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Adarsh's  POV

Perfection that's what I see  present infront of me . I was way too annoyed to come to the college where my father is the trustee though it's the best one in the whole country,  but I'll go to the second best if it meant to stay away from my Dad. As if anyone asks about my consent , whatever Mr. Ritwik Chowdhury(his Dad) says ,one has to follow. My brother did and I too had to follow it so here we're in the entrance of the college . Well I was not prepared to come in contact with HER , so this place is not bad and along with her this journey will be enjoying . I was staring at her for a long 10 mins and may be she sensed my stare because she was looking around and she's too nervous because she's continuously rubbing her palms , scrunching her nose and roaming her cute pair of almonds all over the campus as if fitting everything in her mind and eyes. Oh my Precious, she's so cute and looks too cute being nervous. But I love her fierce and feisty side more.
My idiot friends were blabbering and most probably rating the girls and upon whom they should try on except one ofcourse. The one who's standing beside me and staring at the girl beside my Precious . Hmm! Two ex lovers going to unite will there be revolt or making out or both ?

After standing for a whole 20 mins at the entrance she finally went to the principle's cabin to know about the classes and when she was coming out I opened my phone because I cannot let her know that I was following her but she did not looked at me and BOOM! She collapsed with me and was about to fall but I grabbed her waist and saved her from falling . After  that she started shouting at me in one breath when  I saw that she's not breathing and just shouting I put my index finger on her mouth and told her to breathe , but  she didn't listened to any of my words and just highlighted on the word "PRECIOUS" and stopped me calling her that . As if I'll listen , after that she asked me to apologized well I can apologise her but I wanted to annoy her , so I said her to say Thank You instead and as I know that my angry bird will not say Thankyou so I just  left and said that it's solved between us but in reality there's nothing balanced between us .

After that when my friends were done with their chatting and flirting session we went to our class since without me they cannot convince the teacher to let them enter, as they were 20 mins late. Though yes my charm works always and in my few request  she let us all enter. I came and saw her sitting with her friend in the third row and there were two seats beside them I so wanted to sit beside her but I cannot look like a desperate. "As if you're not one" my inner mind  mocked on me. Well to tease her I winked at her and it worked as her face turned a little tinted pink and she rolled her eyes at me and turned her face in another direction  ,I smirked and was about to sit in the last bench but our teacher stopped me and Yug from sitting , as we're kinda studious  and well-mannered compared to other of them .Yug protested but she told us to sit beside her. Well I'm God's favorite child , I was about to sit beside her but Yug went first and sat beside her , Traitor , now he's smirking at me .

Before another class some girls being like bumblebee started flirting with me and Yug , and we being the charmer gave them a little more attention. Well my precious just rolled her eyes but I could see the one beside her fuming in anger , seems like my best friend is in trouble and he wants this trouble .

After the class , I was going to the canteen I saw her bumping with some guy whose face I could not see as he was standing backward from me. But what about this girl collapsing everywhere , so clumsy . In my time she was blaming me and here with this guy she's smiling , the amount of rage flowing in my veins and an unknown possessiveness I was feeling when she shaked her hand with him , I felt like just  cutting those hands and putting them in grinder and then feed the juice to this bastard for touching her and making her smile . I was about to separate them but then she just excused herself and left from there. Clever girl , she knows she belongs to me , so she cannot talk and smile with any other bastard. Now someone needs to know where she belongs , I was going to talk with the guy but Dhruv , my friend came and told , "Let's go bro , I've ordered your food" . Okay not the correct time to talk , so I left from there. At the canteen , I saw her munching on the burger and FUCK , she looks so cute and edible . I so want her to savor on my cock with those big morsel . "Drop your horny thoughts" , Yug  said who was sitting beside me . "She's too innocent for your dirty mind , Adarsh . Better keep  your tainted mind away from her ." "Just like you. No Mr. Yug , we're different in this . You left her when it was your chance to fight but I won't leave what's mean if it means to destroy her. I'll destroy her to make her mine ." I said .

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