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"That was unfair." Nick complained with a loud laugh. Yok, Boston and him were sitting on the floor of his bedroom; playing UNO. They weren't that sober anymore, either, which made the game even funnier. They had met in the morning, by now it was already eight in the evening, and the mood among them was getting more and more boisterous.

"Hey baby, can I talk to you for a minute?" Boston turned to his boyfriend, who nodded and giggling, the two disappeared into the kitchen, leaving behind a really confused Yok. He sipped his beer and wondered what Boston suddenly had to discuss with his best friend. Yok decided not to worry too much about it and dealt another round of UNO cards again. Nick's loud laughter could be heard from the kitchen; Yok smiled, pleased that his best friend was so happy. And he? Yes, he himself was quite happy too, somehow he was feeling better day by day, even if he unfortunately couldn't go to the fights that often at the moment, and he also felt pretty bad since he still hadn't managed to visit his mother in the hospital, despite all that his life really had taken a turn for the better in the past few weeks.

"Here we are again." Nick announced as he stepped back into his room together with Boston. They settled down on the floor next to Yok and each took another beer as well.

"I have an idea." Boston announced. " How about the loser has to show the rest of us an embarrassing picture or tell an equally embarrassing story, that will make the game even funnier." The other two agreed, and then they started to play. The first loser was Nick, and he told the others about how he had once accidentally taken the garbage bag to school instead of his school bag, which of course had been quite embarrassing for him. Next up was Yok, who showed them a video of him drunkenly trying to propose to a tree, arousing laughter in the room and making Nick even rolled on the floor. The next round was lost again by Nick, who picked out a childhood picture of himself running naked from his mother. Now it was Boston's turn, and he grinned broadly.

"Did you know that Ray and I used to dance together a lot? We even had something like a two-man dance crew." Boston laughed. "Come to think of it, that's pretty embarrassing, we thought we could become idols one day and get signed to one of the big companies." Yok raised an eyebrow.

"Ray dancing? I don't believe you." Boston dug his phone out of his pocket and searched for a specific video.

"Here, believe me now?" He held the phone out to Yok. In the video, Ray could be seen dancing and Yok's eyes widened. This boy he saw there in the video had talent, incredible talent. He moved gracefully and insanely professionally. He was fascinated by this video and wondered if the Yolo Gang leader could still dance like this.

"Awesome...this is crazy." Murmured the Tiger, who was still staring fascinated at the video.

"I thought you didn't like Ray."

"Who says you have to like someone to realize they have talent?" Yok shot back at his best friend.

"Woah, not so aggressive, it was just an observation." Nick said with a slight laugh in his voice. "Come on, let's keep playing." The other two agreed with him, but Yok wouldn't get the video out of his mind for the rest of the evening.

As he finally lay in bed at his home, he thought about it for a long time. The boy in the video had looked incredibly happy, as if he was enjoying life to the fullest, and now only the shell of it was left. At that very moment, Yok vowed to himself that he would try to give Ray back that lightness and that honest smile, whatever it took.

Shadow Of Betrayal / YokRayWhere stories live. Discover now