Chapter 4

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The four of us sat around our small dining table with our Chinese takeout. I was picking at my rice while helping Egon fix one of the packs' ion arm and motherboard. Our calm quiet meal was interrupted by Peter.

"To our first customer," he toasted Dana. We all reached for our drinks.

"To our first and only customer," Ray raised it can. We all took a swig from our drinks and set them down. Egon went back to fiddling with a screwdriver but I paid attention to what Peter said.

"I'm going to need to take out some petty cash. We should take her out to dinner. We don't want to lose her." He leaned back in his seat. Ray was about to speak but I cut him off.

"Let me get this straight," I fake laughed, " you want to use our petty cash, which we don't have, to take out our first customer on a date," I paused, " Am I hearing that right," I rested my head on my hand and craned my neck to look at Ray with raised eyebrows.

"Yes, Dr. Jordan," he responded obnoxiously. I rolled my eyes at his childish response. He continued.

"Like I said we don't want to lose her." It took him a minute to process what I had said then turned to look at me. "Wait what did you say about the petty cash?" He sounded a mix of nervous and confused.

"That we don't have any," I questioned sarcastically. Egon took a break from fixing the wand to watch Peter and I bicker.

"What are you talking about," Peter asked sounding bored. Before I could say anything Ray cut me off this time.

"We spent the last of it on this," he paused and let out a sarcastic sigh, "Magnificent meal," he gestured to the food in front of us. We all went back to eating except Peter.

"Hey, slow down. Chew your food," Peter motioned to Ray. I could hear the phone ringing from downstairs, but I didn't think much of it considering almost every call we get is a joke or fake. The ringing stopped meaning Janine answered but I couldn't hear what was being said. A few seconds later she yelled up to us.

"We got one!" The alarm sounded. We had yet to get a serious call so we were all a little shocked. We looked up from what we were doing and looked around at each other, not knowing what to do.

"It's a call," Ray exclaimed. He jumped up from the table and frantically ran to the pole and slid down to the first floor. "Come on!"

Egon, Peter, and I jumped up not long after him. Peter slid down after him with a takeout container still in hand. I took off my heeled boots and left them by the table as Egon slid down. I went over to the pole and held onto the brass and slid to the first floor. Egon was at the bottom waiting for me. He made sure I didn't fall before getting himself ready. We each rushed over to our locker indicated by our names. I pulled open the door and slipped off my coat and hung it on the hook. I got my suit, pulled it over my body, and slipped on the combat boots that sat at the bottom of the locker. I zipped up my suit, grabbed a hair elastic, and ran over to the ECTO-1 where Egon was waiting. Ray and Peter were in the front so I got into the backseat and Egon followed. As soon as the door closed the car lurched forward and we sped off through the streets of New York.

Once I was settled in the backseat I tied up my shoelaces and put my hair up with the elastic around my wrist. We soon arrived at the Sedwick Hotel and hopped out of the car. Ray opened the back and pulled out the shelf with our equipment. Egon and I helped put on each other's packs. I picked up my PKE, closed up the back door, and locked it. I followed in between Peter and Egon through the doors.

"Hey, anybody seen a ghost," Peter yelled into the lobby. I'm pretty sure whoever called asked for us to be discrete but whatever.

"Uh, thank you for coming so quickly." A man came up behind us without warning and caused us all to jump slightly.

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