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He had one hand firmly on the dagger, which was attached to his belt. The harbor lay dark and almost eerie before him. Light clouds of fog wrapped around the abandoned containers, which stretched into the sky like dark towers. The moon was currently the only source of light for the Tiger. Yok's breath went regularly as he moved forward in the shadows of the containers.

He was on the lookout for one of his dealers. Occasionally he checked on his employees, not because he didn't trust them, but because he wanted to know if everything was running smoothly. The night was quiet and warm, Yok could smell the scent of spring in the air, paired with the heavy scent of engine oil and the salty scent of the ocean. Yok had parked his motorcycle at the entrance to the port area.

With every sound, Yok's fingers closed tighter around the handle of his dagger. He carried the weapon for self-defense and was glad that he had never had to use it. To be honest, he also found his dagger way too beautiful to disfigure it with blood. The area around the harbor was a nice place during the day, there were ice cream stores, small restaurants, and stores where families liked to spend their time.

At night, the darker side of the area became apparent when the countless drug addicts made a pilgrimage to the port to buy drugs for the night, as evidenced by the syringes that could be found among the containers during the day. But not only the addicts but also the dealers and pimps were in this area at night, making sure that their girls worked for their money and that no deals fell through.

The Tiger knew the area well, not only through his business, which he maintained here but also from his childhood. Every weekend, he, his mother, his father, and his little sister came here together to eat ice cream and enjoy life. Now only he and his mother were left. Yok quickly shook off the thought of his past, a chapter of his life that was too painful for him to think about for too long, and continued to search for his man.

"Hey, boss are you coming to visit me at work?" Suddenly a familiar voice sounded behind Yok.

"Damn it Sleepy don't scare me like that." Hissed Yok, loosening his grip on the dagger after realizing who was standing in front of him.

"But it's so much fun Yok." His dealer stood there with a wide grin.

"So you just scare people for fun, huh? Remember who I am and don't you dare try to scare me again." Growled Yok. Sleepy nodded obediently, the Tiger could get dangerous and no one wanted to be his enemy if they loved their lives. Sleepy backed away and lowered his gaze to the ground.

"Anyway, how's business going? Is there anything I should know?" Sleepy shook his head.

"No nothing boss, I switched with Lily earlier and later Mel will switch with me. Business is going like clockwork."

"Well, that's good. Spotted any of the Yolos yet?" Yok looked around, he knew they weren't the only gang dealing here at the port, the Yolo Gang also had many representatives positioned here, which of course was a thorn in the Tiger's eyes.

"No Yok. Haven't seen any of the Yolo gang."

"Good, because I'm honestly not in the mood to run into mister ego Ray Pakorn himself tonight."

"I can understand that, although the Kitten should be the one to be scared of you after Boston beat up Nick that badly."

"That's true Sleepy, very true." Yok reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. They were black chocolate-flavored Black Devils, the Tiger's favorite brand.

"Kai sweetheart, how is everything going?" Ray leaned against one of the large cargo containers and grinned at his employee.

"All good Ray, just a few drunkards that caused some problems earlier." They answered.

"God Kai why didn't you say anything? I would have come right away; you know I want to know these things." The Yolo gang leader rolled his eyes and took a deep drag from his cigarette. He had to cough slightly as the smoke spread through his lungs, but that didn't bother the young man at all.

Shadow Of Betrayal / YokRayWhere stories live. Discover now