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Twiggy's P.O.V.

Pogo's palm collided with my cheek, leaving a hot stinging sensation against my skin. I fell back onto the floor, landing on my butt. I whimpered in fear & looked up at him for mercy, but I saw nothing but cruelty in his eyes. That had never, ever been there before. I knew he was absolutely furious with me to blow up like this. His eyes showed just as much, for it was a clear indication of how upset he was with me. "Upset" was quite an understatement, that I'd learn soon enough, no matter how much I'd rather not know how he was more than upset.
Pogo grabbed the collar of my dress, hoisting me up with worrying strength.
"Pogo, p-please!" I pleaded to him. "I-I'm sorry!! I didn't mean-"
"Shut up!!" He slapped me across the face again, the force of his blow threw my head back & causes me to yelp out loud. Annabelle awoke from her peaceful slumber & she began to bawl from the frustration of being awaken.

"You didn't mean to go behind mu back to fuck around with that little shit?"
Tears were now streaming down from my cheeks, out of fear mostly.
"I'm sorry!!"

Pogo's P.O.V.

"You're sorry?!" You're actually fucking sorry about that?!"
I didn't believe him the slightest bit. I don't care how hard he cried. He deserves everything he gets from this, after everything I'd done for him, he took it all for granted.
Twiggy nods with obvious fear in his eyes. He's not fucking sorry, all he is is afraid of what I could do to him. Good. Be very afraid.

I still couldn't quite process this. Jeordie was far too much of a sweetheart & I had done so much for him & all he does is this? I let him into my home when he needed shelter, I took care of him, I provided for him & his baby, I took the both of them in like they were my family, even if I hated where they came from. I loved them. I did everything... but in the end he still wanted that inconsiderate bastard Manson, who, by the way, threw him away.

"ALL YOU ARE IS A SLUTTY WHORE!! THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE! You used me Twiggy! You used me!"
Twiggy bawled loudly. "I didn't! I didn't! Pogo I swear!"
I slap him harshly again in the face, throwing him onto the floor. He whimpers below me.
"You don't don't know what the Hell I did for you, Jeordie. Then all you give back to me is fake fucking love & then you go back to your bitch, bring him into my house to fucking screw around with him!"
"Pogo, I'm sorry! I love you Pogo, I never ever used you!" He sobs pathetically with his pitiful eyes pleading for me to stop. He looked like he was some dog with his pitiful eyes. I roll my eyes. He's not sorry.
Guess what? Neither am I. I'm not sorry for this. He's a filthy fucking liar, pretending to love me, lying in my face, & pretending to care.
My steel-toed boots thrust hard into his stomach. I could practically feel the breath being knocked out of him & see him in pain, but I did not stop there. I continued to beat Twiggy with the baby's crying in the background until even I couldn't take anymore. Twiggy can't just do something like this to me. I won't give & give & give without a price. He can't get away with hurting me.

He can't get away with betraying me.

He can't ever get away.

I grabbed his beat up tiny body, but Jeordie started to struggle to free himself. I slapped him square in the face & he went limp. I had to. He didn't pass out or anything, which is good, but if you consider this situation he's in, passing out might actually be a good thing.

Of course, he was far too weak to put up much of a long fight & I can carry him as he struggles, but he had to know that whatever he does against me now would not be tolerated at all. He's done too much & I have tolerated enough. He pushed me over the edge. I'm takin back what was mine. I'm going to take control of what's going on in my life. From now on, he will serve me. He will please me. I will not be a slave to him, I am no longer someone that would make a fool of himself, trying desperately please someone that does not even give a shit what I do for him. No longer will I have a two timing bitch with me, I'm taking control.

I threw Jeordie into a nearby closet then locked him in there. Jeordie banged weakly against the door, begging for me to open the door.
"Please let me go, Stephen!" He whimpered behind the door but I don't fall for that anymore. I won't take pity on him. He gets what he deserves.
"I won't let you out of there until you learn to fucking stay with me!"
"Pogo, I'm sorry! Please, please, please... I won't ever go back to Marilyn! My loyalties lie with you, nobody else."
The banging on the door increased violently & he bawled so loudly he could be heard through the door.
"You are staying right fucking there! You're not gonna fucking leave me just like that so you could go back to Manson, who doesn't even want you!"
Twiggy sobs.
"You are mine, you stupid bitch. You aren't going anywhere, you aren't seeing any fucking one, & you can't go back whoring to Manson."

Jeordie was mine & he needed to know this. He wasn't ever going to Manson again. He's staying here with me. And only me. He isn't going out, he isn't seeing anybody. He's only going to be here, with me.

Ayeeee the ending is near :3 OnLy 4 chapters to go before it's compLeted!
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Thank you guys SO much for reading my story. <3

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