Chapter 1

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I was never usually late for anything. I was very punctual most of the time. I'm not even sure how I ended up late in the first place. I arrived at the New York Public Library after receiving a call from my colleague and friend Dr. Egon Spengler. We met in university while earning our Ph.D.'s in Nuclear Engineering. I was a few years younger than him because I graduated high school at 16. I also met my other friends, Dr. Ray Stantz and Dr. Peter Venkman in the years following my class with Egon.

Out of the three I was closest to Spengler. Although not sharing similar interests, hobbies, or personality traits, we instantly clicked. It's kind of funny how different we are, but still manage to stay so close. He is very quiet and not social. He often focuses on nothing but his work. I am usually the one that gets him to open up. Unlike Egon, I am very outgoing and genial, and also unlike Egon who claims "print is dead", I love to read. Egon and I designed most of the equipment we use for research because I am also considered a genius, and I like to gently remind him every time he thinks he's the smartest in the room to keep his ego in check. He also tries to humble me by bringing up the fact he got 0.01 points higher on his GPA. It's just how our dynamic works.

I am also close with Ray Stantz. He is a total sweetheart who would do anything for his friends. He was always very optimistic in any given situation which I admire because I usually tend to see the negative rather than the positive. We even each other out.

And then there is Peter Venkman. He and I are not as close as I am with Egon or Ray for that matter, but we are still good friends. He has this wonderful gift of getting on my nerves, so we argue a lot. We tend to have opposing views but we do make a good team.

I work with the three of them at Columbia University where we study the paranormal. In the last few months, we have been doing field research on suspected haunted buildings all around the city. Today was no different.

I made my way through the lobby of the library to find my colleagues who Egon said would meet with the director of the library to investigate the 'disturbance'. I noticed the three of them walking in a line, and rushed to catch up with them. I could somewhat hear what they were talking about.

"Egon, this reminds me of the time you tried to drill a hole through your head. You remember that," Peter laughed at the memory. I managed to catch up to them

"That would have worked if you hadn't stopped me," Egon replied.

"I don't think trepanation was the answer to your problem Spengs. Sorry, I'm late I was stuck in traffic," I walked up next to Egon and greeted the men with smiles. A stranger walked in between Ray and Peter and introduced himself.

"I'm Roger Delacorte. Are you the men from the university?" Well, that was rude. What am I chopped liver? I fake cough kind of obnoxiously directed at Mr. Delacorte so he can acknowledge my existence. Most people assumed that I was the guys' secretary. It got kind of annoying after a while so I like to make my presence known.

"My apologies Ms.?" The man seemed stunned at my bluntness but I acted as though nothing had happened.

"Dr. Elizabeth Jordan," I introduced myself while shaking his hand. "These are my colleagues," I gestured the the guys.

"Yes. I'm Dr. Venkman. Dr. Stantz. Egon," Peter pointed to each of them. He also pokes fun at Egon which is one of the reasons we butt heads a lot.

"Dr. Spengler," I corrected. I find that I am extremely defensive of him since we are very close friends and he deserves respect.

"Thank you for coming. I hope we can clear this up quickly and quietly," Mr. Delacorte said kindly.

"Let's not rush things. We don't even know what you have yet." The odd thing with Peter is that he doesn't believe that the paranormal exists. He always tries to disprove our findings despite us working together in the same field.

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