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Shreya's POV

As I bumped with someone, that someone held me and fear started crippling in my blood . I hate to be touched , "But that person saved you from falling " my inner mind said , but still I prefer to fall rather than some stranger touching me .Panic started errupting in my brain and what felt best to me was to push the person and as my brain clicked I did that only, I pushed him away. As I pushed he stumbled back but did not fell. "Hey Little Bird , you okay? " as I heard the voice I understood it's the same guy whom I met in the college corridor , his name was Karan or no no it was Kabir I think so. As I was remembering his name Kriti tapped my shoulders which brought me to reality.

"Umm Sorry, I did not wanted to push you it's just I felt strange as you touched me " I said and was about to leave but he held my wrist . "Hey I was talking and you're leaving and I did not wanted to touch you, it's just you stumbled and I held you" he was telling when I jerked his hands away "I'm not saying that you intentionally touched me , I said I felt strange so I pushed ,I even appologised for it and don't touch me again without my permission " I said and left from there, I don't know why I shouted at him without any reason it's just that I didn't liked him touching me or may be it's all just that arrogant jerk's fault he did all wrong things and I released my frustration on wrong person. "Shru let's go, don't think about that guy, when you said you didn't liked his touch he should've not touch you again, you words were perfect" she said understanding my guilty expressions and then we left.

After Few Days....................................................................................................................

Everything was going smooth , my studies and every other thing and even that arrogant jerk did not crossed path with me again , even I some how started forgetting that night because i don't know why it feels like he did not forced me but I was naked and drunk at the same time , so the evidence spoke opposite from my mind. I so want to hurt him badly but it's just like I can't because he's very strong than me, I believe in my Krishna ji that he'll punish him. Even I saw a big bandage around his knuckles , which God knows how he got injured and from far it looked a big injury but it's not my thing to ask, atleast when that jerk is staying away from me.

I entered the lift to go to my classroom which is in upper floor, as I entered only a quote entered my mind "Think of the Devil and the Devil is here" yes, he was already in the lift and to add more to my bad luck, the lift was all empty , we both were alone. I pushed the floor number "17" and stood few distance away from him . He sensed my presence, closed his phone which he was scrolling and started staring at me . God knows why he need to stare at me as if I stole his favorite book . From book I remembered that i have "King of Sloth" book with me and it's the best way to feel distracted from him . I opened and kept it infront of my face so that he can't see my face. I acted as if i was deeply immersed in my book , when the reality was I didn't even glanced at the page , when he started laughing . Excuse me, he really needs treatment I was right he is a total fucking mental psychopath also a narcassict. I lowered the book from my face and glared at him, "Didn't knew Precious that reading a book upside down is so intresting" he said and what the fuck I was holding the book from wrong side and didn't even glanced. I was very much embaressed , so I just put the book inside my book.

"I won't bite you so you don't need--" he was saying when the lights flickered and we both saw above when suddenly the lift shaked towards the left side that we both fell towards left side he held the handle on the lift from one hand and held me from the other hand and saved both of us from falling.

"You okay?" he asked genuinely and I nodded and then realisation hit me that the lift stopped and even the lights are gone and cherry on the top I'm stucked with this man in the lift, when I have fucking claustrophobia. I pushed him away and picked my bag and phone and started shouting and banging the doors of the lift . "Hey we don't even know which floor we are, your screaming won't bring someone" as he said I realised he's totally right , but my panic was increasing as I really hate darkness and tears welled in my eyes and I don't know when I started crying, I hate feeling so weak, also infront of someone like him , who'll mock about it infront of everyone , I don't know when  he started wiping my tears with his thumb. I looked at him , though it was all dark I could still see those hazel orbs which really contain lots of emotion  but he mask it with his stern face. "You're scared?" he asked so softly that for once I felt that I hallucinated and he didn't asked me but he again hummed in a questioning manner that I understood he asked me. "Yes I hate darkness and even I have claustrophobia" I admit because there was no use of lying because God knows if I'll come out alive from here or not, but I did not wanted to see his face for the last time atleast . He hummed then took out his phone and switched on the flash light which gave me slight relief and also why this idea didn't crossed my mind "Because you were scared dumbo" my subconsious mind remined me. He then texted someone and then called and thank god there was no network issue so his call was picked . "Hmm bol?"  (Yes tell) the other person spoke , "I'm stuck in the lift don't know which floor, even my phone is on the verge of dying so find me before I die" saying this he cut the call ,what the hell how can he be so chill when here I'm on the verge of getting panic attack. "Done staring me" he asked and then I realised that I was staring at him from few minutes. I looked away amd trying to fan myself with my hands, when he came close I stepped back and he again took a step forward nd I stepped back until it touched the rod on the lift and I understood there's no going back.



Her Reading Book (just it's upside down)

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Her Reading Book (just it's upside down)

Her Reading Book (just it's upside down)

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Lift Scene

So here's the chapter . Hope you all liked it ❤

Also the next chapter is little spicy 💅

Do lots of votes and comment💋

Do follow my insta id for spoilers (arshya_writes)

Till thenn byee......
Meet you in the next chp

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