell to one  knee before the  dark lord head  lowered  looking down to the ground his team  did  the same. "you are the hidden  servant  of my  master." vader said in deep augmented voice. "yes my name is zion the emperors wrath how may i be of service lord vader?" zion asked. vader walked past him to the scene of the battle his breathing was in acalm rythem as the dark lord  took in the aftermath of the battle. "this presence.... one i have not felt since..." vader trailed off as if lost  in memory.
vader remembered seeing kalan standing on that landing pad  holding the body of his sister and watching him fall off the platform. "so your still alive after all  this time." vader  said to himself seemingly forgetting the existence of  those  around him. "do you know the jedi responsible for this?" zion asked. "yes and he is far too powerful for the inquistors if you locate this jedi you are to bring him to me alive or alert me to his location and i shall deal with him personally is that understood emperors wrath?" vader demanded turning to face him. zion nodded his compliance. "it shall be done my lord."zion said. "do not fail me i shall not  be so forgiving as the emperor as in the past." vader stated walking away with his storm troopers.
gamma  approached him once vader was  gone. "we have the  one  who issued the report. the  second inquistor was taken alive the man who reported it tagged their  ship with a  tracking beacon we will have their location shortly." gamma said. "good get the others and  tell the emperor i want the remaining jh droids for the raid." zion ordered.
nam chorios
kalan felt a disturbance in the force as he stood in a observation tower of an old abandoned  mining base. the disturbance was not a loss of life but a presence of malice hate and anger it was reaching out from somewhere in the galaxy seeking him but kalan didnt reach out to the challenge he had felt this presence before it was that of vader the killer of his sister and the only person kalan had vowed to destroy but he knew once he under took that task he would never be  a jedi again but it was a  confrontation that he would have to have   sooner or later and it would either result in his  death or the destruction of who he use to be. he had recieved the warnings knew what it meant had a reason in dez to not go after his vengeance but the jedi couldn't rebuild with vader still alive.
"I feel more conflict  in you than the former inquistor down  stairs." came the mon calamari jedi healer ciati as she entered the observation tower. "my apologies if i am  disturbing you." ciati said. "not at all how are the others?" kalan asked. "no fatalities jorin suffered a concussion but he will be fine with a days soak in the bacta tank kriva is soaking in a   bacta tank and in healing trance  so she  will be moving in a few days lyrad and jana had mild injuries that just took bacta patchs to fix."ciati said. kalan nodded his understnding grateful no one had been killed in the operation but it had been a great risk but the redemption of a fellow jedi made  that  risk  worth it. "if i may  i am worried  about someone here a patient who didn't report to the infirmary when they  arrived one whose  pain i can clearly feel in the force." ciati  said. kalan looked at  her concerned. "who is it?" kalan  asked. "you kalan you have  been in great pain since  before  you got here its like a festering wound  on you." ciati said worried. kalan looked away from her closing his  eyes trying to keep his emotions under control. "i have been trying to see the future seeking the guidance of the  force.... i have tried to let go  of my hate my anger but no matter   how hard i try a  confrontation with him is all i see sometimes  it ends with my death and  the destruction of the  jedi order in others i defeat  vader and strike  him down but i lose who i am and i turn into him...." kalan said  trailing off his voice cracking from the bent up emotions.  "and the jedi order would be destroyed regardless." ciati said which made him look at her surprised by her words. "it was not master windu or grand master yoda or kenobi that brought so many of us back together kalan...." ciati said stepping forward. "it wasnt master zey though he is a part of it, it was you kalan you brought us together you found us when we were scattered and desperate." ciati said. tears ran down kalans face wiped them and nodded. "thank you." kalan choked out trying to  regain his composure. "and perhaps its not a  direction the force is guiding you to but a warning its trying to guide you away from maybe its saying that you are not the one to  fight vader." ciati said. kalan nodded taking a breath. "thank you, you have given me much to think about." kalan said. ciati bowed her head in respect.
courasant imperial center. 
zion had been to courasant several times in his life but always through hidden  corridors and  shadow  passages to avoid the jedi but now wearing his new black imperial uniform he walked through the imperial palace in the  open he entered the throne room of the imperial palace or  what had been the former home of the  jedi order the jedi temple. he looked upon the man who had found him in that alley, the man who had watched as he and hundreds of others trained fought clawed and tore at  eachother until only a few had survived to become his faithful and loyal servants. zion knelt before shevv palpatine or as he was truly named darth sidious he lowered his head in submission to his master. "you have done well my servant as i knew you would." sidious said. zion basked in the warmth of the praise from his master feeling like that boy in the alley or the boy in that arena  onn ziost. "maul was nothing but a failure  one who even failed  to perish when he should have." sidious said. (still the obedient tool...) mauls  words echoed in his head. "he long  out lived his usefulness." sidious said. (sidious is using you... just like grievous.... just like dooku and just like me!) mauls words dug deep into his mind he  fought to drive them down out of his mind. (will you be the tool  he uses until it breaks.) maul whispered into his ear.
"things are different with you my servant your loyalty and conviction as never wavered never broken i forsee great things for you as long as you remain at my side and perhaps even one day you shall take the title that you so desire that  you have longed for since you were little." sidious said. "it would be my honor  my master." zion said putting a closed fist over his heart. "but  you must have patience you will achieve your destiny in time." sidious said a lightsaber floated from sidious's cloaks sleeve floating to zion being laid at his feet.
"take it as your new weapon a reward for your achievements now go my son." sidious said. zion looked up at sidious  with a look of surprise at statement sidious only smiled his yellow teeth gleaming in the dimly lit office. zion picked up the weapon finding it odd  to hold in his hand as the weapon was shorter than a standard lightsaber he would practice with the weapon and not waste such a gift given to him by his master.  he left the throne room his new lightsaber clipped to his belt.
he arrived at the port where he saw the remaining jedi hunter battle driods being loaded onto shuttles that would take it to their frigate he saw alpha over seeing the operation. "speak." zion ordered. "the machines aren't necessary we do not need them." alpha stated. "they will make what comes next easier these  jedi aren't to be underestimated they already escaped once and i will not accept failure again." zion stated. "beta as found a jedi and they are hunting it as  ordered." alpha said. "good i don't want him dead not yet." zion said. a man in a purple cloak arrived holding a brown clay container. "careful with this its priceless." the man said. alpha looked at the container  and then to  zion in confusion. "what is that?" alpha asked. "the dark side is a gateway to things many would consider unnatural." zion said quoting his masters words.
mira felt a disturbance in the force she closed her eyes and delved into the force letting its currents carry her mind a man appeared in her mind a jedi padawan she had known from her time studying  under dooku before  his fall to the darkside the young  man was  in pain afraid and desperate  he was being hunted but not by inquisitors  but by  something with a greater bloodlust. she came out of her force trance by master zey grabbing her arm she  looked him and realized  she was crying. "master i am  sorry but  i have to  go." mira said. "its a trap mira we can't fall into it." zey said shaking his head. "its too soon since the last operation you just got back we need to let things settle once more." zey  said turning walking away as if that  settled the matter. "so we let a fellow jedi die but risk everything to capture one  of them?" mira demanded. zey looked back at her and  she could see the stress on his face. "i do not make this decision lightly."  zey said. "how can we be jedi and not do everything to help those in need?" mira demanded. "mind your emotions young one think with your head not your heart." zey said. "master dooku would never have left a fellow jedi behind." mira said. "your old master  left the entire order behind.... but  i still wish the man he use to be was here." zey said walking away.
jedi padawan ross kull fell to the ground clutching the bleeding gash in his leg his attackers hadn't attacked with lethal intent since landing the blow he shivered from freezinng tempertures of the planet. the hunters followed a few yards away. "poor little jedi." came the woman known as beta wielding two swords
"No way to escape." Came the man that had been called delta who wielded a mace. "Best ways to hunt an animal wound it let it wear itself down turns out thats the best way to hunt a jedi as well." Came gamma wielding two axes. Alpha arrived with zion who held the clay pot opening the pot it unleashed a creature squirming tentacles and a mouth with four sharp needle like teeth the creature lunged out of the container tackling ross to the ground wrapping his arms and legs in tantacles as it bore into his chest the jedis screams of agony and horror were silenced as his face was frozen in a look of agony. "We will use him to bring more jedi." Zion said.
Zey sat in the hut used by the last of the jedi masters that could be found besides himself master vorsh a balding man who had always been a hardliner for the code and had refused to use clone troopers and instead had been on Ossus when the academy there had been attacked and had managed to get a hand full of younglings out safely. Master delia who had been stationed on alderaan when order sixty six happened she was snuck off planet before the clones had seen her. The final one was master korru a human male with a long brown graying beard the top of his head was bald while he had a pony tail going down his back he had survived being shot down on dantooine and had made his way off world using jedi back channels. They were the last of the old jedi masters and had all agreed kalan had met the requirements of becoming a master but his grudge against vader held him back but zey had faith the young jedi could learn to let go of his hate it just took time. "We need to discuss what to do about young jedi knight ross." Zey said. "We have his location and the imperial force hunting him is small a small team could extract him." Korru said. "Thats what the enemy wants its a trap one that we can't afford to spring not so soon after the kashyyyk and taris missions we risk revealing just how many of us they missed and getting a larger force dedicated to hunting us." Vorsh said. "Hes right we cant risk it." Delia said. "There are younger jedi who believe that we would be going against the code if we didn't try." Zey said. "They should think logically about this such a risk could cause us to lose ruusan one jedi isn't worth the risk." Korru said. "I agree." Zey said.
Mira came through the door unannounced and looked out of breath. "Masters i am asking you to let me go and try to rescue ross he was with a group of younglings if we hurry we might be able to save them those kids are the future for the jedi." Mira pleaded. "I am sorry mira but the council as already made up its mind." Zey stated. "But kalan isn't even back yet and you guys are just going to abandon a fellow jedi and kids?" Mira demanded. "Kalan isnt a member of this council not yet anyway." Vorsh said. "Even with youngling added to the equation it is far too dangerous to mount a rescue." Korru stated
Mira looked at them in disbelief at the masters. "We have made our decision." Delia stated. Mira lowered her head knowing she had lost the argument.
She left the council chamber and went to her hut entering feeling her frustration mounting she felt her friends pain through the force and fear and knew that he was being tortured for the location of the younglings she sat down and assumed a meditative posture letting the force flow through her a knock at her door caught her attention and she saw the felleen jedi knight brox kuvos standing in the door way. "Would you know where the younglings would have been stashed?" He asked. "I have an idea but nothing duracret." She said. "Then i am in i can talk to a few others get a strike team together the masters wont like it but if we succeed they will get over it and if we fail then we just dont get taken alive." Brox said. She nodded knowing such an action would never have happened before the clones betrayal.
That night she met a few others in a field among them was the bothan jedi knight kuri'kat the basilisk jedi luk kel zelan a new arrival himself stood with the others juno vale a human female who was fairly attractive except a scar that went from the corner of her left eye to her chin a left over from an encounter with grievous during the war. "Alright thats all of us so lets do this." Brox said they started toward their starfighters but saw a brown cloaked individual standing between them and the fighters. "I can't let you do this." Jedi knight leon said. "Just step aside leon no needs to hear about this until we are long gone." Came luk. "The masters made their decision your putting us all at risk if you do this." Leon stated. "We are saving children!" Kuri growled. "I am ensuring the safety of the order!" Leon fired back. "Kalan wouldnt have backed the councils decision." Juno said. "Kalan isn't a master!" Leon snapped he calmed himself with a breath. "He is a jedi knight like me like you and that means he must follow the councils orders as well." Leon said. "Hanar are you really ready to cross blades with us?" Mira asked. Leon ignited his blue lightsaber. "I will do what i must." Leon said when he was suddenly hit from behind with a stun rod collapsing to the ground unconscious standing over him was fitz. "I zapped him badly he will not unalive be reawake in hours." Fits said in his broken way of talking. The jedi moved past leons unconscious form and climbed into their starfighters taking off and heading for mygeeto to rescue the younglings.
Kalan felt a disturbance through the force and saw his comm terminal beeping he accepted the call and dez appeared in a blue holographic form. "Kalan mira and a group of jedi knights snuck out last night they are going to mygeeto to try and save a jedi night named ross and a group of younglings the masters had declared it too dangerous but if they get captured it could expose us to the empire." Dez said. Kalan closed his eyes and nodded. "I will do what i can." Kalan said. "I know.... And the masters are heading after them to try to get them before they can make contact with the enemy." Dez said. "Alright i will see if i can get there first head them off but if there is no word from us in a few days evacuate there is a data pad a list of suitable worlds pick one and go i will find you." Kalan said. "I love you." Dez said. "I know.... I love you to." Kalan said ending the call he then headed out of the observation room heading for his modified delta seven starfighter which had a hyperdrive installed something the vessel originally lacked he climbed into his fighter and started the power up sequence taking off and setting a course for mygeeto.

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