- game time pt.1- gxb 🐱👅

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"sexology we play!!!" 8 of you sit in a circle as the bottle spins.

The ends land and soobin (badboy personality)and you. You feel your pussy wet when he looks at slowly like locking his prey.

With a small smirk, he rolls the die. Total is 12. Meaning, he gets to eat you.

"To the roooooommmmm 9 !!!" Lia screams picking the bottle and setting it straight, "you have 10 mins only now. Until next let's go for the next spin!"

Both of you get up and move out of hotel room 10 and towards the room 9. You walking in front with the key in your hand. As you turn to unlock he stands closer to you. So close the you could already feel his buldge. You swallow hard.

But feeling a little daring you lean your ass backwards to slightly rub it against him. Hearing his breath Stop for a second you smirk thinking it's your victory.

He lowers himself to your ears, "open. The. Fucking. Door." Clearing his throat he moved back adding a little more space between.

You hear the click and next thing you know you are in the room, door closed and you are the wall being kissed by him.

He takes the key placing it and moving with you to bed.

"Strip." He commands looking at you hungrily.

You raise an eyebrow and slowly untie the knot at the end of your shirt.

"Fucking strip." Tone was stronger. You gulp hard but you keep testing his patience.

"Bitch." He unbuttons his shirt and pulls you by your legs at the edge. Unzipping and pulls the shorts off you.

His palms spread your legs and he rubs his nose against the cloth, "I like the smell love, should I taste ?" He looks at you waiting for your permission. You nod not trusting your voice.

He slides of the panty and gives it a kiss, "who made you this wet?" He spoke against you.

"You." You whispered.

"Fuck." He slides his tongue in without a warning giving it a deep lick. You clench his hair holding him deeper, closer.

You pull him away, gain a questionable look from him.

"Let me ride you." He smirks and lays down helping you sit on his face.

His tongue teases you by not entering. You grab his hair and begin to ride him.

His hands move up finding your nipples to play with.

You moan and the doorbell rings.

Time up.

You grown frustrated.and shift to clean and cloth yourself for next round.

He gets up and licks the last bite of yours over his lips, "next round I make you cum."
He smacks your ass and places a small kiss on your nipples before smirking and exiting the room.

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