Chapter 2

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Since we were fired from the university, we needed to find a new job. Luckily for us, Peter finally had an idea, but I don't know why he had to come tell me at 3 am. We decided to meet at the bank to sell Ray's childhood home. I felt really bad because I was not very sure how successful this new business would be.

"You're never going to regret this, Ray," Peter said leading us out of the bank.

"My parents left me that house. I was born there," Ray whined. Peter walked over to the right side of Ray. I went over to his left and Egon walked on my left.

"You're not going to lose the house. Everybody has three mortgages nowadays." Although Peter's words were meant to comfort Ray, they most likely did the opposite.

"But at 19 percent? You didn't even bargain with the guy," Ray exclaimed. I don't see Peter's plan ending well. I mean honestly, when does any of his Ideas go according to plan?

"I feel like this was a terrible idea," I sighed shaking my head.

"When have I ever been wrong about anything," Peter leaned over Ray to question me. I leaned my head to the side and looked at him with my eyebrow raised.

"Ok fine maybe I'm wrong about a lot of things, but I'm confident in our newest venture, "Ghoststoppers." Peter continued.

"That's a terrible name," I scoffed. There is no way I'm going to co-own a company called "Ghoststoppers".

"Ghosthunters," Peter tried again, but naming things is not his strong suit.

"That's somehow even worse," I said shaking my head.

"Ghostblasters," Ray suggested. Absolutely not.

"You guys suck at naming things." I laughed.

"What about Ghostbusters," Egon suggested while looking down at me. I thought about that one. It wasn't that bad but I still didn't know how to feel about it. I don't know if I liked it or I liked the way he said it.

"That's not bad. It has a nice ring to it and it doesn't make us sound one hundred percent crazy," I smiled back at him.

"Do you actually like it or are you just agreeing with Egon," Peter asked with a small teasing grin. I smirked over at Peter.

"Why can't it be both." I noticed Egon out of the corner of my looking at me with wide eyes. He cleared his throat after shaking off his initial shock and looked back at his calculator.

"Oh, Ray, for your information, the interest rate alone for the first five years comes to $95,000."

"Way to change the topic," Ray laughed at Egons awkwardness.

"Okay, this is ridiculous. Remind me again, how you convinced me to join this little endeavor. I swear we are going to be broke," I did my best to distract Peter and Ray from our previous topic.

"Will you guys relax? We are on the threshold of establishing the indispensable defense science of the next decade. Professional paranormal investigations and eliminations. The franchise rights alone will make us rich beyond our wildest dreams," Peter started to ramble.

"Weren't you the one who said you didn't believe in the paranormal," I questioned the man.

"That's not the point. This is going to be big," He yelled throwing his hands out in front of us and stopping in the middle of the sidewalk causing us all to stop and watch him.

"It better be," I pushed him out of my way so I could continue walking. "I'm going to hold you to that Venkman," I said while walking backward. I turned around and kept walking to Ray's car.

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