High School

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Ymir whips her head toward the unexpected voice. She became suddenly breathless and...embarrassed? The most beautiful girl she has ever laid eyes on had caught her climbing over the bridge railing, her left leg still thrown around the top of it. Ymir blinks and stutters, frozen. Usually, Ymir would be able to muster up the courage to tell off any stranger who spoke to her while at the bridge. But this girl, this goddess, was the prettiest specimen Ymir has ever seen. Her unnaturally bright blonde hair and sky-blue eyes enchanted her.

"Were you about to jump?" The girl's eyes stared at her. She seemed bored and disinterested in whatever Ymir was planning. In complete honesty, Ymir wasn't going to jump. She liked the feeling of the wind on her skin, the mist spraying her legs from the waves below. Ymir often came here as the sun was setting and she would be able to feel the sunlight's presence slowly leave. She never went as far as to actually jump, though she would consider it on a particularly rough day.

"Um...no? I just like to stand there?" Ymir vocalized her answer like a question and mentally slapped herself. She noticed this stranger was dressed in a cheerleading outfit. This exact outfit from her very own high school.

Great, Ymir thought, Now the whole school will think I'm suicidal.

The blonde tilted her head, her expression still emotionless.

"You just like to stand there."

"Yup. The wind...and stuff. You know." Ymir shrugged. At this point in the conversation, Ymir's leg was off the railing and she was trying to casually lean against it. Her eyes broke away from the cheerleader's, looking anywhere else. A shuffling sound startled her as the cheerleader came closer and quickly maneuvered herself over the railing.

"H-Hey! Be careful!" Ymir reached out and clutched the girl's shoulder. When the blonde looked back at her and made eye contact, Ymir could feel her face heat up and her hand begin to burn where she touched the other girl's skin.

"Be careful?" Her eyebrows furrowed, and the corners of her mouth tilted down. "You were just about to climb over yourself, weren't you?" She said with a sass in her voice. Ymir blinked slowly and released her shoulder.

"Uh...yeah..but..." Ymir was lost, unable to think of a coherent sentence.

"Climb over then. Hurry up, it's about to be dark." The frown remained, but her voice softened. Ymir slowly shook her head in disbelief. Who was this girl?

Taking a deep breath in, Ymir clutched the metal and hauled herself over. Definitely not as graceful as the cheerleader. Once they were over, both had their hands behind them, white-knuckling the railing. The metal creaked under them, echoing. The blonde sharply inhaled making sure her grip on the railing was strong enough. Ymir never minded the creaking, it did that everyday. Now she barely noticed it. Ymir closed her eyes, taking in the feeling of the wind on her damp skin and the breeze through her short brown hair. She takes deep breaths in and out, an extremely calming feeling washing over her. This was Ymir's favorite spot to go after school because it calmed the nerves that built up throughout the day. The sound of the waves today weren't as loud and the wind was at a perfect speed. It almost made her forget about the gorgeous cheerleader's hand less an inch away from her own.

"I guess I see the appeal." The blonde said in an airy voice, making Ymir peak over at her. Her eyes were closed, her pink lips in the form of a small smile on her face. The blonde hair was softly flowing in the wind, and the last rays of sunshine fell perfectly on her face. Ymir's mouth fell, and she just knew the blush had formed all over her face and neck.

"What is your name?" Ymir said too loud and desperate, making the other girl snap her eyes open and slide them over to Ymir.

"...Historia." She said with the same smile on the lips. Ymir became breathless once again, and she couldn't handle Historia looking at her that way. Their eyes were locked together for five long seconds when Ymir realized she needed to say something instead of just staring at the girl.

"Historia. That is Italian." She sputtered out and immediately cringed. Historia looked at her surprised and let out the smallest of laughs. Ymir could throw herself into the river below without any hesitation at this point. It was over, the cheerleader was going to ruin her life and never lay her beautiful eyes on her again.

"I guess so? But, I'm not Italian." She laughed again. "Are you Italian or something?" Historia questioned, her eyes settling back on the fading sun.

"No. I don't know why I know that it's just...one of those things. You know."

Stop saying "You know" Ymir, she doesn't know! Ymir internally screamed.

"Sure." Historia laughs again, and it's music to Ymir's ears. Ymir takes in Historia's beauty, absolutely in awe.

"What's your name?" Historia asked, looking at Ymir through her peripheral.

"Ymir." She replied, unable to hold back a goofy grin.

"Pretty name." Historia whispers, tilting her head back to keep her face from getting a misty spray by a larger-than-normal wave. Ymir couldn't stop her eyes roaming the curves of Historia's neck.

How could someone be this beautiful?

"What?" Historia said softly.

"What?" Ymir responded.

Oh no.

Historia and Ymir speak simultaneously;

"Did you just call me beautiful?"

"Did I say that outloud?"

Ymir lets out an awkward laugh, her hands clutching onto the railing for dear life as her head spins. Historia looks at her with her lips slightly parted and Ymir has to force herself to look away from them.

"I was talking about the sunset, obviously." Ymir scoffs, sweat rolling down her face.

"The sunset is a someone?" Historia says, her smile spreading further across her face.

"Y-Yeah! You didn't know? It's a new thing, NASA or something like said something or whatever." Ymir waved hand in the air before immediately going back to clutching onto the railing.

"You are really bad at recovery. That made zero sense." Historia teases.

"Well I'm not use to having such long conversations with people my age what do you expect?" Ymir's blush is radiating off her face while her palms begin to sweat. Historia and Ymir sit in a charged silence for what felt like eons. Ymir had to close her eyes and try to regulate her body temperature- well, as much as it can be in the presence of this gorgeous stranger.

Ymir feels a pressure on her thumb, followed by the unfamiliar touch of another human. Historia slowly placed a few of her fingers over Ymir's, neither of them making eye contact, their focus glued onto the last sliver of the sun showing on the horizon. It feels like someone just punched her in the chest as she loses her breath. Ymir's heart was beating so hard and fast she wouldn't be surprised if Historia could hear it over the water below them.

What the actual hell is happening right now, she thought to herself.

"Wanna go get some ice cream, Ymir?" Historia peaked at Ymir to see the angry blush that has formed over her tan skin and freckles. Historia's heart skips a beat when the two finally make eye contact again, the small chance of rejection nagging in the back of her mind.

"I would love to." Ymir forces out through her dry throat, letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding. A smile creeps up both of their faces, and one after the other they safely climb back over the railing. Heading to the nearest ice cream shop, their hands brush against each other the whole way there.

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