Part 12: Like a movie

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I'm conflicted. I saw my real memories, the one from my original timeline. It felt familiar, but at the same time I didn't understand any of it. Right now, I have more memories from this world than the one I come from. I hold onto the handkerchief and look over at my side where my phone sits. I pick it up and look at the screen, there's a couple notifications, one of them being Eric.

Eric: Hey, are you awake?

I see his text. -How am I supposed to find a way out of this dimension? I might as well figure it out later.

Me: Hii, I just woke up

Eric: Did you have a nightmare again?

Me: Kinda, lol

Eric: Same as last time?

Me: Similar ig

Except this time, I'm sure it wasn't a dream. That's what I wanted to tell him. But of course, I don't think I can tell my other dimensional boyfriend that the original version of this dimension came into my dream and told me that I am currently in a whole other dimension and have to go back to mine. No, I don't think so.

Eric: Wanna go to the movies?

Eric: To escape from reality

Me: Sure! :)

Eric: That wasn't me taking the opportunity to take u on a date, btw

Me: Yea right

Eric: Okay maybe it was, but it turns out perfectly ;)

I walk upstairs to my room and put down my phone on my bed as I pick out some clothes from my wardrobe. I put on a short purple dress with some white sneakers and a leather coat. I grab my phone, and put it into the pocket of my coat. I step out of my bedroom and walk back into the living room.

Me: You close by? :3

Right then, I hear the doorbell ring. I rush towards the door and open it. "Oh, you're here already?" I smile at the sight of him. "Yeah. That's the good thing of living just a couple houses away." He smiles back. "Are you ready to go watch a movie, just the two of us?" I nod at his question with a smile on my face. He takes my hand and smiles back. "Then let's go."

I step out of the house and close the door, squeezing his hand slightly as we hold hands. We start walking out of the neighbourhood. "So, what movie do you want to watch?" He asks as he glances over at me. "I'm not sure." "Nothing scary, I bet." He chuckles slightly as he says that. "Well, I wouldn't mind a scary movie." I laugh a bit as I glance back at him. "I would." He says with sarcasm but with some truth in it.

"Okay, nothing scary, then." He smiles as he glances over at me. We finally arrive at the movie theatre and pick a movie. We get some popcorn and drinks and find a seat. I sit down with my popcorn and drink. He smiles and sits next to me with his snack.

We just enjoy each other's company as we watch the movie, and for a while I forget about all my problems and worries.

There's a scene in the romance film where the leads are looking at each other as one is about to pass away. His head is laying on her lap and she looks down at him with tears in her eyes. "Don't leave me like this." She says, her voice shaking. He mumbles. "I was never meant for you." She looks at him, the tears dripping down her cheeks, shaking her head in disbelief.

"You know we were never supposed to meet each other. You and I, we don't belong to the same time." Her face leans down to his, her cheek against his. "I don't care! You're the only man I love. The only man I'll ever love." She says as she looks within his eyes. He puts his hand on her cheek and strokes it with his thumb, looking back into her eyes.

He whispers. "You know that's not true." She looks at him without saying anything. "You'll forget about me once the universe erases me from your timeline. She shakes her head and yells; "No! I'll never forget you!" She holds him close to her.

As they hug, we get to see a flashback of the moment before they met. Before he got into her timeline.

The female lead was sitting by a curb in front of a gas station. At the same time, the male lead was in the gas station buying some beers to share with his brother, who was waiting outside.

She looked at the station, her expression bland as she looked over. She thought about her ex, who she had just broken up with after a fight. "Maybe love isn't for me." She said with a sad tone in her voice.

At the same time, he was picking up the two beers. He looked down at the beers in his hands. "I'm just better off alone." He thought as he went to pay. She looked up at the night sky with a blank expression. "Prove me wrong." She says while looking up at the sky. At the same time he was in the convenience store paying as the cashier says. "What's the occasion?" "Bad breakup." He answers. The cashier looks up at him. "Ah, man, I'm sorry. You'll find someone better." "You'll have to prove that, because I doubt it." He replies as he takes his beers and walks off to the door. The cashier looks at the male lead and says one last thing. "I'm sure it'll prove itself."

He looks back at the cashier and gives him a slight smile before opening the door and leaving. As he opens the door, a sudden gust of wind passes through. It doesn't bother him, he just keeps waking out. And as he looks around, he doesn't see his brother. Instead, where he was supposed to be is the female lead Anita sitting on the curb.

He looks around, but there's no one else. He's confused and thinks that his brother ditched him. He sighs. "Yep. Alone again." Walking over to the curb, he sits down next to her, but at a distance. He quickly glances over at her, and opens his drink. Taking a sip as he looks at the night sky. She looks at him and laughs. "What kind of outfit is that?" She says as she looks down at his outfit.

The male lead is wearing a white short sleeved shirt, a black sweater over it and some ripped blue jeans. He looks back at her stern. "Says the girl who's dressed like she's in the 1980s." He looks down at her outfit. She's wearing a burgundy puffy sleeved, short dress paired with some black wedge heels. Her hair is half up, half down and she has a black polka dots headband around her neck. She laughs. "What are you even talking about?" "You know what I'm talking about." He says as he looks a bit annoyed as he takes another sip.

"So, what are you supposed to be dressed like?" she says as she stares at him. "Like a modern man who is sad." He says, chuckling. "A modern man?" She says, laughing. "Why is that so funny?" He looks back at her. "I mean, there's nothing modern about your outfit." "Oh, trust me, it is way more modern than whatever you're wearing." He replies.

He pulls out his phone and mumbles. "Where is he?" She looks at him confused about what he has in his hand. "What is that?" He's distracted scrolling through his contacts to reply. "Why isn't there any signal all of a sudden?" She grabs it out of his hands and he looks at her. "Hey what are you doing?" "What is this thing?" She asks as she looks at the device. "What do you mean 'what is this thing?' it's obviously a phone." He snatches it back.

"A phone? That thing looks nothing like a phone. It looks like a futuristic machine of some sort." She says. He laughs. "You sound really old. Must've been really boring living under that rock." "I wasn't living under a rock. Maybe you're just from the future?"

Later in the film they realize that they are from different timelines and they fall in love. But the universe or something like that, notices that someone from the future is in the past so he has to be erased.

"Lets just screw our time lines. Can't we do that?" Anita says as she holds onto Aaron the male lead. He looks up at her. "You know we can't." and then it cuts away to the credits. 

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