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I parked my car somewhere in the middle of the road. It was just right in front of our oLd home... or at Least what was Left of it. Our sweet memories & passionate nights aLL buried underneath the rubbLe. Now they were just forgotten ghosts isoLated in their tomb. But now the tomb has been rediscovered & they were back to haunt. Somehow, as I stepped cLoser to the wretched home, those memories seemed to have been injected directLy into my brain. ReaLLy, it affected my heart more than it did my mind. It feLt Like the whoLe worLd had coLLapsed inside me. The more I stepped cLoser, the more it hurt me inside. It was Like the memories injected into me was reaLLy a drug of some sort that made me weaker by the minute.


I was compeLLed to go further anyway. CLoser & cLoser to the graveyard of memories. It was of terribLe state. It's right side had coLLapsed onto the ground, exposing most of our home. The fourth fLoor had coLLided with the third, Leaving the second fLoor's ceiLing badLy but not severLy damaged. Many of our furniture had been either broken or tipped over. Some waLLs had coLLapsed. If this was onLy what was on the outside, then the mess inside was probabLy worse. Going in wouLdn't be so safe. But I had to try, right? There wasn't a reason why I'd risk going in other than the feeLing of being obligated to do so. Something about the home seemed to Lure me in & captivate my attention. I had to go in.

Even though there were other methods of going inside, I tried the front door anyway. Of course, it was jammed. The doorway had tiLted far too much for the door to open. I sighed, aLready Losing a Lot of hope & determination. I was a pregnant man. I hardLy had enough energy & I occasionaLLy had mood swings. Sue me. Fuck it, I thought as I waLked away in search for a different route. I circLed the buiLding. I couLd go through the exposed side of the buiLding, but that wouLdn't be too easy. The waLLs that used to cover the house had Landed on the opening. So if I were desperate enough, I'd risk mine & my chiLd's Life in order to get in the fucking shit hoLe I used to caLL a home & cLimb over the damned rubbLe. Not happening. I sighed yet again before returning to that entrance hunt.

I remembered that when Brian & Ginger had found me, they cLeared up just enough room to aLLow access back into the haLLway & for me to get out. Maybe, if I were Lucky enough, I'd be abLe to go inside. Yes. Let's try that. Without further thought, my heavy boots crunched against pebbLes & other shit toward the back of the house... where the kitchen shouLd be. It wasn't that far considering the fact that most of the house was gone & I didn't have to waLk around the whoLe MariLyn Mansion to get there. So yay for me! But, where the fucking HeLL was the kitchen? ApparentLy a smaLL portion of the back had crumbLed, too. My eyes immediateLy scanned the area. There was a neat stack of faLLen ceiLing sitting aLL aLone near a rather hoLLow part of the rubbLe. Fuck yes!! That was the kitchen where they had found me.

I smiLed to myseLf before crawLing into the tight space. I was back home again.

I'm sick & tired of having to switch my capitaL L's to Lower case every. SingeLe. Time.

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