Part 15: Awake

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I gasp as I wake up and I look around. I'm no longer in an alternate dimension. I'm in my bed, which has black sheets, the room is smaller, the walls are white, and I have a couple posters up. — how did I forget about this room?

I get up and go to the kitchen where grandma is cooking breakfast. "Bueno mijita, I thought you would never wake up." "Oh, abuelita, I missed you so much. I was stuck in a parallel universe where my name was Elizabeth. Can you believe it? But I made it back. Oh, wanna know the best part? I had a boyfriend." "Ay mi amor, did you stay up all night watching telenovelas again? I told you mijita, el amor no va a venir a tu casa, tienes que ir a buscarlo."

Ding-dong! The doorbell rings. My eyes widen. — Was that the love of my life coming straight to my door? "Mijita bella, anda ver quien está a la puerta que tu abuelita se va a ver las telenovelas." I walk towards the door and quickly open the door. This gotta be it. "Oh hi, delivery for uhmm... abuelita linda?" The young man says. "Yep, that's here." "Uh, that's you?" "Nope." I take the package, a bit disappointed as I close the door, but the guy's foot holds the door open.

Uh, is this like the start of a Wattpad story? "Wait, wait!" He exclaims. I open the door and lean against the door frame. "What is it, mister?" He looks at me nervously. "W-well, it's that I can't exactly leave without..." — A kiss? I think as my eyes widen. "A signature." "Oh. Right." He takes out a pen and asks me to sign his form.

"So just sign right there." He says as he points to the bottom of his form. I take his form and pen out of his hands and write down my number before handing it back to him. "Umm, excuse me, this isn't a signature." I look at him, "Well yes, that's my signature alright, good day." I close the door. — I don't know why I did that. I guess I'm not totally convinced I'm back. "Venga a comer tus empanaditas que se van a enfriar mi nina linda." "Si abuelita, I'm coming."

And that's how this complicated story ends. Was this not what you were expecting? Well sorry, I could tell you to go make a better ending in your life too. So yea, that's how my story ends. Maybe it really was all just a dream, and maybe it was because I watched too many telenovelas that day. To me, it had been three months, but here it was just a night. Whatever it was, I may never know. But for now I'm back to my normal life with my abuelita linda. That's not her name btw. Nah, she's just pretty, that's why we call her linda.

Ding! Oh wait, my phone. "Oh my gosh, he texted me!" "Ay que paso hijita. ¿Quién te está mandando mensajitos?" "Oh, never mind, he's asking if he can come back to get a signature and have lunch with me. Wait, what lunch with me!" "Who is this man?" She asked me. "The... man who came at the door." "Ay wow, como que el amor si viene a tu casa." "Nah, he's probably just trying to make me sign his paper." I laugh.

In case you're wondering, yes, I did end up eating my empanadas that afternoon. Oh, and yes, he was just trying to get me to sign that paper. But we stayed in touch for a couple of years, and then he confessed his love for me. Then we started dating, and the rest you can just imagine. Anyway, that's the end, for real this time. Sike, that never happened. The first part, yes the love confession absolutely not, but we did become friends, which might just be better.

 The first part, yes the love confession absolutely not, but we did become friends, which might just be better

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