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Pogo's P.O.V.

I might have changed my mind about the little kid. I didn't want this piece of shit kid anymore.

Not mine, not my responsibility. I hated both of her parents so probably I would wind up hating her too. I thought I already was starting to despise her. I was not completely heartless, so before I wind up hurting her I'd let her go. She was too sweet to be hurt. I didn't want to ruin someone this early in life, though I might have already destroyed it.

Of course, I wouldn't bring her back to her parents. They didn't deserve her. The father abandoned her. The mother backed away. Now, what kind of parents were they? They didn't want her, so they don't get her. Simple enough as it is.

I don't fucking know man. What was I doing?! This was all damn wrong & I was destroying a whole bunch of lives. I was separating a family! Well... in my defense this family was broken in the first place. And also, they destroyed my family. Maybe this little family was never mine & it was held by merely duck tape, a makeshift excuse for a functioning family, but it was mine at some point but they ruined it. This was all I cared for in maybe eight or nine months & now it just got ripped away from me. I thought I would be a good father to a beautiful daughter & I'd a great husband to a gorgeous wife. I took them in like family & if you were listening before, we already established that fact. Well now they're gone.

Manson couldn't just pop up after all of that & take them away. And Twiggy was a fool to be so much under his spell & be totally oblivious to my efforts to please him. I guessed, for revenge, I would deny them the right to live happily like they did to me. They won't ever find Annabelle, I'm sure of it.

I got dressed, jumped into my car with the baby in her carrier, then drove off. It was about maybe five in the morning & I did some pretty deep thinking about this after the whole incident last night. I was sure about this.

I packed her a few things. A picture of us at the hospital holding her was taped onto the carrier. It was in an envelope. The picture had been cut so Jeordie & my face were out of the picture, but she was still there. The back of the picture had her name. Annabelle. Born on the day that Jeordie attempted suicide. Of course it wouldn't say that. It said when she was actually born. She should have some way to identify herself to her parents if they ever find each other. But for now, it's best she won't know who we are.

"Just put the pictures together & see for yourself that this is a complete picture of you & your family. That's the baby you grew from. Those are your parents. Then you know where you came from." She didn't understand this yet & her innocent mind won't ever understand. She needed to know.

Soon, I found myself in front of an orphanage. It was quite large & it was a colorful looking place. It sucked. I hated how fake it was. No matter how happy & colorful you shit heads make it look, the life inside will never be that way. Then I realized what I was actually saying & doing. I would be putting a baby into this miserable institution for my own selfish revenge. Oh well. I'm a monster. Boohoo, but it's true.
"I'm selfish. I'm sorry, but I have to do this," I told Anna.
I put the thing I told her about p
onto a little note then stuffed it neatly into the envelope that had the pictures.

With that, I left her onto the front steps of the orphanage's door. Hopefully she wouldn't get trampled to death in that spot.

I sighed softly whilst walking back to my car. As I stood between my car & it's door, just about to crawl inside & drive away, I felt my heart sink. I couldn't do this to my sweet little girl. I slammed the car door shut & ran to her. I picked up the carrier by the handle then took her back into the car. She was settled down & I went into the driver's seat. She wasn't going home with her biological parents, that was for sure. Anna would be with me, just like I thought before. She was mine. Except now, she'd have a different mom that was not Jeordie. I thought I had the right person in mind.

I drove in the direction of Zim's house. He's perfect. He gets me.

Brian's P.O.V.

Twiggy sobs hard in my backseat. I did not feel any better. I made so much preparations for my family! His pregnancy wasn't unexpected. It was planned. I left on purpose so I could take on job after job every single day just for me to earn enough money for a comfortable life. Twiggy would be safe at home & so would be the baby. Things went downhill at some point & I lost my babies more than once to Pogo, it hurt to know I could potentially lose my daughter completely. I guess this is my fault, too. We all played a part that contributed to why things went wrong. Was this the price we'd have to pay? Losing her?

It then struck me that we already did lose her.

We backed away from Pogo & the baby, leaving our sweetheart behind that madman that single moment changed so many things for us. But in that moment, we had no choice. It was either I get shot or the baby gets it, or none of that. If I were to get shot, neither of my loves would be able to get out. If the baby was killed, it would be a huge loss of potential. We'd lose our sweetheart that was so innocent. She wouldn't accomplish anything in her life.

Twiggy kept sobbing.

I stopped the car then climbed into the backseat, pulling him deep onto the hollow of my chest. Twiggy only sobbed hardest. I can't stand seeing him like this. I wanted everything to be okay & his eyes should be bright with joy. It always hurt me to see him in emotional pain.

Tattooed arms snaked around his back. I stayed completely quiet while my fingers raked through his softy braids. The only sounds resonating in the car was soft sobs that racked my lover's body. I would do anything just to bring some joy into him.

"Shhh..." I hushed, being as soothing as I could be. Jeordie simply sobs, but I stayed silent to comfort him. There was no need to talk. He needs to have his moment & I needed to be by his side.

Twiggy lifted his head up off of my chest ever so slightly. I looked down at him & his sad, dark brown eyes met mine. The pain he felt seemed to transfer to me the moment our eyes lock because I felt as if my heart fell into my stomach. Jeordie stumbled around with his words, having been sobbing through every little syllable. I hush him again, just because he was having too much trouble. He managed to gather himself, though, right after that comment.

"Y-you... said... said we'd-d ha-have a family..." right after he was able to speak he bursts into tears again.
"And I still mean it."
Twiggy looks up into my eyes & even through his tears, it was clear he was skeptical.

"We didn't have much choice back there, Jeordie, there was no other way to address what was happening."
I pressed on, "Annabelle is still out there! We can get her back from Pogo. We could sue him for all of this & we'd get custody over our baby girl."


"We'll have that family we both want. I promise."

I tried to convince myself of this as Jeordie listened to my reassurance. He brushed off his tears & nodded. I guess I convinced him.

How many chapters Left again..? That's right, TWO!!

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