Fade: The End.

427 34 16

Jeordie's P.O.V.

Surrounded by nothing but white Light... & more white. I wore white, I was tucked in it, & I was compLetely surrounded by that dreadful color.

I had a dream about a horse. A white one running in a black forest, to be precise. The rest of it was hazy. Hazy like everything else was. There was something so peculiar about the dream that I can not remember. It was utterly terrifying from what I could tell.

I felt paralyzed from where I lay, afraid to move for I could break. I felt like something bad would happen to me & this was the only safe resort. A white bed with sheets that hugged around my body like a straight jacket & the freezing temperature of the room. What did I do? I felt like I did something terribly wrong & they were trying to restrain me. I don't know... why am I here? Where am I?

It was far too bright, that I knew. I wanted to go somewhere else... I guessed that place was home. From what I remember I did not have a home. Someplace dark would work just fine then. I would rather be anywhere else rather than here.

There were voices around me, but I could not make out who they belonged to or what they were saying, but I could definitely tell it belonged to two deep voiced me. I turned to look where the voices came from & I found not two but three other men. They stood tall, clad in black & dark eye makeup that highlighted the sinister looks in their eyes. Were they here to hurt me? I felt myself whimper without thinking.

The most feminine one turned to look at me with a look of relief. "Oh, thank Jesus. For a second I thought we'd have to pray just for you to wake up!"

Then the spiky haired one spoke to him, but I couldn't really comprehend what he had to say. He left the room shortly after. The most atrocious of them all kneeled before me then planted a warm kiss on my forehead,"I loved you, you know that? And I missed you."

There was a sinking feeling in my chest, I guessed that was where it was, & I realized I had trouble breathing. It felt there was a six ton cargo truck resting on my chest.

Then my vision became much more blurry, but the image of the taller man remained remotely clearer than everything else. I remembered now. He was my lover...

"I loved you, you know that? And I missed you." His deep voice seemed to echo in my head in sync with the steady beeping. It grew faster until finally the beeping was replaced by a long deafening wail.
"And, I will always miss you."

Everything faded out at last & I was left to rest in peaceful slumber.

Did I make you cry?

I think I'm ending the story here.

Or nah. Comment, vote, whatever the fuck. Thank you for reading!! <3

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