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Twiggy's P.O.V.

Those events occurred about a million years ago. I felt like time had passed & I'd been lying on that hospital bed for too long that part of my body decayed a little. In reality, I had just left the hospital just recently. We just got home after three days of observation.

I remember the events that occurred vividly & fondly once everyone left the room the doctors made me stay in. Brian stayed behind for only a few heartwarming & heartfelt moments.
"I missed you," he said to me, "& I'll get you back."
Me, being attentive of his actions, analyzed him carefully. What did he mean? I suppose the taller man realized the confusion his partner displayed.
"You're not happy with him, aren't you?"
I pretended not to show any emotion, just to play cool. I wasn't going to conform to him. He wasn't getting anything out of me.
"I know you're not."
I frowned, but quickly sustained the nonchalant behavior. Manson shouldn't see I cared. I should move on or at least pretend I had lest he think of me as a wanton bitch.

Manson did something I dreamt of day to day, something I yearned to feel again. He slowly leaned in & closed the empty space between us, approaching me as if approaching a frightened deer. Our lips entwined themselves within each other to savor the other's taste & warmth. His plump lips moved in perfect chaste harmony with mine, sharing the emotions he could never reveal to me. A cold hand cupped my cheek & its thumb caressed circles onto the smooth skin.

Oh, how much I had yearned for this. The thought of us being as close as this sent shivers down my spine & color to my cheeks. It was wrong to do this to Stephen after everything, but dammit I couldn't resist. And when he pulled away I felt myself turn red. I shouldn't have. Those lips of his were too enticing... God, I was a whore for him. If God were real I'd be a protuberant sinner who'd automatically go to Hell. It just wasn't fair for Pogo that I'd run to him for support during the pregnancy of another man's child then leave him for that man. It's like I used him... but, I couldn't blame myself for all of this when Manson's the child of the goddess of beauty & he's the god of fuck. It's indisputable that I was profane in an unintentional way. As he turned to leave, Manson told me that if anything happens, call him first. Like he's my 911 or something.

Pogo burst into the room with the bawling baby in his arms.
"Jeordie, do me a favor & take care of this fuckin' brat before I toss it out the window." The unnamed child continued to wail & fist the air violently whilst Pogo glared aggravated at anything he saw.

He hated her. Or he was mad. Pogo's speaking usually gets out of hand when his bad temper gets to him. I motioned for him to hand her to me. It wasn't because of laziness, I was simply weak. Having the contents flushed out of your stomach & a baby cut from your belly wasn't as energy conserving as you may have thought. Basically, all the spirit was drained from me. Pogo quickly walked to the side of the bed then handed the child once my arms were in proper position to take her. I took her from my now relieved partner. His features relaxed & he sat by us, watching over us somewhat lovingly. The first time I held her was somewhat cloudy in my memory, but I knew I held a miracle in my arms. She was a gift from Brian, a memoir of something that was once great. She was a sweet heart, a beautiful baby.Our love child. She was simply sublime just like her daddy. The child was unique. Her skin & hair were as white as snow & her eyes were red. We had her DNA modified a while back to make her eyes that way. As for her light colored appearance, she was naturally albino. Why not make her eyes red?

"Did you feed her yet?" I rocked the baby but it didn't seem to calm her down.

"I tried but she wouldn't take it. Her diaper isn't full either & she just woke up so she's not sleepy."

Eat, shit, sleep. That's basically a baby's life in a nutshell. "Then what do I do?"
Pogo shrugged. He laid down to play with the baby's toes.
"Her feet are cold."
A lightbulb flashed in my mind. That's it! HER FEET WERE COOOOLLLLLDDDDDD.
"Socks time!" I cried. I stood up to grab a pair out of the drawers.
Pogo hissed,"Sit down."
"C'mon, it's like less than a stones throw from hear."
"There's no point in debating. You're too weak f-"
I laughed. "Pogo, Hun, I made it up the stairs without dying earlier." Aw, he was concerned! It's hard to get something like that from a cold hearted man like he was. Considering everything, how did I still perceive him as an ass hole? Hmph.

He walked over to the black dresser & kneeled down to the bottom drawer. There, he fished out a pair of white socks with a cute frilly opening. Pogo launched himself onto the bed, grunting when he landed on his tummy.
"Here ya go." He placed the cocks on the still bawling child's tummy. Her skin had reddened from all that crying. I almost felt bad that I didn't tend to her as soon as possible, but oh well.

"Daddy's silly, isn't he, Hun Bun?" I tickled her tummy gently as I cooed to her. This seemed to put her in good spirits just a little bit, so I pressed on. Eventually, she smiled.
"Aren't you the precious angel!" She smiled again as if in understanding. She had Manson's smile.
Pogo smiled at her & I knew then that his bad boy facade had turned to slush.

Somehow she had fallen asleep in the midst of it all. We were left to cradle & coo over the napping child. Pogo rested his chin on my shoulder gently.
"What should we name her?" Pogo asked.
I pondered for a while. She was sweet & she looked like the embodiment of purity with her albinism. "Angel?"
"Hun, she's going to be raised by us. She's no fucking angel."
I chuckled. "Okay, not that"

After a long list of suggestions, I finally came up with the perfect name. Pogo just had to agree or else I'd die of frustration.
"Annabelle?" Stephen questioned with his invisible brow cocked.
"Yeah, like that one doll at the Conjuring. The real one is a Raggedy Ann doll."
"You're naming her after a possessed doll?"
I rolled my eyes & let him figure it out for himself.
"Oh! I get it! It's like something that's so innocent looking yet sinister & vile on the inside. I love it. Annabelle it is."
"Exactly. We'll have to have her birth certificate fixed soon.

Comment, vote, whatever the fuck! Thank you for reading! <666

Idk how the pic is reLevant, but I Love Manson's smiLe therefore I am using it. .b

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