Part 14: All this time

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On the other side is that same purple portal, besides stands the other version of me. She looks at me and nods. "It's time for you to go back." I smile at her and nod back, I let go of Ezra's hand and step forward towards the portal. I put my hand through the purple portal and feel the sensation of the tingling on my hand as it goes through. I pause for a moment and look behind me, they're looking at me and smiling.

I look back at them and tears fall down my cheeks. "I can't. I'm sorry." I take my hand out of the portal. -what about all the people that I've met here? The memories I've made, the love, the connections? I don't know where I'm going. If I step into that portal, I don't know where it'll lead or if I'll have my memories back.

Elizabeth looks at me and smiles, she walks over to me. "What do you mean you can't?" I look at her, tears in my eyes. "I made some really good memories here." She frowns. "But that's my life." "I know but... I can't leave right now." She tries to push me in, but Ezra stops her. "Wait. Let her say her goodbyes." He says as he looks over at Elizabeth. She looks back at him. "If she doesn't leave in time, she'll disappear."

He turn to look at me, his face stern. "Promise me you'll come back." I nod. "I promise." He nods and takes my hand. "Okay then, well be back after you say your goodbyes." Ezra leads me back into the mirror, elizabeth stands there looking at us, her arms crossed. Were back in the bedroom. He looks into my eyes. "Okay, so i cant follow you. Youll just have to come back here to this mirror and call my name once your done, okay?" I nod. "Okay."

"Good." He says as he lets go of my hand and goes back into the mirror. Through the window I see the sun rising. I rush down the stairs. -maybe in some way the people in this world were just a replacement of someone i really had back home. All but one person, eric. That's the only person that I really wanted to see one last time.

Maybe it's because I still have Elizabeth's memories? But this person showed me something that I'd never experienced. I open the big entryway door and walk outside. The clouds are still grey and the wind is blowing harshly. I see Eric come out of his house and he yells. "What are you doing out there?" I run towards him.

He grabs onto my shoulders as he sees that my eyes are watering. "What is it?" He says, looking at me worriedly. "I might never see you again." He chuckles. "Don't say that. It's just a light storm." I wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly. He hugs me back. "I'm not elizabeth." I pull out from the hug and look at him, his expression tells that he's surprised or confused.

"This may sound crazy, but I'm from another dimension where you probably don't exist." he listens to me. "I'm going back today so tomorrow things will just go back to normal. But i... just wanted to tell you. Thank you." I wipe my tears away and smile. "Thank you for showing me what love is like." He smiles back at me and pats my head. "I don't know if youre telling the truth or not but if it is then i just want to let you know. You're a lovely girl and wherever you're going I know, I just know love will find you."

I smile and chuckle, tears still slightly in my eyes. "I hope I find someone as kind as you." He smiles and whispers slightly. "I'm sure you will." I kiss his cheek and smile back, he's a bit surprised and smiles. "Alright I need to go now, otherwise I'll disappear or something crazy like that." I say in a bit of a sarcastic tone. He laughs. "Oh I wouldn't want that. Alright bye." I give him one last smile before turning around and going back into the house. Taking in each spot of the house and my happy family in the dining room. I smile, they look so happy, i'll miss them too.

I stop and walk over to my mom to hug her. "Aww, sweety what's going on?" She hugs me back tightly. "Nothing mom, I just felt like hugging you." She smiles and looks over at my dad and brother. "Let's do a group hug." My dad joins in and my brother looks over. "Fine." Ae says as he comes over and hugs me. Tears run down my cheeks and i take in the hug for a moment before pulling away. "Thanks for being there for me" I look down before finishing my sentence. "And i hope youll accept me even if what i want isnt up to your standards." -i was saying that for elizabeth because i wish too that her dream came true. They smile at me. "Of course sweety, i think we were just a bit rough on you. But we love you no matter what you choose to do in your life." dad says while my mom nods aggreingly. "Youll have to tell me that tomorrow too, just so that i dont forget." I smile at them and go back up to my room.

I walk over to the mirror in my bedroom and look at it. -I have to call him, right? Umm... What was his name again? Was it Ezra? Well, if I forgot, I might be stuck here. I look in the mirror and clear my voice. "Ezra, are you there?" This is a bit awkward. What should I do? I look away from the mirror, not sure if I should just wait there. I feel a hand on my arm and I get pulled into the mirror. I gasp in surprise, and I'm back into the mirror.

Looking over i see ezra looking at me. "Oh you scared me. Couldnt you have like waked out normally out of the mirror and say hey its me. Not that walking out of a mirror is normal but you know. Wouldve made the experience less shocking.'' I say in a sarcastic tone. "My apologies i shouldve known better." He responds.

"Well, it's time for you to back." Elizabeth says as she walks over to me. "Yea it is." She pulls me into a hug. "I'll miss talking to you." she says. "And scaring the living heck out of me in my dreams?" She laughs. "Yea that too." I smile and hug her back. "Yea, I'll miss you." Ezra looks at us with a smile. "Well, I wouldn't mind a hug either." He says and we laugh at his remark. "Sure one last group hug before I leave" I say as I open my arm for a hug. He walks over to us and hugs us.

I pull away from the hug and walk over to the purple portal. "Okay i guess its goodbye for real this time." They smile at me. "Maybe not. Im sure well meet someday.'' Ezra says. "Yea maybe." I wave at them before turning around and going through the portal.

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