Part 1: Awaken to a mystery

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It's dark, there are no lights, and there's no sound. It's empty. My eyes perceive nothing, not even my own body nor my own two hands. It's a simple dash of darkness, not a space, not a void, a simple colour -black.

My eyes slowly open, but my vision is blurry. I can't quite tell what's in front of me. I shut my eyes close and as I open them again the feeling of dizziness and pressure settles as I begin to make sense of my surroundings.

The face of a young man appears in front of me. Light brown wavy hair, that reminds me of waves in the ocean. His light, brown eyes staring into my soul as a smile draws itself on his face. Handsome. The only, most simple word that came to mind as I look at his mesmerizing face. My eyes start to wander around the room.

It's a small bedroom -plain beige walls, white trims and ceiling and light timber flooring is what as I see from the bed we lay on. A bed that's as soft as how I would imagine a cloud. Warm bed sheets in a soft, pink fabric with a flowery pattern. The queen-sized bed has a delicate pink, laced fabric above its 4 columns.

The sun shines strongly on the young man's face, making his eyes twinkle. With a soft, but deep tone, he says; "slept well?" My eyes on his lips as he spoke those few words. I look at each single detail of his face before I look back into his brown eyes. I zoned out, but soon I realize something's not right. -Where am I? Who is this handsome guy laying next to me? I think to myself.

-Have I been kidnapped, or am I dreaming? Hold on, I can't recall where I live or who I am. He looks at me, his gaze never really leaving mine, as if I was the most interesting thing in the whole world. His smile never once faded, either. -Who is he, and why is he looking at me with such passion? Was I that important to him? I can't exactly ask him all that, can I?

"What are you thinking about in your little head, Missy?" He says in a playful tone, a slight chuckle as he completes his sentence. I stare at him silently, not able to form a sentence or a word, yet my head is running with a million questions and emotions. I don't respond, yet it doesn't seem to bother him. It's like he's talking to a cat. It never responds back, but that doesn't stop one from loving it.

Wait, that's it, maybe I'm a cat! I mean, it's possible that I somehow reincarnated as a cat, right? He found a cute cat and brought it to his house. That would make more sense, right? I look down at my body to check, but no trace of a tail or fluffy body. The only thing I saw were my two arms, petite soft hands with pink manicured nails, and the rest of my body was still intact. I'm slightly relieved, but disappointed I didn't turn into a cat.

That would've been a less awkward situation for me. As I raise my head back up, my eyes stumble upon a muscular, yet soft looking torso. Surprised, I feel my face turn hot red. I'm totally embarrassed. A look of enjoyment crosses his face when he notices my deep red cheeks.

Seeing the look on his face makes me feel more embarrassed. The only thing that I can do at that moment is get up and pull the covers over his face.

Standing there, I noticed my reflection in a mirror in front of the bed. I contemplate myself for a moment. My face is flushed a light red, my hair black and long reaching my hips, I have brown eyes and olive skin tone. It's just as I remembered.

In fact, at that point, I'm pretty sure my appearance is the only thing that I can still remember. I'm glad there's still something familiar around here. I'm wearing a large white graphic t-shirt. The shirt is comfortable, but it doesn't seem to be mine. It's pretty large for me and long enough to cover just above my knees. "You're really pretty." He says, staring at me, the covers not on his face anymore. "Hmm, thanks. Is this my shirt?" I asked him.

I may not be familiar with this place, but I'm pretty sure that's not something I'd usually wear. How can I even think that, when literally NOTHING about this day is usual? "Sure, if you want to keep it, it's all yours." He replied. "Oh, so it's yours?" "What do you mean?" He chuckles softly. "Of course, it's mine. For now. Unless you want to steal it from me."

At that moment, I feel my cheeks get even hotter. I just feel like I should change into something else, or I might die of embarrassment. This was all too confusing for me, but I decided to assume that this was my room. I mean, it is so girly, it could easily be mine. Besides, this is probably all just a dream. Alongside the mirror is a large white dresser. I open it and find a pile of clothes well organized as if it was planned that I'd wear this outfit.

From there I saw an open door leading to a bathroom, I went in and got dressed. I put on some straight, low waist blue denim jeans and a laced white long sleeved top. This is so my style! I think as I look into the vanity's mirror. I brush my long, silky, black hair with a comb that I find on the edge of the counter top of the vanity. Leaving my hair loose, I step out of the bathroom.

I roll the large white shirt into a ball and bring it into the guy's hands. "Oh, thanks." He says with a bright smile. "Y-yeah" I replied, feeling kind of awkward. I look at my surroundings and wonder what's beyond the bedroom door. I don't feel like asking him obvious questions, even if it's a dream. Suddenly, the door handle starts to move, and I hear noises coming from outside. "Hey, breakfast is ready." A deep male voice said, sounding calm.

I felt pretty nervous about opening that door, so I turned to look at the guy -I still don't know his name, nor mine at that. He gets up, unrolls his shirt and rapidly puts it on. "I'll see you soon, beautiful." He whispered as he gently kissed my forehead. I didn't know how to react and just like that, he takes his leave through the open window, leaving me standing there confused.

I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't know what's happening. Why'd he leave? Should I be scared right now? I kind of am. Who is the person behind that door? I know there's only one way to find out, but I don't feel like knowing. Some part of me wants to stay in this room, it's the only thing that's somewhat familiar and safe. I see the door handle moving again, and fear rushes through me.

My hand slowly makes its way to the handle, but I can't get myself to open the door. I hate the suspense I'm creating, but I don't feel courageous enough to open it. I swallow my saliva and take a deep breath before I take the handle. The golden handle is cold, hesitant, I turn it and pull. The door doesn't budge open. "Oh, wait, it's locked." I thought to myself. "What kind of dream has locked doors? That's quite an unnecessary detail, isn't it?" I unlock the door, and it opens, for real this time. I look up and there I saw, stood a man.

 I look up and there I saw, stood a man

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