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"Nick, I can't take this anymore." Boston stroked Nick's cheek and looked deep into his eyes. "I miss you every second when you're not with me, it drives me crazy, baby." He kissed the other's neck and ran his other hand over Nick's thigh. "I want you to be mine, to be with me, have you with me always, every day." He whispered hoarsely into Nick's ear, his warm breath brushing over his partner's soft skin.

"I know wildcat." Breathed Nick and gave Boston a kiss on the forehead. "But you know it's not possible. "

"It's so unfair." Boston straightened up, and Nick could read in his eyes how much the whole topic affected him. He reached over to the table, to grab an already rolled joint, and took it between his slender fingers before lighting it and inhaling a deep puff of the wonder herb. Alternately, the two young men took puffs from it, while they stroked each other, looked into each other's eyes and enjoyed the moment. Far too rarely they had such moments in which they could be together so carefree and just be an ordinary couple. Later that evening they lay together on Nick's bed, Boston had his arms and one leg wrapped around Nick and was thus half lying on his boyfriend, his head resting on the latter's chest.

"What do you think would happen if Boss kitten found out about us?" Nick muttered with his eyes closed.

"He would kill you and never speak to me again." Nicks heart stopped for a brief moment, he knew his boyfriend meant every word he said. Nick knew what Ray was capable of, and Ton knew the Yolo Gang leader better than anyone. The thought of what would happen if Ray found out his best friend was fucking a ROL gang member was honestly giving him sleepless nights.

"Why do you even stay with him, babe? Why don't you just distance yourself from him? He treats you like shit."

"You know, Nick, there are things I can't talk to you about, but believe me when I tell you that the Ray you know is not the Ray I know and love." Ton gently stroked Nick's cheek and looked at him with a sad smile. "Please trust me when I tell you that I am there by his side because I love to think that he will be the old Ray one day again and if that day will come, he'll need his best friend."

"I will trust you then, I trust you that you know what you're doing."

"You are far too good for this world." Boston buried his face in Nick's hair. "It's crazy how much we change in the group dynamics, huh? Just the idea of you carrying a gun, threatening people with it, it's like it's just a nightmare and not reality."

"You're one to talk." Nick murmured, snuggling even closer to his partner. "Aren't you sort of the man for the rough stuff? The one who scares everyone and makes sure your business goes over flawlessly?"

"When you say it like that, it sounds like I'm a bad person." Complained Boston, laughing softly.

"It doesn't just sound like that baby. We are bad people, we live at the expense of others and cause a lot of people worry. Many are afraid of us, fear us, or think we are scum." As he talked, he stroked Boston's side.

"Baby, I... there's something I've wanted to ask you all along..." Boston turned to his partner.

"You can ask me anything, I have no secrets from you."

"What about your ROL leader? Does he treat you as badly as Ray treats us? Does he have mood swings too?"

"Actually, no. Most of the time he treats us well, he pays us fairly and is friendly, just not to his enemies. Believe me when I tell you, the guy has three faces, one that smiles, one that I fear and one that I have no idea about. Sometimes I don't recognize my own best friend." Admitted Nick.

"What do you mean by that baby? Do you mean the scars and bruises?" Boston inquired, curious by his friend's statement.

"You noticed it too?"

"Well, you can't just miss a black eye like that. But that means if you have no clue where the bruises come from, no one knows."

"Yes. None of us knows what happened to him. At first, we thought that Ray got him somewhere, but Yok denied that. Thinking about it in retrospect, it was very strange, why would he protect him when he could have just blamed it on him? They hate each other, it would have been so easy and believable." Nick lit a cigarette and inhaled the toxic smoke deeply.

"You're right, that's really strange." Remarked Boston. "But Yok isn't the only one acting weird. Ray has been even more irritable than usual lately. He's always out and about and doesn't tell us what he's up to anymore, usually he at least tells me. You know that feeling when you know someone is keeping a big secret from you, and you're scared because you know it might be dangerous, but you don't dare ask?"

"Yeah, I know that feeling." Nick muttered. "I feel the same way about Yok and this uncertainty is driving me crazy. It's no use asking him, he'd just deny everything, so I don't even ask in the first place."

"I'm sorry to hear that, baby. Honestly, it hurts me so much to see you hurt like that." Boston straightened up and cupped Nick's face with his hands. "I love you so much, my ROL boy. I really fucking love you with every fiber of my body." Nick smiled at his boyfriend.

"And I love you, wildcat, more than I've ever loved anyone. More than I ever thought I could feel." With a gentle movement, he pulled Boston onto his lap and placed his hands on the other's hips. "I just wish we were free." He murmured before carefully melding his lips with Ton's. They were in their world, far away from the problems of their everyday life, when they were together everything was good and perfect. They knew that they belonged together, knew that they would never again love someone else as much as this one person, this one person who was supposed to be their enemy.

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